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Unapologetic Bitches
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About nito84bcn

  • Birthday 10/30/1984

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    1998 - Ray of light

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  1. Amen! Quick reminder: we didn't have any idea of recording sessions for Vulgar, Popular, Material Gworlll or whatever. Probably she has some material from all these months ready to record or in the works.
  2. Sorry but no. Naptime wasn't announced anywhere, it was a rumour and that's it. Her recording sessions yes, first premiering on some newspapers, then confirmed on her insta on the following day. And life is beautiful, but always better with Madonna!
  3. Do u know that for dubbing a film, concert or whatever, the studio looks completely different than that? Ok, you don't. #despicableme #arrogant #butfacts
  4. Love her! Maybe someone here will call her 'despicable' too for having a good time.
  5. Calm down. There are several pics on her insta about recording an album, guitars, notebooks, and keyboards included. But 0 about your Naptime thing. I wouldn't call that arrogance, just observation. #despicableme #gru4
  6. I don't know what is worst this week, fans deniying that she's recording a new album, or the delusion here about something that wasn't promised, confirmed or announced.
  7. Yeah, that's why the studio room is full of guitars, notebooks, pads, and keyboards, all for re-recording the vocals for Hung up live in Celebration Tour. #smart
  8. Madonna was blond when Madonna she recorded her new parts for Hung up on tokischa... what she has on the video is a wig, and the she had the cooper look some weeks later.
  9. Let them believe that she's retouching vocals for a non-existant dvd. Probably they think that 5 years is too early for new music too, or either that she's too old for that, or she doesn't have creative juices anymore...
  10. She's not going to promote on social media that she's retouching her voice on a suposed LIVE album. Can we move on? Thanks.
  11. Some fans here are thinking that she retired and her last record will be Madame X... Poor them.
  12. Always fresh, and direct! Sometimes lost between Ray of light and American life, but one of her best records!!
  13. As I said on other posts, she's having less and less old singles to upload on streaming services. Her monthly listenners depend mostly of new uploads. She needs new music, that's why she's recording NEW MUSIC. Period. #listeningconfessionsrightnow
  14. Very optimistic thought, it will be 1 and a half year #soon For some of the downers here... She's not going to re-record vocals for the Celebration Tour and make a post about it. Are u fans for real? Can we enjoy for at least 10 minutes that she's back in the studio with f*cking Stuart Price? Isn't this what we wanted insted of Hard Candy? I'm VERY HAPPY!!!
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