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Unapologetic Bitches
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Anapausis last won the day on January 16 2024

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About Anapausis

  • Birthday 05/03/1983

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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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  1. @chaosmen1984mk dear chicx latinx, try browse the forum (and the Collector Zone section) as a guest instead of being logged on to ur account... Just try!!!
  2. Sorry again but I still don't want non Infiniters to watch my things so... They're forbidden to know the end of my story...
  3. Both. Who doesn't love a shop? Material Girl × I'm So Stupid?
  4. Baka = "vagina," and also "idiot." Much like in the same way of English "pussy" and Brazilian Portuguese "babaca."
  5. Glad to see things changing for once!! They were afraid of having her baka's sucked by their boss...
  6. Oops-a-daisy... Go listen to instead of thinking too much bout BBQ!!! Anyways, I TRULY have a shocking moment related to original release of this book: the fact that Japanese don't like their chin-chin's but see nothing bad about their baka's! EDIT: guess it's me who's hungry and thinking about a very good meal because I didn't notice the things I comment on my immediately below post!
  7. DONE/AGREED. I did it just to point out how much refreshing is to see someone getting their blindfold removed about someone else's TRUE COLORS... But now, Stu, M, give us something you're cooking rn!!!
  8. I will forever be pitiful that M chose to remove these lyrics from live version, video version AND single version: There's so much you can learn in one place The more that you wait, the more time that you waste But even so... Are you reaaaaady??? Now a challenge that I was so much fvcking yearning to do here!!! Like It or Not × Don't Tell Me?
  9. Well, it's not bad at being a trumpist when someone is clearly a kamaler for clout like most of the celebrities do - they're not the working class nor they have problems to their citizenships to be haunted by Trump - they will be fine to their taxes and just care for pink money cause this is what has been saving pop music industry. Again: KAMALA WOULD NEVER HAVE A CHANCE AGAINST TRUMP, BIDEN SOLELY HAS GIVEN THE U.S. ON A SILVER PLATE TO HIM. In fact this election is not a "colossal victory for the Republicans", but actually a "defeat to the flawed system when Dems are on board." Bernie Sanders said it best. So... It was incredibly predictable most people would embark on Project 2025, so what we are gonna do???
  10. Exactly as I have read on PopJustice, Pope Francis would be at front row to a Celebration Tour gig so... (Efcharistós my King Vas for pointing that out!)
  11. I post here on this thread to celebrate this!!! Well, I'm a gay man trapped in a woman's body... YES!!!
  12. The latter (but the acoustic version which, unfortunately, is geoblocked on streamings to my location). Faz Gostoso × Bitch I'm MADONNA? (not I'm LOCA, ok?)
  13. The first one to leak. I usually ain't a fan to ABBA but I TRULY love her cover! You Must Love Me × I'd Be Surprisingly Good for You?
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