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Unapologetic Bitches
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    VogueMusic reacted to RUADJAI in My Vice President is a Black Woman   
    It’s a historic moment, it’s not politics, 
  2. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to RUADJAI in MAGA terrorists stormed the US capitol with weapons.......   
    I always thought ACAB (All Cops Are Bad) was a little extreme to paint with such a broad brush, but watching these white terrorists still standing around like it's fucking Disney World after they called a curfew at 6pm... and KNOWING what many police forces did when curfews were in place this summer for BLM protests... I have no hesitation in saying it. All Cops Are Bad. This country is so undeniably racist. To all those white people saying Blue Lives Matter and Back the Blue... it has never been more clear that it was never about supporting police, but a racist contempt for Black People using their voices. 
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    VogueMusic reacted to Fighter in Can we have ONE peaceful new album thread?   
    I didn't have any arguments with anybody. I am the admin and I manage the forum how I see fit. I don't have all day for back and forths and dealing with childish people having childish fights.  I asked the favor for people to stop and they didn't. If people don't like how I manage my forum, there are other options. 
  4. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to kesiak in Didn't Madonna know Wallis Simpson and the former Duke were Naz* supporters? They wer   
    You realise this W.E. was not a documentary? 
  5. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to kesiak in Didn't Madonna know Wallis Simpson and the former Duke were Naz* supporters? They wer   
    Uhm, he was Edward VIII, a king who gave up his throne to marry the woman he loved. It's a fascinating story. And yes, they were Nazi sympathisers as well and, having read some books on the subject, quite unpleasant individuals overall. That doesn't change the fact that they changed the course of modern history and their story is fascinating. Saying they were nothing but Nazi supporters is simply, well, reductive but if seeing a world in completely binary terms helps you sleep better at night I'm happy for you . 
  6. Haha
    VogueMusic reacted to kesiak in Didn't Madonna know Wallis Simpson and the former Duke were Naz* supporters? They wer   
    She does have the tendency to romanticise historical figures. Joan of Arc is another example. I mean, that girl would be on heavy medication pronto these days. 
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    VogueMusic reacted to Levon in Didn't Madonna know Wallis Simpson and the former Duke were Naz* supporters? They wer   
    Wallis and Eduard are commonly known examples of what happens when you have to choose between your head and your heart - and he movie is only about that moment and not about their later tragic and wrong attempts to find a new social and political footing.

    Up to the moment when the two decided for each other, she could not be accused of anything wrong. In this respect, Madonna doesn't have to justify herself for focusing on their - until then - innocent love story. An artist is free to present his personal view of things without this having to be done in a politically correct manner.
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    VogueMusic reacted to louis.exe in Can someone make a mix of Dua's Levitating with Madonna, Missy & DaBaby   
    No need to be negative
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    VogueMusic reacted to Fighter in Trump told white supremacists to "stand by", and then you want to tell me him and his   
    We are going through an incredible cultural acceleration, and that's why we are seeing the rise of fascism to keep that "status quo". Fascism is an opportunistic disease. I do hope that Trump's rise has been so fast that it will be its own undoing. He hasn't been as succesful as he was hoping in inciting violence, division and securing loyalty to consolidate power but he has gotten closer than anyone thought possible 4 years ago or ever. There's still hope, but we will see on this election. If he breaks US democracy permanently there are very dark times ahead. If he loses, we need to remember what made him will still linger...
  10. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to devilpray in Trump told white supremacists to "stand by", and then you want to tell me him and his   
    He's a fucking joke and the fact that half of the world is following his nonsense is so frustrating. The fact that because of the 2016 election now I have to live in a country with a good for nothing president that wants to emulate fucking Trump and also put his own profit before anything is honestly so fucked up. He opened the door to all the Bolsonaros and other capitalist dictators around the world. I'm so fucking angry right now.
  11. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to A. A. Aardvark in Trump told white supremacists to "stand by", and then you want to tell me him and his   
    If you look up the word petulant in the dictionary there is a picture of Trump.
    He's a brat who has had his life handed to him.
    This explains a lot.
    Feel free to share. 
  12. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to wtg1987 in Got the new Prince cd box set today and All I can think is - Madonna how much longer   
    I bought it in store from HMV as Amazon weren't quick enough to deliver it to me and im impatient when it comes to these kind of releases ! :(
  13. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to cosmicarlo818 in BRO I’m so ready to pay $10,000 to whoever has the full pro-shot of the Drowned World   
    This is THE Madonna tour of the 2000s. It's really just an amazing experience, almost spiritual. I would pay for any of the NY, Europe, and one of my favs is the Philadelphia show when she was so energetic and happy. Yes of course the hair is a major factor in all of this!
  14. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Aiwa08 in what are the Madonna fans called?? Wannabes or rebel hearts???   
    Madonna always call us "motherfuckers" in her tours,  and I love it.
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    VogueMusic reacted to Aiwa08 in Am I the only person who actually enjoyed MDNA? I feel like that album is the red-hea   
    I really love MDNA. It's a solid album with amazing tracks. I've never understood the hate. If you love classic Madonna's music, how can you not love MDNA? The bad choice of singles killed MDNA.  PS: I always name "MDNA" as "Madonna's DNA" 
  17. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to hzmajesty in Am I the only person who actually enjoyed MDNA? I feel like that album is the red-hea   
    I get that it's not her strongest from a lyrical standpoint, but it had great dance numbers, an incredible tour, the clever triple entendre name, the album photoshoot was beautiful. I just really don't understand the hatred of it all. The only problems I had with the album was the lack of promotion and a couple songs.
  18. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from hzmajesty in Am I the only person who actually enjoyed MDNA? I feel like that album is the red-hea   
    I ADORE the album. And yes, while maybe not her strongest, it's a solid pop album. And better than most others (and what passes for pop these days) on even their best day.
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    VogueMusic reacted to Frisson in Hello! I've create my own webstie with my remasters check it out! https://madonnarema   
    Amazing, and thanks a lot again for all your amazing work !!
  23. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from nastybutfancy in Hello! I've create my own webstie with my remasters check it out! https://madonnarema   
    Fabulous. Adding it to my Madonna bookmarks now.
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    VogueMusic reacted to deathproof in It's time for M to re-release Ghosttown as a charity single or whatever because she's   
    A post apocalyptic love song as a charity song? Makes no sense. Re-release Music, Holiday, or Ray of Light. Something positive. Something celebratory. We need light. Not something somber and end of the world subject matter...
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