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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by MCL_1993

  1. @Sprk, @EgoRod, let's spam in here. Something like this would be fitting. Mostly because of the guns  :tongue:

    As we all know, being too offensive will only get us reported, I am trying HARD to bite my tongue but I am an advocate for MADONNA's message… maybe we should remind ourselves that this is a MADONNA forum. So, everyone, feel free to comment the same thing (can only he one word) 5 or 6 times in a row. 

    I hope this was subtle enough… no it wasn't. Let's just say I was being 'ironic'. Lol

  2. Does anyone have the official pics (press/her team/management/etc.) of the CbT in the highest quality possible? Preferrably in a single folder?

  3. Someone should fire M's video producers!

    'pro shot' footage in 4:3 720@20fps while fans film in 4K@60. Ridiculous is an understatement!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. wonderboy


      lol, these clips were ripped from her insta. I'd guess she put them like this bcz it was insta & it fit better in the square aspect ratio, I have no doubt the real footage that will be used is better.

    3. PlayPause


      Stage screens are not regular lcd tv or computer screens. Their resolution in such sizes and for arena audiences don't really compute the same way. Priority with such displays is brightness and wide angle visibility. Plus many sources and archive used in the show are not 4K to begin with so it doesn't really matter, I guess.

    4. wtg1987


      well its still better editing than all her previous tours post S&S -  ha ha !! :thinker:

  4. She makes slaying look so casual.

    Sometimes, I can't even fathom how much I love this woman (and this show)!!!

    I am unbelievably grateful that I got to see the concerts twice 

    and I'm sorry for spamming about it so much lately 😂😂😂

  5. Cologne night 2 was even better than the first! She gave us great energy. There were some minor technical issues, nothing casual fans would notice. We cut the 'encore' because I couldn't suffer through that shitty medley another night

  6. I am going to the second show in Cologne tonight and wondered should we do the Adolà chant when she does her talking bit before 'I will Survive'?

    1. mr00mister


      will she get it? I will never forget her face when she said in Santiago S&S how much she liked when we all sang her that // please try to get some pre-show songs for the topic here, and tell us who opened! I'm updating the wikipedia after every show.

  7. Front of stage (Manhattan)

    Waiting for the queen to grace Cologne.


  8. Who's going to see her in Cologne? I go both nights (normal floor tix). Wanna meet up? PM me ☺️

  9. Yet another RHT Upscale I made.

    Hope you like it! :kissy:


    1. Paulo MDNA Tour

      Paulo MDNA Tour

      This concert exist in full screen recording? 

    2. MCL_1993


      @Paulo MDNA Tour unfortunately only about two thirds were filmed in Torino or the videos got lost over time. I am not sure. I have parts of the set list.

  10. Bored. DM me. 😁

    1. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      is £50 an hour
      can you cope with elbows 

  11. Hella cute moment with a camera crew member 🥰🥰

  12. Express Yourself as the closing number replacing that atrocious abomination of a 'mash-up'…

    Would fit with the dancers in her costumes and would give us that very important song missing from the set list. 
    Anyone agrees?

    1. stickersweeter


      I'm a sucker for the song and it has a meaning to the tour... but I must admit it does looked rushed, repetitive, idk. The costumes were an awesome idea, though. I think if it wasn't for the Madonnas on stage, this performance would be even weaker. (Celebration tour ending could never top the MDNA Tour ending imo)

      So, yes, Express Yourself would've been good as the tour misses lots of hits... or maybe a remarkable version for Everybody would've served to close a full circle like she would be telling "...and we're just starting, bitches", get it?

    2. Kae-Leah Williamson

      Kae-Leah Williamson

      Yes, EY would be preferable for me. The BIM performance is fun because of the costumes, but I still dislike the song itself. It's an obnoxious song that gives me headaches. 

  13. Lip sync/live analysis, anyone?

  14. Here's a little edit that I made (also with remastered sound)


  15. Is it just me or should THIS be making history already??!??!!!!


  16. 2 questions.

    1.) why are half the dancers mostly wearing drag?

    2.) why are her TITS so HUGE?!?!

  17. Where's the audio!!!! :drama:

  18. I still think that she wanted to make a tourable album with Hard Candy. The arrangements didn't require a lot of extra work to be good live versions. To this day, I am amazed by the production value of her 2000s tours, and, of course, MDNA! lol

  19. Before I make a double post, has anyone got the SST Lisbon/Athens remasters/upscales by @Kosmmik and @DanK??


    Thank You :kissy:

  20. Who else got drunk on M's behalf tonight?

    Happy Birthday, hail to our queen!!! :hearteyes:

  21. Oh, so now we're back at one single item with a dedicated thread at a time 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤦🏻‍♂️

  22. @Dee Jay AI Studios5 new, dedicated threads for remixes of the same song within 6 minutes? Really? Did you have to waste so much space?! Somebody, please re-organize this! @Enrico??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RUADJAI


      Please refrain from giving assignments to moderators. 

    3. Aiwa08


      I don't get it, what's the problem?

    4. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      pressing buttons often can chip nail polish

  23. SS09 soundboard, anyone? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  24. I said it years ago and I'll say it again: even is she decides to get the girls and a live band to only sit and perform ballads for 2 hours, without 5 quick changes and the biggest LED array behind her, I would pay my hard-earned money to see her!

  25. That new video of hers. OMG 🤮🤮🤮🤮

    Another ruined classic. Them f*ckrs doing drugs in the first 30 seconds and that weird woke s#it with the trans people. WTF! At least M didn't look as s#itty as she did in the leaked pix of the video shoot. Just totally forgettable but weird enough to give me second hand embarrasment. Sorry Madonna but own your f*cking age and don't cling to young artists and controversy like that!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. xrayeyes


      I don't like moderators going around abusing their power, insulting members who don't agree with their rabid ideology. Members don't need to agree with those with power...

    3. RUADJAI


      @xrayeyes Very poor attempt to change the narrative. I disagree with MANY people here on many different subjects. I ignore the majority of it.  The line I draw is derogatory language toward any group of people. Whether it's in fashion for "political" debate or not. It doesn't belong here. I didn't state my ideology and I didn't insult anyone. If you think my implication of his political beliefs being "spoon fed" is an insult, oh well. Anyone with such strong negative views about trans people has been misled. Wars are not being started by trans people. They are not trying to indoctrinate children. They aren't trying to spy on people in the bathroom. You know who is... straight men. Would you be ok with someone commenting on the Like a prayer music video, the "weird woke shit with the black Jesus"?  "the weird woke shit with he gay bondage" in the erotica video? Where's the difference? There is none. It's ignorance. 


    4. Scor-pi-o


      "weird enough to give me second hand embarrasment. Sorry Madonna but own your f*cking age and don't cling to young artists and controversy like that!"

      How does a person/a woman - from your point of view - has to act at a certain age? Are there special rules and norms!?

      "weird woke s#it with the trans people. WTF!“

      Your whole post gives me way more than second hand embarrassment, to express it with your words.

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