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Alex JLR

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Alex JLR

  1. Did you see Facetune made fun of Madonna in a Tweet ?


  2. "New" videos on M's Youtube channel, Hung Up remix video and two perf ;)

    1. MiB


      Hung up remix video is fan made!

    2. Alex JLR

      Alex JLR

      But posted in M's Youtube channel :)

    3. MiB


      i know! someone has not done their homework LOL

  3. Madame X, my body is ready for Medellin Music Video !

  4. They did it, AGAIN... Her team uploaded one of the MDNA ad on Youtube, but it the one that appears in her story or IGTV... Wrong size...


    1. Fighter


      her official channel is like a fanmade channel 

    2. Frank


      Plus the Q is exactly the same as the IGTV video... ugh!. I was hoping at least for the 1 minute video in 1080...

  5. Sometimes photoshop is a good tool.
    Sometimes no...
    That's a no, by "mymadonnaluvin" !

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. stormbringer


      He's used the Cher filter on her.

    3. poserdemadonna


      On 8/25/2018 at 5:19 PM, Jascka said:


      2qibdra.jpg2qibdra.jpg2qibdra.jpg2qibdra.jpg Embarrasing!!

      So yep! When will people realise that wrinkles can make our girl beautiful?????? :coffee:

      I wonder that too.

      What the hell happened to her head? It shrunk!

    4. stormbringer


      If you wore a hat made of butt plugs and love eggs your head would shrink too

  6. Happy Birthday to our Queen !

  7. So, now we NEED a MF***ing proshot of the whole Met Performance ! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alex JLR

      Alex JLR

      I hope so !

    3. Frank


      That'd be glorious... Let's pray for it!!!!!.

    4. Breathless


      Better come soon! 

  8. The official M Youtube chanel just uploaded this remix of Erotica by Orbit !

    1. James19709


      One of my fav M remixes

    2. poserdemadonna


      I never understood why he remixed Erotic, not Erotica.

    3. BringUrLUV


      its the same song

    1. RUADJAI
    2. Enrico


      Thank you! That is what I was waiting for!

  9. I want so badly to look at Like a Prayer & Take a Bow from RHT ! :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nihondidi
    3. Alex JLR

      Alex JLR

      A beautiful mix (I get my BR today), it should have been included in the whole show. Still have some issues with the changing colours, contrast etc, but beautiful perf of Like a Prayer !

    4. MiB


      the constant costume changes during the songs kills it for me completely! :(

  10. The GaGa HalftimeShow looks great and messy at the same time, I don't know if I loved it or not...

    1. Andymad


      I know what you mean. I REALLY disliked the camera angles. Loved the song choices and instrumentation and Segway into songs.

    2. Alex JLR

      Alex JLR

      That's not the camea angles that disturbed me, the whole show looks messy. The song choices could have been better (less Fame for instance)

    3. jump8


      I have to agree. we got to some old school Gaga, but her shows are always boring and powerless to me. And messy. The whole hanging on a wire (doing not so elegant moves btw) thing was just weird and awkward.Then again, her shows and choreography are always awkward...sorry, but there's no structure or discipline in her shows. The only thing I liked, all in all, was Bad Romance.A plus for singing live throughout.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Alex JLR

      Alex JLR

      A merging fail :)

    3. poserdemadonna


      Oh, the catwalk! I hadn't noticed that

    4. Fighter


      i think they removed the middle section so they could show everything on the stage more closely

  11. Here there is someone that have a 21gb version of the tour but haven't upload it yet : http://www.sharemania.us/threads/madonna-rebel-heart-tour-showtime-1080p-rip.40567/page-5

  12. Saw the RHT, why did they mixed all those plans ? From one plan to another the colours don't match, it's the same thing for the quality. For me it's the Epileptic backdrop tour...

  13. Back from work, if there's a justice a link will pop right now :)

  14. For fun I resync the Rebel Heart preview and reworked the contrast on the spidercam shots, here it is : http://mega.nz/#!6NYj0R4I!Nk4hVtvxyKeFwp7GhQYTTkPqjRr68CAig1pYnrYkpGI

    1. Frank


      I'm keeping ur file, way better than the original!.

    2. Alex JLR
  15. Perfect Illusion sounds like an unfinished demo...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wtg1987


      I miss her old stuff the most - Fame Monster was like M's True Blue - never been bettered :((

    3. Headless.Headphones


      The Fame Monster is her masterpiece thus far, it's more an EP but it counts.

    4. Elazul


      Apparently the latest excuse for not being an instant smash is "it doesn't sound like anything on the radio or Gaga" while it's the same thing she's been doing for years... I expect the second single having some guest star featured.

  16. Here it is on Jimmy Fallon's Youtube channel

  17. Justify My Love instru used in a french commercial :

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. madenis


      I noticed too ! Good choice

    3. PlayPause


      Not French from France, but French Canadian from Québec. (We don't say "condom" in France, we say "préservatif").

      And may I remind you that JML is based on the Public Enemy instrumental "Security of the First World" ?

    4. Alex JLR

      Alex JLR

      I'm french, I saw this ad' on TV in France too :)

  18. New cover and profil picture on Madonna's facebook page !

    1. madgefan


      Maybe they're planning the TV broadcast.

    2. Alex JLR
    3. madenis


      Isn't her new profile picture an outtake of the iconic backdrop ? At the moment she kiss after the warriors arrival ?

  19. Found a Living for love SFX video in instagram !

  20. This was a fuck fuck fucking amazing era !

  21. I miss Jessica Lange. GaGa changes her clothes twenty millions time per episode, it's useless...

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