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Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30


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Some of you are sad.... 

Just admit it that you can't stan 63 years old woman and move on to someone younger.... cause she is only going to get more stiff and more 'embarrassing' to some of you... 

The only criticism I have is the outfit (mainly the ass pads she is wearing so often...) her ass is not THAT big.

Otherwise I love her energy and what they brought just with 1 day of rehearsals :clapp: 


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Wondering to all those who have diagnosed M’s condition/problem/issue., great...

But what are you all doing to remedy it, other than ramble on endlessly like anyone cares. Are you reaching out to her team vis email, phone, social media. Starting an online campaign for help, what’s your point 

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46 minutes ago, Shoful said:

@RUADJAI @Jackie Please ban that fucker already :drama:

OT: I think it’s really hard to dismiss that something is going on with her. I hate to throw around accusations without actual facts but there are alarming signs that something is up. There are a number of things that could be leading her to act this way. I think the easiest link is drugs or alcohol since she’s been photographed with those items more recently whether that’s to generate buzz or not who am I to say but something is wrong. This is a completely different person from 2019 and prior. The deniers  keep saying she’s 63 blah blah blah. Um have you been around a 63 year old? Most people in their 60s are mentally the same as when they were 50 and younger aside from some slight memory slips. You don’t usually start getting “old” until you’re in your mid70s+ now and even then unless you have an actual illness it’s not as extreme as people are making it out to be. This topic will of course become heated quickly cause it’s a touchy subject. There will always be deniers until actual proof is out but It becomes harder and harder to provide evidence that all is well. 

I just hope she gets the help she needs whatever it may be. 

Maybe it’s just that powerful Mike Dean weed getting her way too high.

If anything, she was just pushing through exhaustion. But missing your queues and marks and barely squeaking out the lyrics is inexcusable. What would Madonna say if she saw another artist performing like that? If you know it’s going to be broadcast worldwide and recorded, you put in the rehearsal time. You take care of your voice. You get ready.

I love her and her music so much, and its her historical fierce eye for detail and refusal to compromise her vision that inspires me in my own creative endeavors. Her music keeps me going. Which is why it’s so upsetting when something like this happens.

Many of the knee-jerk comments saying “Well you just hate Madonna” when any valid criticism is discussed ring to me of the American right wing’s “Well you just hate America” refrain when anybody suggests room for improvement. When you love something or someone so much, you have to be able to face the ugly moments and cherish the beautiful ones. 

I think this performance was terrible. I hate that she turns herself into a cartoon on her Instagram (girl if you want that jaw line in real life, get thee to your surgeon). That doesn’t change the fact that I’m still rocking out to her all the time and ready to stan her next move. Being a Madonna fan is sometimes to contain multitudes of contradictions.

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25 minutes ago, xavier said:

Are you reaching out to her team vis email, phone, social media

Literally. If you guys really worry about her stop complaining and start acting by reaching out her team to express the fans genuine worries. Why the fuck is everyone so quick to talk this matter on forums and fansites but then does absolutely nothing concrete? C'mon people. 

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40 minutes ago, Andreo said:

Literally. If you guys really worry about her stop complaining and start acting by reaching out her team to express the fans genuine worries. Why the fuck is everyone so quick to talk this matter on forums and fansites but then does absolutely nothing concrete? C'mon people. 

What I’m saying 

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It's all simpler than you make it seem:

1) Surprise! She is getting more clumsy with age - it is perfectly logical and normal and it will happen to all of us, if we grow old. In the case of Madonna it is more difficult to accept because we have seen her being a superwoman her entire life and seeing her decline hurts us.

2) She has put on weight - it's not a scary thing, but being accustomed to her athletic body from the last few decades, the new one draws attention.

3) Styling doesn't do her any favors. She's gained weight (so what?) and now has a fake ass. Not every garment suits her. Because it is one thing to wear a risky model and another to make you look like a circus tent.

4) It is not ageism. But that obsession with rubbing her ass on Maluma in every chorus of the song is ridiculous. Yeah, he's sexy, but it's not transgressive, it's not provocative and it doesn't look sexy. And with this I'm not saying that you can't be sexy at 64, I'm just saying that it's not necessary to put your partner's ass in the package every 30 seconds.

But to make short a long story... The real problem here is that Madonna has given us 35 years of flawless performances and we're not going to accept anything less than excellence coming from her. The question is; What do you prefer? To see her lower the bar or stop perfoming altogether?

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I'd never hate on anyone, but Ricardo Gomes is a total talentless shithole. He's the one who introduced her to photoshop and eventually to a real disorder / insecurity about her own body. Imagine being so crap at your job that you literally have to use heavy filters making the person you work for feeling so insecure, I swear to God wtf!

Sorry for the rant, but I'm worried for her as well... 

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5 hours ago, TonyMontana said:

She has just posted new pics from the night of the show with the caption "About last night" on her story...  Now if someone tells me she and her team are not delusionnal or taking people for fools then i'm out of this thread... and do not tell me it's just some editing or filter and that nowadays everyone does it and bla bla bla... this is beyond ridiculous...  I don't know who that girl is on the pics but it's obviously not Madonna that i have seen live two days ago.Screenshot_20220502-154801_Instagram.thumb.jpg.9c2570926914d040e2f053b76fe1cc6a.jpgScreenshot_20220502-154825_Instagram.thumb.jpg.500fa551c75812fb0ede0bc2b8df2474.jpg


Ricardo needs a slap, he is the one turning her into a laughing stock.  The second pic looks like ….


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10 minutes ago, MattyMads said:

She’s a cash cow for him he’s a piece 💩 

Shed do well to bid rid of him. I haven’t criticised a single element of M’s performance or appearance the other night and have no intention of doing so.

I have reserved my ire for the architects of the ridicule she now faces for months of staggeringly awful facial and bodily reconstructions on her Instagram.

He has done her no favours and todays offerings are the worst I have ever seen from him. If he doesn’t dial it back or, preferably, stop he’ll be putting out pics of her looking like a fucking fetus.

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5 minutes ago, MattyMads said:

He’s definitely deleting comments from fans saying about the bad photoshop, there was one this morning along the lines of do you think you could be having  a detrimental impact on Madonna’s mental health with the bad photoshopping but it’s not there now 

yes hes deleting them, and block people. hes already blocked me after i send him a message, telling about bad photoshop.  fuck that douchebag

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1 minute ago, moloko said:

yes hes deleting them, and block people. hes already blocked me after i send him a message, telling about bad photoshop.  fuck that douchebag

It’s just a shame that she doesn’t have the right people working for her, these people don’t give a toss about Madonna it’s about the perks and what they get out  of this relationship with her, by him deleting comments and blocking people only shows he has his own  best interests 

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