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Unapologetic Bitches
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    Ayham got a reaction from Frank in MDNA Skin   
    Thanks Frank... from where??? We need the others too also the promo videos not from Instagram tho!
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    Ayham reacted to Fighter in What happened to Hard Candy Fitness??   
    IDK what happened to all of them but here's an interesting article about the Toronto one which was re-branded.
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    Ayham reacted to Luiz Ribeiro in MDNA Skin   
    ---------------Detectar idiomaAfricânerAlbanêsAlemãoAmáricoÁrabeArmênioAzerbaijanoBascoBengaliBielorrussoBirmanêsBósnioBúlgaroCanarimCatalãoCazaqueCebuanoChinês (simplificado)Chinês (tradicional)CingalêsCoreanoCorsoCroataCurdoDinamarquêsEslovacoEslovenoEspanholEsperantoEstonianoFilipinoFinlandêsFrancêsFrísio ocidentalGaélico escocêsGalegoGalêsGeorgianoGregoGuzerateHaitianoHauçáHavaianoHebraicoHíndiHmongHolandêsHúngaroIgboIídicheIndonésioInglêsIorubáIrlandêsIslandêsItalianoJaponêsJavanêsKhmerLaosianoLatimLetãoLituanoLuxemburguêsMacedônioMalaialaMalaioMalgaxeMaltêsMaoriMaratiMongolNepalêsNianjaNorueguêsPanjabiPashtoPersaPolonêsPortuguêsQuirguizRomenoRussoSamoanoSérvioSindiSomaliSoto do sulSuaíliSuecoSundanêsTadjiqueTailandêsTâmilTchecoTélugoTurcoUcranianoUrduUzbequeVietnamitaXhosaXonaZuluPortuguês     I can not stand that hideous hair anymore!
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    Ayham reacted to carlosR in MDNA Skin   
    I feel like she's not an (inspired?) artist anymore, just a business woman, it's all about money nowdays. I swear to God, if she comes with another generic album featuring people like Nick Minaj, Cardi B or Migos or even with a controverse (zZzZzZ) photoshoot with Kim Kardashian, I'll give up of her definetely. 
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