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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by wonderboy

  1. Love all the love #MADAMEX is gettin for its 5th BUT all I see is that mom hasnt given us new music IN FIVE YEARS if starving for new M was the equivalent of starving in real life I would be a stick body with a tiny lollipop head. I need new Madonna nourishment immediately

  2. Did you guys see this from her facebook story? I want that beach stencil! I wonder if it'll be available for sale or if it was a local artist thing?!? https://www.facebook.com/stories/177133697094758/UzpfSVNDOjgyMDY2NDUyMjI2ODUwOTY=/?view_single=1&source=shared_permalink&mibextid=W9rl1R

  3. I have the frozen demo with the extra verse but this is different, what in the gay heaven is this? https://www.facebook.com/share/r/MqSCbsvXbuyNU5Vd/?mibextid=WC7FNe

    1. survivalartist


      I like when its on streaming, it was on Amazon Music for most of the time I used that program. 

    2. Anapausis


      Just another live bootleg by another European indie label making profit of the flawed EU copyright laws, relax!

  4. has potential


    1. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      the AI is making the best songs lately ...... and the best feats.......

    2. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      so sad its not real!!!!

    3. wonderboy


      if you can hear it & enjoy it, its real


  6. OMFG STUART SPUN CONFESSIONS MIXES LAST NIGHT!!!!! Pretty sure that Future Lovers mix is unreleased or new.... this twitter user posted FL, GT, & ILNY. https://x.com/Zickmafr/status/1723772922903372267?s=20

    1. survivalartist


      Love it!!! What if she got some of her iconic remixers for NYC - Junior, Hex, Victor, even whatsherface Stacy Young

    2. Piksel8


      OMG is there a video of his whole set!!! This is such a treat! i hope a studio version of it is released

  7. Bob The Drag Queen remixed Bitch I'm Madonna


    1. wonderboy


      *remix, not remixed. She didnt make it lol

    2. RUADJAI
    3. FantaMadonna


      Thats funny. Is it available for download anywhere?

  8. TCT Video Director Sasha Kasiuha is posting HD clips on instagram https://fb.watch/odQh3U-xsM/:fire:

  9. can we use this space to buy/sell swap tickets with other forum members, or no? I'm lookin for los angeles tix if any are out there.....

    1. RUADJAI


      You can, just be vigilant. 


  10. Does anyone have a transcript of Bob's vogue ball calling?

  11. WHERE ARE THE VIDEO EDITING WIZARDS?!? I just got back to the states & I have nearly the full show recorded, AMAZING quality. but IDK what to do with the files to make it into a cohesive watchable video. Uploading the raw files to mega rn

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wonderboy


      upload complete, Here ya go XOXO


    3. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      shagging all the bored studio engineers 

    4. EgoRod


      I was about to say : Call @Frank but he already hear about your raw files :D cat GIF

  12. Hhmmm, I can see it.... Eden XO claims on her tiktok that the demo 'I came to dance' she wrote for Britney was recorded by madonna.... feels correct tbh.


  13. okay... we have popular & vulgar...wheres the C&TQ tracks? FEED ME MADONNAAAAAA

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Steffmad


      no one knows what the Songs about on Christine and the Queens that Madonna Feature. Maybe you will be surprised ;-)

    3. Enrico


       @Steffmad we heard the one that was previewed by BBC, and she only speaks. And @Sprk heard the full album and confirmed that she doesn't sing:


    4. wonderboy


      well shit.


  14. Anyone in here good at making Mash ups? I have a great idea for a song/video using RuPaul's 'Shady Shade' with Kah-Lo's 'Fund$'. Think they would be amazing together!

  15. so many people speculating/wishing abt the songs, idc about the set list, I'm gonna be happy with whatever she picks, I just hope we get Niki & Donna back and a live band!


    1. survivalartist


      I hope the arrangements are spectacular this time around and the classics she chooses really get a chance to shine

    2. RUADJAI


      I honestly think I might avoid spoilers so I can experience the show how it should be experienced. Reinvention and Drowned World were so special because I did that. 

    3. survivalartist


      IMO Reinvention & DWT rocked so hard mainly because of Stuart, she needs a quality musical director if she wants the critics back. No Tracy Young remixes etc 🤣

  16. just read a review from a fan that went to the SEX exhibit, he said they were playing remixes that he's never heard before! anyone have more info on this?!?

  17. were getting more vinyl reissues, Bye Bye Baby on 12/9 and Gambler on 12/2

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Celebration


      No vinyl, just digital.

    3. wonderboy


      Oooh damn. I musta read it wrong. lol stupid edibles :tongue:

    4. theglamorous


      Funnily enough I'm doing a bit of cheeky baking today lol

      Dog Eyes GIF

  18. How come we dont call the Like A Prayer era, the 'Like A Prayera'



    1. RUADJAI


      I think there should be a Madonna fan dating app. Life is too short to date a non-Madonna fan. 

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