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  1. Me too, but i m afraid only Madonna has it and i m not sure she would want to make this huge gift to us...
  2. In Paris Bercy for the Blond Ambition. On the last date, she kept having problems with her microphone. It started in Open your heart, where in the middle of the song she came to the edge of the stage on the right side with her back on us and a technician tried to fix the little box she had on her back. In Keep it together she was given a hand microphone that stopped working very quickly, so after a while she threw it back with anger in the space between the stage and us. Gaultier joined her on stage after Holiday. She was calling him and telling him to hurry up, she was talking in French and with a very good accent.
  3. This is amazing! I really hope to see footage and learn more about the final show in Tokyo where the dancers made jokes on Madonna during the show.
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