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Agent Cooper

Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to Ekans in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Unpopular opinion: I really like the way they edited S&ST. 
  2. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to musicinferno in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Remember the days when her past tours used to broadcast LIVE on TV, with no editing involved (just changes in camera angles) and it including all flaws such as wrong lyrics, band mistakes, wardrobe malfunctions, vocal hiccups, etc? 
    The editing of IGTTYAS changed that forever. 
  3. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to Voguerista in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I love your excitement and energy. You are getting me excited again on the dvd when I was beginning to think we’d never see it. Let no one and nothing put your fire out. 
  4. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to Shoful in Madame X Tour DVD   
    But my biggest enemy isn’t me 
    I’m imagining a great future where the Madame X persona exists and we get more Mirwais politically charged songs. I’m just imagining all the endless possibilities of demos that could be released and how amazing they might be! Future deserves its proper chance to shine!!
  5. Haha
    Agent Cooper reacted to RUADJAI in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Did someone say demos???? Check out my new Rose Mist Spray. It helps with all those lonely demoless nights. 

  6. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to Humanfly in Madame X Tour DVD   
    While we’re at it can we go back and she can do the drowned world tour with the good hair and not the brush it backwards hair 
  7. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to lucasciccone in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Can we please have some official news already?!!
  8. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to Frank in Madame X Tour DVD   
    @Enricoanother option with Human Nature, Sodade and Future on the CD:

  9. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to Clark_Kent in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I don't understand the problem actually. Why would a streaming deal not allow a physical release? It's a standard to release the film on tv or streaming first because they can get money from broadcasting rights before releasing the physical copy. Girlie Show tour premiered on HBO; Drowned World tour premiered on HBO; Confessions tour premiered on NBC; Sticky & Sweet tour premiered on Sky1; MDNA tour premiered on SpikeTV; Rebel Heart Tour premired on Showtime. All of them got released months after the premieres.
    She's still strong in selling physical copies, I don't think they're gonna miss the opportunity. 
  10. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour DVD   
    At least we know that we will be able to watch it in full and in 2021. Many have never even seen the show. She could have scrapped the whole project.
  11. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to Clark_Kent in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Yes, it's just the way netflix labels the shows, like is the "document" of the show. Haven't seen any backstage scenes injected on the show or songs edited out during the workprints. 
    Glad to know they finally went for netflix.
  12. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to Clark_Kent in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Luckly there are a lot because they filmed the rehearsals with cameras on stage.
  13. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to lucasciccone in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Quick somebody stop her and get her computer away from her 
  14. Haha
    Agent Cooper reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour DVD   
    POLL. What do you expect from MXT video?
    1) filters
    2) multiple shows with odd wig/costume changes
    3) saturated colors
    4) reworked studio vocals that don't sound live at all
    5) recycled audio from an old tour
    6) never before seen 3-minute long extra (twins rehearsing Crave maybe?)
    7) the song you loved most being cut
    8) black and white segment
    9) still images
    10) all of the above 
  15. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to musicinferno in Madame X Tour DVD   
    This bitch.......I swear. 
    This damn video was probably perfect in September and now she's probably delaying it month by month by making them change things. I miss the days when she gave the editing crew full access to do as they pleased and trusted them as she went about her business with other projects. 
  16. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to Clark_Kent in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Well, the thing is, everything has to be approved by her song by song, so, in the end, and besides covid, it was delayed this much because she was bussy with other stuff. She received a workprint back in september while she was working in the movie script, she did notes over some songs during september/october and the production team worked over those notes inmediately, but then she was bussy recovering, traveling and doing black magic on her instagram so didn't had time to check the remaining songs until last january. At least until the september workprint the production team stayed with the original idea of not adding innecesary effects but create a cinematic experience, like it was shown in the little snippets she posted. Don't know how much has changed with her latest notes, right now they are really bussy working on it now that they finally have her attention. 
    I hope I explained this correctly 
  17. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to Shoful in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Ughhh @Clark_Kent PLEASE WE NEED TEA.  When is this cominh
  18. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to Voguerista in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Please Madonna!! We’re begging. @Clark_Kentcome hither. We’ll take any crumb you can give us.

  19. Haha
    Agent Cooper reacted to nodoman in Madonna Shined a 'Ray of Light'   
    i think that is impossible to answer.
    her previous albums as well as her life circumstances led to ray of light.
    would there be music – and what followed – without ray of light?
    i don’t think so.
    essentially, it was a chapter of her life journey and reflected her state of mind at the time.
    i would have never thought it led to bitch, i’m madonna though 
  20. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to Blue Jean in Mer Girl   
    For some reason I always thought it’s a reference to Drowned World, she’s a “mer girl” as in a mermaid so living under water. I realize that has nothing to do with the story of the song but neither does the title “Drowned World” to the lyrics in that song. They are both metaphors. If you think about Drowned World and Mer Girl are part of the same story as fame being her “substitute for love” is very much connected to her losing her mother and trying to find a substitute for the love she didn’t feel without her. That is why one opens the album and the other closes.
    Notice too the album has various references to water. Swim, Frozen, Drowned World and Mer Girl (Mer means sea in French by the way.)
    Maybe there are more clues to all of this in the book Drowned World that inspired that title?
  21. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to Husam Elzien in Will Madonna Ever Have A Hit Single Again?   
    I think it's because regardless on if she's admitting defeat or not, she's catering to her Lambs by giving them #MC30. I personally don't think she's admitting defeat, if anything she's making a change after that whole Stella/ reality show fiasco. She still strives to put out quality music. Caution (which was a step up from The Elusive Chanteuse) got rave reviews but Mariah was like it wasn't good enough and she can do better. Revisiting the past doesn't necessarily mean you're giving up on the present and future. She accomplished a lot in 30 years and she shouldn't be faulted for wanting to acknowledge her past discography. Besides, that Christmas song has permanently engraved Mariah into the past, present and future. 
  22. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to madfan13_86 in Will Madonna Ever Have A Hit Single Again?   
    Come to terms with her legacy? In case you haven't noticed, she's putting together her biopic. So she's revisiting her past in her own way, at her own pace and in the way she wants to do it. 
    Moreover, I think she's actually been flirting with her legacy for a while, just not in a very obvious way (which is her right too). She often likes to reuse her old lyrics (like "Vogue" on "Holy Water", or even "Don't Tell Me" in "Future"), posts old photos on her IG, and I'm pretty sure Madame X is the closest she's been to embracing her own body of work. In fact, I remember she mentioned how she became her own muse while working on the album. Madame X was sort of a homage to her younger self, to her struggles in NYC pre-fame, and to the creative re-inventions throughout her career. 
    Also, remember that Prince released very uncommercial and unconventional albums for many years, and also enjoyed the creative freedom and eccentricity that came along with them. Likewise, Geogre Michael always took a LONG time in between albums, and you didn't see anyone denying/doubting his standing in music. There is this strange expectation for women to keep up and to constantly demonstrate that they are at the top, that they are relevant. At this point even us, Madonna's hardcore fans, shouldn't even be questioning or worrying about her status in music history, or her relevance at all. She is actually a rarity in the music industry in terms of CREATIVE longevity. Cher has been around for ages but look at how many studio albums she released in the 2000s and 2010s. Also, while she relied on repetitive tour concepts and milked her catalogue like crazy (am I the only one who noticed how similar all of her shows are?), it's clear Madonna is far more interested in making new & innovative music, and to look ahead.
    My call is for us to simply enjoy the fruits of her current work while she's still willing to release new music. She's clearly slowing down, after all. Madame X gave us some of the most amazing videos of her entire career and even if the MX Tour was a f-ing nightmare for many, it was truly a bold move on her behalf —artistically and conceptually speaking. People like Bob Dylan rarely look back  and release new studio albums like crazy and no one is questioning his legacy (also, he's a man, of course! Duh!). I'm a fan of Bob too and let me tell you, his concerts can be a nightmare in terms of his "mistreatment" of his own legacy—he reworks his old songs beyond recognition, and I think most of his fans are actually okay with that. Not the case for demanding M fans. They just want their diva to be stuck in the past with the same arrangements and giving them constant nostalgia. Which makes me think, people like Cyndi Lauper (one of my all time fave live performers, by the way) or Belinda Carlisle who sing the same 3-5 songs on every tour and with very little creativity behind the arrangements. So it's really frustrating how Madonna fans dismiss or underestimate her current work while whining too much about the past. We'll really miss it when she stops recording new material. That's for sure. 
    Even if the 2010s saw M moving away from the centre of the pop music world, remember she always disliked being called a pop star. She preferred it far more to be called a performance artist, and maybe during the last few years, she took the opportunity to fully explore the depths of that. Furthermore, these "underperforming" albums still gave M 2 #1 albums in the USA in the 2010s, sold out tours, press and plenty of social commentary, which I'm sure will be better understood and embraced by future generations. 
    Don't despair people! Enjoy the ride, one doesn't know when it could be over. Whether or not she gets another hit single again. 
  23. Haha
    Agent Cooper reacted to steady75 in New Album Thread   
    "Maluma" is the sound my puss makes when fully ready.
  24. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to Artur1bt in Cringey Madonna Moments   
    The Express Yourself / Born This Way / She's Not Me mashup from the MDNA Tour and the shade to Lady Gaga.
  25. Like
    Agent Cooper reacted to steady75 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I always felt like Guy was good for Madonna because he bought her down to earth a bit and made her take herself less seriously. I liked her humour when they were together. I'm positive that their relationship attributed in some small way to the reasons why she managed the transition into a 00's darling rather than being left in the 90's. She had a great sense of humour before but the Music project and that Brit sensibility lent itself to some much needed light relief after the heavy Ray Of Light project. Madonna moving to the UK was a time that brought her immense creativity and passion in her music and art. Even Erotica and Bedtime Stories is maybe my favourite period of her career, there is no doubt that the early and mid 90's were a commercial wreck for her in the most part...and then we were in to bland balladry for an eternity with Evita  as much of a yawn in many ways. Ray Of Light is always the pivotal moment but to me the Music era was the closest to True Blue in terms of star power and he star shining brightly. Fun polished and optimistic. Ray Of Light paved the way in that sense. 
    Towards the end the result were gash though. Hard Candy is an aural representation of the discourse...and let's not pretend Madonna would have been easy to live with either. It takes two to tango. 
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