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Unapologetic Bitches
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survivalartist last won the day on January 13 2020

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  1. all i could find is this rehearsal clip for the ROL dancers on celebration tour
  2. It’s drug music without drugs as she said on that MTV special Ultrasound, it was kinda a thing at the time people would meet in fields with strobe lights and DJs and “dance” to super fast electronic music all night long into the morning, not because they had too much espresso. Nowadays corporations do em, the festivals and the drugs.
  3. I love Funana and B-Day Song, they’re fun songs! Catchy and both kinda silly. The only album I have a hard time pressing play and listening to in full is MDNA, idk it just doesn’t click with me like Beautiful Killer is a dumb song fight me. To me the last really amazing song was… this is tough but I like Crave. Those 3 C songs in a row are such a sweet spot on that album.
  4. Where are their water bags wtf kind of video reenactment is this
  5. Bizarre those FM Broadcasts pop in and out of US Spotify (they are not currently available) but for some reason La Isla Bonita from Tokyo 1987 is. Enjoy them while you can!
  6. You gworlls gays guys, I was just thinking about how if Stuart is working on new songs he will also hopefully be remixing them and other new songs she releases on future singles or somethin’. Remixing this Max Martin single or whatever. He also gave us the last true extended remix on a single for Jump, right? There hasn’t been an album version extended since idk maybe I’m wrong.
  7. There’s the fans that want every tour backdrop, b-roll, every picture outtake, etc. let us have our dreams of edits and Buenos Aires disco remixes on Spotify it’s Christmas Hello!
  8. Did anyone already discuss how 4 Minutes is in a Marshall’s commercial? I found it irregular, but also cute.
  9. https://www.facebook.com/reel/28115975211382432 Harry "Choo Choo" Romero remixes Physical Attraction
  10. I thought Stuart was gonna produce the Ciccone Family album for us with appearances from everyone including Joe Henry (in my dreams). Imagine a Joe Henry song with Stuart production.
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