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Unapologetic Bitches
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    VogueMusic reacted to Alibaba in Madonna shares Covid-19 conspiracy theory on IG, backlash ensues, then deletes   
    Let me definitively answer you on this post as it appears to be full of assumptions.
    1. I asked a question about the vaccine while qualifying why it might be problematic, and I asked it while prefacing that I did so in humility. This was in order to establish that science is evolutionary. 
    2. I haven't endorsed any cure as there is none as far as the current data available presents itself. That doesn't mean that there should be a blanket dismissal of the doctor's work without a full investigation. This was my point from my very first post on the topic. I want to know with full transparency if there is any truth to her claims. Who are the more than 300 people she claims have been cured? If there were other treatment protocols, or other factors that determined their recovery, I want to know what those were. That is all.
    2. I did not attack you, or anyone else individually with personal characterizations. I stated that in my own openness and curiosity I am aware that I cannot be certain of anything, and that anyone who claims certainty is insane ( I have reiterated this in each response). You have somehow decided based upon this that I have a myopic and narcissistic attitude. Am I to understand that somehow this also leads you to assume that I do not take precautions to protect those around me?
    3. For the record, that is completely false. I live in Los Angeles, and I wear a mask whenever I am out in public. I have chosen not to socialize with friends for over five months in order to protect them and myself from illness. I have not questioned the validity of there being an actual illness to begin with. I am not peddling conspiracy theories. I am questioning authoritarianism, which seems to be rife everywhere at present. Your post only further proves that in my opinion. 
  2. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Alibaba in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    What I don’t understand is why would you want Liz Rosenberg to fix her public image when what she is showing us is the real deal? I’m not sure I understand why anyone would want her to be marketed as someone more palatable to the masses if that’s not what she wants to be.
    Madonna has always been this way. It’s just that people used to accept it from her because she was a younger woman. When you’re twenty you can dress like a tramp and you’ll look sexy. When you’re sixty and you dress like a tramp, you look like a tramp. That’s just the way we have been conditioned culturally to perceive things. These are unconscious biases. 
  3. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Alibaba in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Or...maybe there’s no problem, and she likes the people around her to treat her the way they do because she’s Madonna. Perhaps they are very honest with her. Perhaps they just don’t think honesty needs to be telling her that some of her fans don’t like her ass, or think that she’s not being likable enough to be praised by the stupid corporate media that she has no use for anymore. 
    So many possibilities! Always look on the bright side! 
  4. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Alibaba in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    It seems that she just isn't playing by the rules that many of her fans expect her to play by. I personally don't think there is anything wrong with her at all. In fact, I think she just continues to evolve based upon the values she believes in, and those who take issue with her haven't evolved in the same direction. She simply doesn't seem to care what those people think about her as she has understood that there is a bigger picture beyond the validation of record sales, popularity contests and public persuasion. As I explored in my previous assessment of modern Madonna, she's fully aware that no matter what she does, everyone will project their personal beliefs and feelings upon her. She's been a metaphorical punching bag for decades; I doubt it bothers her at all. 
  5. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to kesiak in Madonna shares Covid-19 conspiracy theory on IG, backlash ensues, then deletes   
    I have to say it seems a bit off brand even for Madonna. She's been supportive of Bill Gates (even donated  $1m to his foundation earlier this year) and the same people who peddle these conspiracy theories believe his behind the "plandemic". It's also the same video that Trump posted/retweeted from what I understand so it's really strange she'd be wilfully and willingly posting something like that let alone believe it. 
    And while I do agree that social media is a crucial tool these days it does NOT reflect real life. According to studies, about 22% of adults in America use Twitter and only 10% of those users are responsible for 80% overall tweets on the platform (source). Hardly representative of the whole of humanity .
  6. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to LVX in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    Defunding the police and abolishing the police are two completely different things.
  7. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Roland Barthes in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    But satanism is part of the imagery of catholicism. It always makes me laugh when people who reject religion use satanic artefacts and symbolism when it's part of the bible too. Without catholicism there's no satanism. It's the same bullshit from the same book. One can also use satanic symbolism just because it's arty same with using crosses or madonnas (pun) when you don't believe in god. The painters and illustrators whom depicted hell and the devil, created this imagery are the same who painted heaven and the whole catholic iconography. God and the devil both come from the same mind, like Harry Potter and Voldemort
  8. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Roland Barthes in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    These comments and articles come from QAnons, Trump supporters from the far right, white supremacists...ALL celebrities who dared oppose their Agent Orange get the same comments....usually they also are anti masks, anti vaxers and anti BLM. Most of these comments also come from bot farms. I'm a journalist and i work on this subject (in France).
  9. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from poodle in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    Because these types complaining about this shit are caught up in their own moral righteousness. Basically no different from the social conservatism of the right (that condemned this book in its own time), but now it just comes from the other end of the sociopolitical spectrum. Like turning a certain extreme end of 'social activism/progressivism' into something akin to religious fundamentalism. They cannot see nor infer any sense of nuance, nor do they even care to understand things in their proper context.
    Basically, they're all hypocrites.
    In the film and book, Oliver is 24.
  10. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from Voguerista in Music video hidden meanings.   
    I've always interpreted D&D's video as about the loss of innocence.
  11. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from Andymad in Music video hidden meanings.   
    I've always interpreted D&D's video as about the loss of innocence.
  12. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from Joan of Marc in Music video hidden meanings.   
    I've always interpreted D&D's video as about the loss of innocence.
  13. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Voguerista in Your Thoughts On "Drowned World"!   
    I love "Drowned World and how Madonna reflects on her life and how she "substituted for love". it's her being raw, real and honest with her life ...and finding out what's important and what she really wants. When I first heard it, I wasn't sure I liked it, but, with more listens and after seeing the video I was hooked even more. Beautiful!
  14. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to DiegoLCL in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    Twitter? One day she's irrelevant desperately trying to get attention and another she's being cancelled...
    I mean-

  15. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to deathproof in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    It's meant to be ironic.
  16. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to kesiak in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    Geez... Has anyone read "Lolita"? I mean, Madonna is no Nabokov by any stretch of imagination but SEX is also a piece of fiction, an exploration of sexual fantasies. That was the whole point. We all have fantasies and desires that others might find disturbing but that doesn't mean we would necessarily act on them. You can't police people's thoughts. 
  17. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from Stephen George in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    Because these types complaining about this shit are caught up in their own moral righteousness. Basically no different from the social conservatism of the right (that condemned this book in its own time), but now it just comes from the other end of the sociopolitical spectrum. Like turning a certain extreme end of 'social activism/progressivism' into something akin to religious fundamentalism. They cannot see nor infer any sense of nuance, nor do they even care to understand things in their proper context.
    Basically, they're all hypocrites.
    In the film and book, Oliver is 24.
  18. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from RUADJAI in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    Because these types complaining about this shit are caught up in their own moral righteousness. Basically no different from the social conservatism of the right (that condemned this book in its own time), but now it just comes from the other end of the sociopolitical spectrum. Like turning a certain extreme end of 'social activism/progressivism' into something akin to religious fundamentalism. They cannot see nor infer any sense of nuance, nor do they even care to understand things in their proper context.
    Basically, they're all hypocrites.
    In the film and book, Oliver is 24.
  19. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from deathproof in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    Because these types complaining about this shit are caught up in their own moral righteousness. Basically no different from the social conservatism of the right (that condemned this book in its own time), but now it just comes from the other end of the sociopolitical spectrum. Like turning a certain extreme end of 'social activism/progressivism' into something akin to religious fundamentalism. They cannot see nor infer any sense of nuance, nor do they even care to understand things in their proper context.
    Basically, they're all hypocrites.
    In the film and book, Oliver is 24.
  20. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from EgoRod in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    Because these types complaining about this shit are caught up in their own moral righteousness. Basically no different from the social conservatism of the right (that condemned this book in its own time), but now it just comes from the other end of the sociopolitical spectrum. Like turning a certain extreme end of 'social activism/progressivism' into something akin to religious fundamentalism. They cannot see nor infer any sense of nuance, nor do they even care to understand things in their proper context.
    Basically, they're all hypocrites.
    In the film and book, Oliver is 24.
  21. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Piksel8 in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    There's some context to the passage but that's how fiction gets you. It's the same sentiment when you read "IT" and you get to the chapter when the losers club all gangbang bev for a metaphorical orgy, and these are all underage kids in a group orgy written by a grown man. The passage in these books are not to arouse the reader though to Madonna's Sex book the idea is there but in no way does she go in full detail like lady chaterly lovers or 50 shades.
    Madonna has a specific taste in guys based on her list of lovers mostly all toned and smooth with the exception of Guy Ritchie who was hairy, and lot of people share the same taste as hers, though that doesn't fully mean that you're a potential pedophile for liking similar traits of an underage person (this is the kind of misinformation cancel culture gets fueled with). People need to be equipped with better judgement when reading such literature (yes I called her sex book literature) lol.
  22. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from Roy in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    Because these types complaining about this shit are caught up in their own moral righteousness. Basically no different from the social conservatism of the right (that condemned this book in its own time), but now it just comes from the other end of the sociopolitical spectrum. Like turning a certain extreme end of 'social activism/progressivism' into something akin to religious fundamentalism. They cannot see nor infer any sense of nuance, nor do they even care to understand things in their proper context.
    Basically, they're all hypocrites.
    In the film and book, Oliver is 24.
  23. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Voguerista in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    Couldn't agree more. Canceling culture is so wrong and stupid. And so is making a big deal out of Madonna's Sex book. There are so many other things happening in this world that is more worrying. 
  24. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to lucasciccone in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    Cancel culture is becoming more and more stupid. People would go crazy about this particular pages but don't even mind to watch and read the whole book to understand it. It's just stories about sex, all made up of course, and sex is a whole world. This is such a transgressor book. 
  25. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to EgoRod in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    Is stated on the first page that everything is a play on sexual fantasies.
    There's a 'rape' scenario too that gave her some bad attention years ago.
    Even that part Dita fantasies about someone that looks young and with not apparent pubes.
    But she also plays with gerontophilia and looking like a Lolita herself.
    It's funny how it works for their agenda finding Madonna as a child abuser but have no problem with any Hollywood movie were the main male actor is about 30 years older than their counter female pair.
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