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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by dylanlioncourt

  1. Dying her hair to blonde? Per her Instagram stories.

    madonna's instagram 2023-6-23 story.jpg

  2. I have had this song on the brain all day!


  3. I have a 101 fever and a small cough. Tested negative for the virus but spending the next few days getting well in my room. Been playing nothing but Madonna and watching interviews.

    Stay safe everybody around the globe and even if I don't know you, big cyber hug to you all!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. MarXus


      @thelioncourtheart_Thank goodness you are feeling better now.  I agree that there are different strains of this Covid19 virus.  Obviously, yours wasn't lethal, but who knows if infected in a person who doesn't have the greatest immune system. Take care. Thanks for updating us.

    3. dylanlioncourt


      Just to clarifying, I tested negative for Covid-19 btw. :Madonna029:

    4. dylanlioncourt


      But thank you guys, been actually very energetic this morning and about to have a small breakfast and then take my antibiotic and pain meds! Thank you all for being so lovely and kind!

  4. Happy Valentine's Day!

    :heart: to all of you guys!

  5. Does anyone have that fake Holy Water snippet posted in 2014? I remember loving it.

    Lyrics were "...body is free. I am your goddess."

    Could never find out where the song came from and who sang it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Certified Fuck Up

      Certified Fuck Up

      On 1/20/2020 at 10:43 PM, thelioncourtheart_ said:

      Unfortunately, no. It was a fake clip that was very brief but the production sounded really good and I was always dying to know who it was from. It wasn't Madonna but sounded like her and wanted to find the real artist.

      The production was dark and just those brief lyrics before it cut off.



    3. dylanlioncourt


      Thanks but it was definitely not Madonna the one uploaded in 2014. All the links that had it on Soundcloud and others are long gone but I appreciate you searching for me.

    4. dylanlioncourt


      7 hours ago, Ryder said:

      A friend from another forum managed to have it. It's this one.


  6. Why am I now just discovering this MX theme? I switched it after having Crave for so long and wow, seeing M's persona switch each page click. Iconic! :clapp:

    1. Voguerista


      I love all the themes too. @Fighteris so talented! 

  7. Managed to get the I Rise single last night for $30.

    1. madgefan


      From an actual store or resale?

    2. dylanlioncourt
  8. Is there a mix of Fever (Edit One) that has a small intro before going into the remix?

    I remember one on YouTube titled "Fever Edit One with Intro) but not sure if it was fan-made or an officially commissioned mix?

    1. Certified Fuck Up

      Certified Fuck Up

      Album Edit/Edit With Reg.Intro....

  9. Graduated from college today with my degree in History and Film!

    "It's been a long waaaaaaay."

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. somethingscomingover


      Congratulations! I've always thought that studying film would be very interesting!

    3. BringUrLUV
    4. deathproof


      That’s nice hun. What next?

  10. Today's my birthday!

    "Ii--iiiiiii will be turning 28 if today is December 7th."

    "I know how old I am and I know how young I'm not."

    (set to the tune of Killers)


  11. I will always hold a grudge against my friend who saw the Erotica vinyl in Vegas and told me after the fact for a low price. Would have loved to have bought it. Can't seem to find one that isn't sold for so much or the fear of a possible fake.

    1. devilpray
    2. dylanlioncourt


      Thank you so much! Managed to get one for $22.

    3. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      A 'friend' of mine knew I LOved the Alien movies.

      Can't tell you HOW much

      There's a 3rd one coming out soon....I said, one day.

      "I saw it America, She dies at the end," was his reply.

      You do NOT need people like that in your life.



  12. My best friend introduced this song to me the other way. I cannot stop playing it along with rewatching the bad music video. The true first single we deserved from Madame X.


  13. Hey guys, 

    I know I may not know a lot of you and was gone for a while. Was dealing with a lot of personal demons and being assaulted by my recent ex (in many ways, physically, sexually emotionally) and have been trying to adjust to living a normal life again.

    I'm not a big fan of religion or anything in particular but I like coming here to see us excited about new Madonna music, videos, discussing even if we tend to disagree. I remember butting heads with Liam and before he left, he gave me advice about possibly getting help.

    This isn't a pity post but I just wanted to let you guys know I'm glad to find a place and be among great Madonna fans that even on the worst day of my recovery, it makes me feel good seeing you all get excited and enjoy tracks, rumours, news, photoshoots. 

  14. Don't know if this has been posted or come across but I was searching YouTube and the second half of the Iconic backdrop is on there. Good fans please go download it and post it here!


    1. Andymad


      My darling it has already been posted here :) isn’t it beautiful??


    1. Fighter


      This is the best one yet, but did they use W.E.'s music? 

    2. Frank


      She looks INCREDIBLE. Beyond words. We need this in full HD.

  16. I'm sorry if I've been absent from the board for a while. Things have taken a rough turn. My relationship ended and the breakup went badly. My partner had assaulted me, put my health at risk, and moved on so quickly after leaving my trust and sanity almost on the brink. As much as Liam disagreed, he did offer some good advice when I shared my fear of speaking out against my ex, even though him and I disagreed a lot on the board.

    It's been a tough road. Been dealing with doctors, treatment to try and piece my life back together after someone ruins your faith in men for a long while. What's been getting me through the days is waiting for M's new music which I know will be good therapy especially after something this terrible. Thankfully, I am healthy, my tests were negative and now I cope with a broken heart and overcoming the aftermath of his actions. I hope you all have been well and big hugs.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. emanon


      I wish you the best luck. My faith in...is ruined too. I have someone, and sometimes it's hard to leave behind the old way of thinking, the insecurities.. In some way i hope he is THE...he cares, but my trust is so dam damaged, but he treats me well. The best of luck to you

  17. She posted this as a thank you.


  18. Sorry all if I have been MIA. The breakup has been harder on me than I thought especially with my ex partner moving on so quickly with some one night stand and flaunting it.

    It's also been difficult to accept I was also assaulted and since we are a community of M fans here, I feel safe enough to tell you all, I was assaulted by my ex and a reason why I've gone for sometime. I appreciate all the love and kind messages some members have sent to me and I will reply to all.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. cosmicarlo818


      This happens quite a lot in our "community" and I can attest to how horrible it is! Needless to say, this is a  new beginning for you. I've experienced kinda the same this year and the only solution was to say NO and cut it off completely. 

  19. A bop! Best version of the song!


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Enrico


      Yes @LiamI remember it too! The mixed blonde and brown hair were compared with Madonna's Pepsi look, of the same period. Anyway, Cyndi's version remains the best and I love the album, especially Heading west.

    3. Primul5


      Really the best!

  20. Watching Child's Play 2 at the moment. Still feel it's the best in the series.

  21. I don't know how many Olivia fans are on here but this track came on my Spotify during my cardio workout and it always gets me in a great mood.


    1. Gabvinet


      OMG ! ONJ i's my mom's favorite along Madonna) and I love her as well ! A little More love is awesome It's one of my favorite along with Month to a flame, big a strong, come on over, please don't keep me waiting, dancing round an round

    2. dylanlioncourt


      I saw this vinyl in a record shop and regret not purchasing it. :suffer:

  22. Halloween trailer is finally here!

    Jamie Lee Curtis :hearteyes:

    Note: This movie is directly after the first. She is still alive, they are not related and none of the sequels happened.

  23. The new Suspiria trailer finally hit the web this morning.

    Tilda Swinton alone. :hearteyes:


    1. survivalartist


      I still have barbed wire nightmares from the original :-x

    2. Drum Dub

      Drum Dub

      Iconic movie :thumbsup:

    3. RUADJAI


      hell yeah... it looks like the Shining!

  24. Someone uploaded all the "Golden Palace" episodes in good quality on YouTube. Love seeing the spinoff of the Golden Girls again.

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