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Alex JLR

Unapologetic Bitches
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    Alex JLR got a reaction from Roy in Live album on streaming Friday   
    I'm just listening to the previews, the beginning of Batuka screams POWER to me
  2. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour DVD   
    If I were at the premiere in NYC with Madonna, I think it's impossible not to love it because of the excitement. I think this sounds more objective. Edward has experience and is a true fan. And yes, you're right: after all we were already expecting fast cuts and perfect vocals.
  3. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to thegoldencalf in Madame X Tour DVD   
    American Life is waaaay more intense than most of the show when it comes to the editing. 
    To me the editing overall is very similar to Confessions tour. Fast but not overwhelming. And the colors look amazing 
  4. Like
  5. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to madenis in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I'd prefer a megalink ?
  6. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to Fabiolous in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Ok, I need to ask. Who will be making a torrent for everybody else? Lol there's no Paramount+ here
  7. Like
    Alex JLR got a reaction from Arckangel in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    It's from this video where she seems high or tired...
  8. Like
    Alex JLR got a reaction from Pretty Madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    It's from this video where she seems high or tired...
  9. Thanks
    Alex JLR reacted to thegoldencalf in Madame X Tour on MTV ???   
    I recommend everyone who needs to download it to try Sharemania. 
  10. Like
    Alex JLR got a reaction from Pretty Madonna in Madame X Screening - My Experience   
    Thanks a lot @Shoful and congrats
  11. Like
    Alex JLR got a reaction from Shoful in Madame X Screening - My Experience   
    Thanks a lot @Shoful and congrats
  12. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to Redha DBL in Madame X Tour Premiere ~ September 23   
    They really need to relax on the filters on her pics, they do her no favor, people will only get more arshe on her seeing how she really looks like in real life vs what she posts on her insta. A little editing is ok, but this is another level. I like to see Madonna for what she really is, not a fake person.

  13. Wow
    Alex JLR reacted to Shoful in Madame X Tour DVD   
    The vocals seems almost untouched to me. There might have been some effects on them but I think the vocals were from the actual concert. Everything as sung except Sodade and Crave. The madame x intro interlude was moved to the beginning. She kept all the fan moments. Polaroid. Eyes are the window. And the beer section. 
    The party seemed like another world. I got to ask her a question. I danced with Rocco and David. 
  14. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to deathproof in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Funny, Love the comedy bit! 
  15. Thanks
    Alex JLR reacted to deathproof in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Who cares what we call it. We all know what this thread is for at the end of the day
  16. Haha
    Alex JLR reacted to xrhaul in Madame X Tour DVD   
    This is the MDNA Tour version 

  17. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to vitoralmeiida in 14/9/2021 - Looking Stunning   
    for the life of me, I just can't understand WHY the filtering of the face on the VMA promo and WHY the filtering of her face on EVERY insta pic.... if she is looking absolutely amazing!!!! I'VE HAD IT. OFFICIALLY.
  18. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to Andreo in 14/9/2021 - Looking Stunning   
    I said it earlier, but holy shit she looks stunning (and actually natural, unlike her filtered pics!!!) when I first saw these pics today I thought they were pre Rebel Heart era! Beautiful! 
  19. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to TwistedRope in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    Official photo with Doja from the interview magazine after party:
    She looks way more herself here than on her IG. I wish Ricardo would tone down the photoshopping just slightly, then it wouldn’t seem like she’s actively trying to pretended she’s something she’s not when we see her in ‘real life’ at events like last night. Because she looks great, she doesn’t need all the softening and face-reshaping.
    Also I would be very here for a Madonna & Doja collab!
  20. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to steady75 in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    Imagine if she’s gone dressed like the BBQ photo shoot in the baby pink top and denim shorts and straight hair and just been cool. 
    that’s the Madonna I know 
  21. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to RebelHeart in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    Ok, I'm not reading all of this because WOW - 13 pages! And I guess I know what y'all writing anyway so...
    Let me just say that the interlude was really cool! Up untill the close up came on and we see the drawing of her face... Coz sorry but I cannot name it differently, the photoshop was just SO HEAVY and it looked extremely unrealistic. And her apperance on the main stage... ugh. She looked good but I am just tired of the same costume just in different forms again and again and again... She also seemed to be very nervous and I was surprised by her lack of charisma. Like she wasn't there, she couldn't even say these few sentences that were staged, eh. I don't know, maybe it's the break she's been taking and she doesn't feel confident? I don't know.
    I'm so not gonna comment on her face, ass, what she has done, what implants, etc etc. At the end of the day it's her choice. I just wanna say that I prefer looking at her like this on stage and knowing how she REALLY looks than looking at the photos on Instagram where all she is serving are these alien photoshop images which aren't realistic AT ALL. I don't care, I just want real Madonna, that's it.
  22. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Should we kill time while waiting?
    Attention: huge spoiler for those who haven't seen anything...
  23. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to MattyMads in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Hopefully that doesn’t become the official artwork. 
  24. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to o_g_c_x in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I don't see the greatness in that artwork

  25. Haha
    Alex JLR reacted to Ekans in Madame X Tour DVD   
    She's an immortal vampire, honey 
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