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UK talk show claims new Madonna ALBUM had leaked/is leaking???!


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On our British talk show, Lorraine, they were saying how apparently Madonna's new album is leaking and "she's not happy about it".

Confused as hardly anything else was elaborated on, I googled and searched twitter- nothing. So have they get their "facts" wrong or is new M music actually leaking?

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This cracks me up.  So it's obviously fake, but people are believing it's real details of the album?  And even the details of the track are true, it's hardly a leak.  This is like someone trying hard to make up a story based off of no credible sources.

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The guy who originally wrote on reddit, claiming what he knew of the album which all of this is based off (regarding leaks) has now confessed he was "trolling":


"Musicman911" is the guy who wrote his review which came off very trolling when reading it in the first place.  This came out over a week ago.  Everyone knew it was nonsense, but then a couple of days ago, a few sensational media outlets picked up on it and stretched the story as if her music leaked. 

Again, nothing has leaked.  Nothing is in jeopardy.  Anyone freaking out over any of this, needs to calm down, take a couple breaths and go outside for awhile.  Take a walk!  Make some friends!  HA! 

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50 minutes ago, devilpray said:

what a mess lol

It's only a mess because the fan base is making it such.  The fact is; there are fans who purposely try to write fake stories on Madonna to see if the media will pick up on it.  There is a specific Madonna group that houses these certain fans who find it funny that they can write B.S. about Madonna (whether it's favorable or not to her) to see if the media is gullible to pick up on it.  This doesn't help Madonna one bit because the truth is, anyone who doesn't really follow Madonna as closely as the hardcore fans along with her detractors will come across it and not think twice to question it.  Let's face it; Madonna is a polarizing artist.  Many see her as an artist who pulls stunts and/or causes controversy to get attention.  So any story that is made up, doesn't necessarily mean they will dismiss as fake.  It will only leave a further negative imprint on them regarding Madonna.  And believe me, there are some intelligent people who have no real opinion of Madonna who could easily believe whatever is put out there simply because they don't follow her so closely.

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31 minutes ago, devilpray said:

I totally agree with you. It's like when some fans were joking during the RH era that she was forcing her kids to make her single covers and some blogs and twitter accounts started to call her out for exploiting her kids :rip:

OMG, I just noticed your profile pic.  HILARIOUS!!

And yes, I agree totally with your last comments as well. :)

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