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Was any of sticky and sweet actually lipped


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Open Your Heart had background vocals during BAT but again, it doesn't mean she mimed the whole thing when it's obvious that we can hear her real vocals.


A lot of songs on Blond Ambition were like that. Check starting at "The one you warned me all about" part of Papa Don't Preach, the backing tapes come in for most of the song. Same for Into The Groove chorus. I assume Causing A Commotion, Holiday & Keep It Together had bits like that.


S&ST was the same, she had her mic on but backing tapes during Beat Goes On, Into The Groove, Heartbeat, She's Not Me, Music & Give It 2 Me. Sometimes 4 Minutes as well. For Give It 2 Me the backing tapes are obviously more present than real vocals, just like on BAT but if we talk about strictly lipsync then no, S&ST didn't have that.


Stuff not mentioned yet: Vogue rap is never live by the way, nor the humming of Frozen & Isaac.

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  • 4 months later...

Madonna started using pre-recorded vocals on The Girlie Show tour. Fever was performed with Madonna singing the song, but the backing track was used to assist. In some tours, most noticeably on the Re-Invention Tour and MDNA Tour, Vogue was lipped. You can tell Vogue is lipped if the rap sounds like the studio recording. We also have proof of lipping on Girl Gone Wild on MDNA when she dropped the microphone and the signing continued. However, of the video i've seen, Rebel Heart Tour, has been live for a majority of the show. Bitch I'm Madonna is partially lipped. The tour that she lipped most was Re-Invention. Confessions, of course my favorite tour, was lipped in some places. I think Future Lovers was live EXEPT for the I Feel Love section. 

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The tour that she lipped most was Re-Invention.


Wow, so wrong... Blond Ambition Tour had more for staters, she did not start with TGS...


There is a thread dedicated to lipsynch on Rebel Heart Tour, she uses a lot of backing tapes, basically for all the Rebel Heart songs. I recommend you Chicago or Cologne audios for research.

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Confessions Tour DVD has fake audio. Just done properly unlike S&S..


I think the MDNA Tour DVD vocals also got decent treatment, the whole issue of the audio not sounding well has to do with technical aspects that you can notice in a 5.1 audio system. I was impressed they decided to use some real live vocals between the songs unlike S&S where everything was completely rearranged.

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We can't put voice effects on the same category of lipsync or we'll have to consider pretty much all of the last three concert tours as such. If she's singing above a track (as in Future Lovers and Sorry) or using a pre-recorded phrase (as in Impressive Instant) that gives the performance some depth it doesn't fall under the lipped performance subject we're talking about.


Sorry was 100% lipped during the Confessions Tour, apart from the last few lines, which were sung live on all shows.

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We can't put voice effects on the same category of lipsync or we'll have to consider pretty much all of the last three concert tours as such. If she's singing above a track (as in Future Lovers and Sorry) or using a pre-recorded phrase (as in Impressive Instant) that gives the performance some depth it doesn't fall under the lipped performance subject we're talking about.


Where in the world did Open Your Heart, Sky Fits Heaven and Music Inferno have lipped portions?  :Madonna032:


Sorry but nothing has been live on the last three dvds, I do not know about the tours themselves, but everything has been altered or flat out dubbed for the dvds of Confessions, Sticky and MDNA, which to me just beats the point of it all and is completely unjustifiable. An artist can use backing tracks or even lip synch in parts, it's ok but it has to be a live show, at least for the dvd like it was for Drowned World and the rest.

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Madonna started using pre-recorded vocals on The Girlie Show tour. Fever was performed with Madonna singing the song, but the backing track was used to assist. In some tours, most noticeably on the Re-Invention Tour and MDNA Tour, Vogue was lipped. You can tell Vogue is lipped if the rap sounds like the studio recording. We also have proof of lipping on Girl Gone Wild on MDNA when she dropped the microphone and the signing continued. However, of the video i've seen, Rebel Heart Tour, has been live for a majority of the show. Bitch I'm Madonna is partially lipped. The tour that she lipped most was Re-Invention. Confessions, of course my favorite tour, was lipped in some places. I think Future Lovers was live EXEPT for the I Feel Love section. 


lol so not true, she had pre-recorded vocals on Blond Ambition, Fever was not lipped nor did it had a backing track, Re-Invention was almost 100% live except for Vogue and Nobody Knows Me, even Die Another Day was live, and all of Future Lovers was playback as well as almost half of Confessions, and of course the DVD audio is completely dubbed and redone and none of it is live.

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I just picture Madonna having a special button on her mic that she presses when she doesn't feel like singing and it plays the pre-recorded vocals.  I'm sure that's not the case though.  :mama004:  :mama006:

Lol, i think you might be right .i saw S&ST opening in Cardiff and i particularly remember Like A Prayer being sung mainly live with certain bits being the album vocals (most notably during the "just like a prayer, you're voice can take me there, just like a muse to me you are a mystery....." etc.). It wasn't the entire segment though so i wonder if the live vocals cut out and get replaced with album vocals at a push of a button on her mic lol???????I don't really care if she lip syncs or mimes some bits, well for fast paced songs anyway. She puts a huge amount of effort and energy into her performances/choreography, i.e. putting on a spectacle of a show, so her vocals are compromised at times due to this, so i think it's ok to do it for those kind of songs.
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  • 3 months later...

if you listen to any audience recording from the tour you can see that's totally live. like the são paulo ones.


I just got around to listen to the final Sao Paulo show thanks to the thread in the audio forum and my God, there are HUGE differences between the last two shows of 2008!


At the final show Devil Wouldn't Recognize You is basically lipsynched, while at the penultimate show it's mainly live, you can hear her live voice over the tape during the chorus as well. Same for Heartbeat and Miles Away, a lot more album vocals at the final show. She must have been really exhausted by then!

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Blond Ambition


Express Yourself - From Japan to about Oakland she sang live with a backing track. Her vocals are more present until Chicago (which was also the first city to have a cancelled concert) As her voice got worse from the laryngitis the backing track started drowning out her live voice. Except you can hear it on the London radio 1 broadcast, albeit not the whole way through.


Open Your Heart only had minor stuff at the very end with ("C'mon baby", "watch out" lines) the rest 100% live no backing track.


Where's the Party - Similar to Express Yourself


Vogue - Madonna did sing live with a backing track, but you rarely heard her voice, in fact I only know of one concert in Japan and one in London when her voice came through (maybe Barcelona too)


The rest may have had backing for choruses and minor parts only, such as Keep it Together having only the "Keep people together" lines with a backing.


Girlie Show


Erotica - Only in London does her voice come through at all. It would have been impossible to make this work in stadiums with the talking parts. Sometimes the Chorus does sound live with assistance


Fever - Had a backing track for many dates that went in and out, sometimes over her voice sometimes not. Sydney definitely didn't have it, and possibly she stopped using it at some point on the tour.


Vogue - Again she sang with a backing track, but her live vocals rarely came through and only usually at the beginning of the song.


Bye Bye Baby - This was mentioned, but I disagree, only lipped for MTV Awards as far as I know


Holiday - Not sure about the "Make me sweat, make me wet" lines and possibly "Hit me one time" etc I have heard boots where her voice sounds different during those bits and she sings slightly differently. Maybe some nights and not others. It did look lipped on the DVD.


Justify My Love - All the speaking parts. Pretty sure the sung part at end is live, possibly has backing, though never noticed.


Drowned World


Sky Fits Heaven - This is the only one I know, and I am sure it was entirely lipped.




Vogue - There was so much debate about this at the time, with people literally dissecting each line from different nights to compare. I have yet to determine, but it seems pretty split, with many adamant she used a rehearsal vocal. I must admit her vocals sound almost exactly the same on each night.


Nobody Knows Me - May have had assistance, it does sound more like her live voice through the vocoder.


Die Another Day - Debated, not nearly as much as Vogue. I can't tell




Future Lovers - Only sung live opening night.


Jump - Many feel she lipped this, I don't agree, hard to tell. Since she doesn't move about too much it would be easy for her to sing this live each night and sound the same.


Sorry - Definitely lipped. Even on the DVD her vocals sound perfect until the last couple of lines, when she sounds out of breath and deeper.


Erotica/You Thrill Me - I think only assistance in some parts, probably mostly chorus. I have heard her sing this well and also poorly so was not lip synced.


Sticky & Sweet


I will go out on a limb and say none of the songs were entirely lipped, however I think Madonna got smarter about using backing tracks during Confessions (or RIT according to many), and often used them in places to help her to dance and catch her breath, and also to fill out her live vocals more.She also stopped using studio versions and often used rehearsal takes, thus making it sound more live.


She definitely had assistance, but again I can't point to a single song that sounds 100% lip synced except Music (except when she talks) and DWRY. So I guess I can point out some, lol.




Girl Gone Wild - Many say she used a rehearsal take, unsure myself


Papa Don't Preach - Pretty sure this was 100%. During Berlin it looks like her mouth says "The one you said I could live without" while the vocal comes out as "The one you said I could do without"


Give Me All Your Luvin' - Possibly assistance, sounds pretty live to me, though too high pitched considering EY was in such a low voice. So maybe lipped.


Celebration/Give It 2 Me - It seems she started out almost 100% lip syncing this and sang it more live once GI2M was added. 


Rebel Heart


Bitch I'm Madonna - may have been live during some shows. Was definitely lipped in many


Holy Water - Sounds lip synced to me. Maybe parts of Vogue are live. Except in Melbourne she is definitely singing over a backing track. So hard to tell as I can hear her live voice.


The rest I can't tell. I also haven't listened to many shows on this tour either. Most of it sounds live to me.

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Future Lovers still sounds live in the Las Vegas recording.


Jump has a lot of backing track in the Paris recording.


Lucky Star was lipsynched at most shows, or at least the first verse.

So I am wondering if it just depends on the night as well. I do wonder sometimes if it isn't her. During Blond Ambition sometimes you would hear her live voice and then it would be drowned out by the backing tape, as if someone was turning the level on her mic down and bringing up the backing tape. Might be why when Elton John accused her of lip syncing she could honestly say she sings live, as it seems she always does but the backing track is used at the discretion of the audio engineer. I don't think she ever doesn't sing with the track. We just don't always hear her.

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Yes, I think that happens more often than fans would like to admit it.


The leaked Toyko earpiece stuff are the perfect proof, she is singing almost everything but that's not what is heard in the venue as also proven by the various HQ audience recordings we got.


But of course there are several cases when it's clear lipsynch like Vogue MDNAT...

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  • 1 year later...

[what I know]:BAT - Express Yourself, VogueTGS - Erotica, Fever, Vogue, Justify My LoveRIT - Vogue, NKM, Die Another Day

Fever was sung live.


Both Express Yourself and Vogue were sung live. It's just that she sung together with her studio vocals with her live vocals toned down.

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vogue was not live

Vogue and someone can correct me was finally done with live vocals, no? Because saw amateur Youtube footage; it looked pretty much live to me.


I constantly make fun of the DVD recording because she is pretty much doing a full on Mr. Roboto with those vocal overdubs (to the point that it doesn't match the live performance naturally).

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The leaked Toyko earpiece stuff are the perfect proof, she is singing almost everything but that's not what is heard in the venue as also proven by the various HQ audience recordings we got.


When she sings live you can hear her breathing - like LFL at Grammys. And you hear her pitch imperfections - see TOAC Miami.

Most of the time the backing track is so strong you can't hear anything of her natural voice. Which is a pity considering she IS singing indeed, like for instance on Holy Water which is really hard. During S&S Milan I could never hear her real voice except You must love me.

Those rehearsal backing track sound pretty live, like Girl Gone Wild, but it's a very good trick!

A lot of friends who are musical theatre professional performers confirmed that no one could dance the Express Youself BAT routine and sing well at the same time.

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