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Unapologetic Bitches
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    Bextorian reacted to groovyguy in Quiz: Name the Madonna Video!   
    Can you recognize these famous Madonna videoclips by one shot?
    Take the quiz @ http://www.popiconsblog.com/quiz-can-you-recognize-the-madonna-video-by-one-shot.html

  2. Like
    Bextorian got a reaction from groovyguy in Quiz: Name the Madonna Video!   
  3. Like
    Bextorian reacted to groovyguy in Madonna: Rare   
    1985 - #Madonna and the cast of "Desperately Seeking Susan"

  4. Like
    Bextorian reacted to groovyguy in Happy 10th Anniversary, COADF!   
    Madonna’s ‘Confessions On A Dance Floor’ Turns 10: Backtracking Stephen Sears @xolondon | November 11, 2015 It was Madonna’s 47th birthday and she was seriously hung up. Fans had been waiting for over two years for new music, when a horse bucked our Lady Of The Manor right into an English hospital with a broken collarbone, hand and ribs. Going into fall of 2005, Madonna had something to prove. In the highs and lows of her career, 2003’s tense, folky American Life was a comedown from the successes of Ray Of Light and Music. Those fans felt they’d allowed their queen her Indigo Girlsmoment and now they wanted classic Madonna dance jams. Rumors circulated about a single inspired by ABBA and then… SPLAT! Just weeks before she was to release her new single, she was busted up, drugged up and out of her usual control. The first thought was not really for Madonna… “Umm, is the album delayed?†When the world finally heard the galloping “Hung Up,†they danced. As the first taste of Madonna’s collaboration with UK producer Stuart Price, the ABBA-sampling pop track was a blueprint for the album. Price had earned his bona fides as Madonna’s musical director on her previous two tours, and earlier in 2005 he garnered success with a seminal remix of The Killers’ “Mr Brightside.†They started noodling with tunes on the Reinvention Tour and later set up shop in his tiny attic recording space in London to craft the huge sound of Confessions On A Dance Floor(released on November 11, 2005). The album’s sound is a dense, layered production, marked by lyrical repetition (time goes by so slowly, time goes by…) and lengthy instrumental sections. “Hung Up†— capped with a leotard-fetishizing video —was a worldwide hit (despite a more tepid showing at #7 on the US chart).
      The album, released as a continuous mix, still sounds exhilarating ten years on. By now fans have memorized the multi-language apologies of second single “Sorry†that Madonna chants over what sounds like an interpolation of the “Frozen†opening. She actually had a few things to apologize for — like Swept Away â€”but the real earworm is the looped “I’ve heard it all before†hook. The track, which has elements of The Jacksons’ â€œCan You Feel It,†also worked in a signature Stuart Price sound (at 2:44): that cracking noise, like a baseball hitting a bat, was also used on numerous of his productions, including his remix of Gwen Stefani’s â€œWhat You Waiting For?â€Like much of Confessions, the recording swirls into a hurricane of sound that rises and falls before ending with classic Madonna strings.
      My sisters and me
    Each Madonna album has a track that is born of her DNA, no matter who’s producing it — think â€œSurvival†on Bedtime Stories or â€œNothing Really Matters†onRay Of Light. Most of these songs mainline an essential positivity and optimism, also present on Confessions’ “Jump.†Opening with a synth line reminiscent of Pet Shop Boys’ “West End Girls,†the track plays out like a sequel to “Keep It Together.†It’s a fine addition to a long line of Madonna songs extolling both the power of family and her belief that you won’t get anywhere in life if you don’t take chances.
    “I Love New York†has, however, proven to be polarizing. A complete rewrite of a song first heard in her tour documentary, I’m Going to Tell You A Secret, the arrangement captures the hugeness and urgency of the city that made Madonna a star. It sounds as if it was recorded in an arena; her vocals are swimming in the sound of rolling timpani drums, electric guitars and squizzy electronics. But “New York†has one glitch: the lyrics are hardcore raggedy, rhyming New York and dork, or a Suessian mad, sad and glad. If you accept the song as literal, it’s embarrassing, but if you roll with what was likely intended as a tongue-in-cheek lyric, it works.
    In the evidence of its brilliance
    “Future Lovers,†the only track produced by American Life’s now-malignedMirwais, is nervily built on a sample of the ultimate disco statement: Donna Summers’ legendary â€œI Feel Love.†Each Madonna album needs a great spoken piece and “Future†delivers with a commentary on modern life. “Forget your problems… administration, bills, loans,†she purrs with perfect elocution, before the track lifts off into a slamming disco classic.
    Equally mammoth is the arena-friendly “Get Together.†It’s a meta-pop moment, built on a sample of Stardust’s “Music Sounds Better With You,†which in turn wasfamously mashed up with Madonna’s “Holiday.†Like “Jump,†the lyric is full of hope — “do you believe that we can change the future?†and the stabbing synths (check 3:34) send the track into orbit. It’s completely uplifting and everything dance music should be.
    This is who I am
    All disco nights come to an end, and Confessions closes with the stunning manifesto “Like It Or Not.†Produced by Madonna with Bloodshy and Avant (aka two-thirds of Miike Snow), it sounds like an answer to the intense criticism she received forAmerican Life and her views on the Iraq War. “This is who I am, you can like it or not,†she sings, “You can love me or leave me, ’cause I’m never gonna stop.†Monte Pittman, Madonna’s longtime guitarist, adds a sense of gravitas with the folky acoustic riff that brings Confessions to an elegant conclusion. When you get cranky with Madonna in 2015 for what she is or isn’t, think of this lyric, because the lady doesn’t give a shit.
    In the years following Confessions, a few elements leap out. The album has a cohesive sound — her recent work, which features a cast of thousands, sounds more chaotic. Kylie Minogue liked the approach so much that she hired Price in 2010 to bring together disparate tracks she was gathering for her own Aphrodite.
    Confessions is also rich in the expanse of styles its creator was able to bring to an up-tempo dance album. There’s so much emotional power in Madonna’s voice here, especially when she utilizes her lower, warmer register on songs like “Jump†or “Like It Or Not.†She turned 47 the day she fell off that horse, but nothing would stop her. A glitterball, a leotard, a simple wish to be happy. In 2005, Madonna was at the top of her game.
    What are your own memories of Confessions On A Dance Floor? Let us know below, or by hitting us up on Facebook and Twitter.
  5. Like
    Bextorian reacted to groovyguy in Madonna: Rare   
    Confessions On A Dance Floor photo shoot by Steven Klein | 2005

  6. Like
    Bextorian reacted to MeantToBeIconic in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    Alright, so I've done the calculations, and we'll compare the studio albums and the misc. categories. I was VERY surprised with the results of the album countdown. Take a look for yourself!
    [*]Ray Of Light - 8.037593985 [*]American Life - 7.976076555 [*]Like A Prayer - 7.866028708 [*]Confessions On A Dancefloor - 7.768421053 [*]Bedtime Stories - 7.660287081 [*]Music - 7.631578947 [*]True Blue - 7.561403509 [*]Rebel Heart - 7.538947368 [*]Madonna - 7.460526316 [*]Erotica - 7.409774436 [*]Hard Candy - 7.218623482 [*]Like A Virgin - 7.031578947 [*]MDNA - 6.751461988

    So, it was expected that ROL would be the top, but I DIDN'T expect American Life beating Like a Prayer. I also didn't expect Like a Virgin doing WORSE than Hard Candy. Crazy
    And the miscellaneous albums
    [*]Evita - 8.222222222 [*]Greatest Hits Songs/Singles - 7.879699248 [*]Spotlight the Single - 7.421052632 [*]Something To Remember - 7.401315789 [*]Who's That Girl - 7.355263158 [*]I'm Breathless - 6.964912281 [*]Unreleased - 6.259259259 [*]Non Album - 6.166666667

    No comment. LOL @ Spotlight being third and it's only one song
    That's the official end of this incarnation of the countdown. But don't worry! I have plenty more games! We'll start a new one tonight!
  7. Like
    Bextorian reacted to groovyguy in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    Not sure. It says new cover art. Maybe the tour poster as the cover?
    1. Living For Love
    2. Devil Pray
    3. Ghosttown
    4. Unapologetic Bitch
    5. Illuminati
    6. Bitch I’m Madonna feat. Nicki Minaj
    7. Hold Tight
    8. Joan of Arc
    9. Iconic feat. Chance The Rapper & Mike Tyson
    10. HeartBreakCity
    11. Body Shop
    12. Holy Water
    13. Inside Out
    14. Wash All Over Me
    15. Best Night
    16. Veni Vedi Vici feat. Nas
    17. S.E.X.
    18. Messiah
    19. Rebel Heart
    20. Living For Love (Dirty Pop Remix)
    ・Living For Love
    ・Bitch I’m Madonna feat. Nicki Minaj
    ・Bitch I’m Madonna (Sander Kleinenberg Remix) feat. Nicki Minaj
    Release date is set for January 22nd 2016. Pre-order is available at Universal Japan
  8. Like
    Bextorian reacted to groovyguy in Happy 25th Anniversary, The Immaculate Collection!   
    Celebrating 25 years of #TheImmaculateCollection
    When you are an enduring and everlasting star such as Madonna, then it is always a 25th anniversary of something. Singles, albums, tours, films, videos, TV performances, and so on. It's rare, however, that much attention gets paid to greatest hits collections - often, these are a collection of already known songs with a couple of newbies added on. There was something so much more to Madonna's own and first greatest hits, The Immaculate Collection. Not only does it (arguably) have the best title of a greatest hits album ever (allegedly changed from Ultra Madonna to avoid confusion with the dance artist Ultra), but there was a certain Madonna-like audacity to it in having all the chosen tracks remixed by Shep Pettibone. It featured 15 of Madonna's biggest hits (but not all of them) as well as 2 new songs that, as time would evidence, hinted nicely at the next stage of her career. It topped the charts for an unprecedented nine weeks in the UK and spawned four singles here (more on that later) - the near-perfect bookend to stage one of her soaring career...

    I say near-perfect because the project wasn't without it's controversy. Let's face it, it wouldn't be a Madonna album if it didn't spark heated conversation. Some folks weren't keen on the remixed nature of the songs, bemoaning the fact that these weren't the single versions that made the charts. Others pointed out that several successful singles were missing from the project (Dress You Up, Angel, Gambler and True Blue to name a few). For me, I liked the ballsy move of the remixes - it gave the fans something new whilst also being a really clever way to encourage and promote sales of a back catalogue for those that really wanted to hear songs in their original format. The tracklisting? Well, I've always been a stickler for a comprehensive and chronological greatest hits (bravo to the first Kylie and Erasure collections) but I get why - depending on where you lived in the world Madonna had released at least 25+ singles. Sure, it could have been a double album but it's a snapshot of Madonna's career - and possibly remains the greatest selection of songs of her mortal life. Plus, lucky Britain got to have some additional and nicely matching CD singles to pad out the collection so it was all rather forgiveable in the end...

    [*] Justify My Love ~ single number one from the Immaculate Collection was part single, part musical poetry and part seductive love letter to love itself. I remember being absolutely besotten with the mid-tempo groove that was like a gentle caress to the skin while Madonna breathily spoke almost every single word of the song (rather than singing). The track positively oozes sex and was accompanied by a NSFW video that would have had One Million Moms (actually about 2000) clutching their faux-pearls in righteous indignation. I remember there being a "video single" of JML released (which included that phenomenal MTV Award version of Vogue) and my mum buying it for me, shoving it into my hand and whispering "don't tell your dad"! What a woman And, of course, the single was a massive smash (2 in UK, chart topper in the US)... [*]Crazy For You ~ In the late 80s and early 90s, it wasn't uncommon for songs to be re-released in the UK. Movie songs would chart all over again if the film was shown on TV, for example, and Madonna being the draw that she was means it shouldn't come as a surprise that the record company wanted to maximise it's returns as well as garner more publicity for the behemoth that was now The Immaculate Collection. Crazy For You was re-released in Feb 1991 (Valentine's Day) with the Shep Pettibone single remix of Keep It Together on the b-side (never a single in the UK). The single artwork looked like an outtake from Justify My Love video which a) didn't really fit with the song and b) didn't have the cohesive visual imagery that went into the next single (in terms of it being an extension of the album - it certainly matched the JML and Rescue Me covers). Regardless, you can't keep a good song down and this IC-version went all the way to number two (it's original peak position from 1985)... [*]The Holiday Collection ~ The song Holiday had already reached the top ten twice (6 in 1984, 2 in 1985) but Warner Bros were clearly convinced it could do it again. By packaging it as The Holiday Collection with artworkthat fitted nicely alongside The Immaculate Collection, they proved themselves right. It rose all the way to number three in the summer of 1991 - partly because, like Crazy For You, it was a song that people loved and wanted to hear all over again; and partly because it gave collectors additional tracks like True Blue, Who's That Girl and Causing A Commotion to add to their own immaculate collection. None of these were remixed in the album style but it was a nice tip of the hat. [*]Rescue Me ~ the other new track was a blistering house meets pop meets dance extravaganza that still sounds radiant to this day. Ace gospel and soul influences abound and it's no wonder this was another top three hit in the UK (although due to the radio play/sales nature of the US charts, it peaked a number nine over there). A worthy legacy to end the Immaculate Collection period - and if you play Vogue, Justify My Love, this, Erotica and Deeper & Deeper back to back you have a sizzling collection of Shep-Madonna songs that still sound great to this day.

  9. Like
    Bextorian reacted to groovyguy in Happy 25th Anniversary, The Immaculate Collection!   
    25 years ago (November 9, 1990) Madonna released her first greatest hits compilation, the fantastic THE IMMACULATE COLLECTION (the title is a reference to M´s religious name and the Immaculate Conception). 15 hits plus 2 new songs, Rescue Me and Justify My Love. 
    Madonna dedicated the album to “The Pope, my divine inspirationâ€. This led to many believing it was dedicated to Pope John Paul II, but it was actually dedicated to her brother, Christopher Ciccone, who had spent the year on tour with Madonna (“The Pope†is one of his nicknames).
    The album is a huge success and keeps the world record of the best-selling compilation album by a solo artist. Let´s celebrate! 


  10. Like
    Bextorian reacted to Stevo in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    I think the results are interesting when you see them in a list like this. I think most non-fans think she was probably best in the 80s and never quite matched that in the 90s, 2000s and 2010s, and i think Madonna herself assumes her fans only really want to hear the 80s stuff (e.g. on RHT virtually all older songs are 80s, + only a couple of 90s songs (DAD + maybe frozen or secret), + 2 from 2000s (music + CS). Maybe she should take note? LOL When she plays "oldies but goodies", maybe give some stuff from after the 80s a go? Top 20:-6 80s songs-10 90s songs-4 2000s songs
  11. Like
    Bextorian reacted to groovyguy in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    FINAL Results!!!
    Many THANKS to MeantToBeIconic for taking the time & effort in compiling the results!!!
    M-Infinity TOP 75 Madonna Songs:
    1 – Like a Prayer [Like a Prayer] WINNER         
    2 -- Frozen [Ray of Light]
    3 – Vogue [i’m Breathless]
    4 -- Live to Tell [True Blue]
    5 – Music [Music]
    6 -- Into The Groove [Like a Virgin]
    7 -- Get Together [COADF]
    8 -- Drowned World/Substitute For Love [Ray of Light]
    9 -- Justify My Love [Greatest Hits]
    10 -- Papa Don't Preach [True Blue]
    11 – Rain [Erotica]
    12 -- Ray of Light [Ray of Light]
    13 -- Die Another Day [American Life]
    14 -- Hung Up [COADF]
    15 -- Open Your Heart [True Blue]
    16 – Erotica [Erotica]
    17 -- Bedtime Story [bedtime Stories]
    18 -- The Power of Good-Bye [Ray of Light]
    19 -- Oh Father [Like a Prayer]
    20 -- Take a Bow [bedtime Stories]
    21 -- La Isla Bonita [True Blue]
    22 – Secret [bedtime Stories]
    23 -- Don't Tell Me [Music]
    24 – Ghosttown [Rebel Heart]
    25 -- Time Stood Still [TNBT OST]
    26 -- Express Yourself [Like a Prayer]
    27 – Jump [COADF]
    28 --  Living For Love [Rebel Heart]
    29 -- Rescue Me [Greatest Hits]
    30 -- You'll See [something to Remember]
    31 -- Promise to Try [Like a Prayer]
    32 -- Bad Girl [Erotica]
    33 -- Nothing Fails [American Life]
    34 -- Let It Will Be [COADF]
    35 -- You Must Love Me
    36 -- Spanish Eyes [Like a Prayer]
    37 -- Deeper and Deeper [Erotica]
    38 -- Nothing Really Matters [Ray of Light]
    39 – Sorry [COADF]
    40 -- Devil Pray [Rebel Heart]
    41 – HeartBreakCity [Rebel Heart]
    42 -- Easy Ride [American Life]
    43 – Masterpiece [MDNA]
    44 – Addicted [Rebel Heart]
    45 -- Don't Cry For Me Argentina [Evita]
    46 -- I Want You (with Massive Attack) [something to Remember]
    47 -- Sky Fits Heaven [Ray of Light]
    48 -- Impressive Instant [Music]
    49 -- Devil Wouldn't Recognize You [Hard Candy]
    50 -- Across The Sky [Hard Candy Era]
    51 -- Dress You Up [Like a Virgin]
    52 -- Swim [Ray of Light]
    53 -- Paradise (Not For Me) [Music]
    54 -- Miles Away [Hard Candy]
    55 -- Falling Free [MDNA]
    56 -- Nobody Knows Me [American Life]
    57 -- Gang Bang [MDNA]
    58 -- Holiday [Madonna]
    59 -- Like A Virgin [Like a Virgin]
    60 – Skin [Ray of Light]
    61 -- Crazy for You [Greatest Hits Single]
    62 -- Forbidden Love [COADF]
    63 -- This Used To Be My Playground [something to Remember]
    64 -- Human Nature [bedtime Stories]
    65 -- Inside Out [Rebel Heart]
    66 -- Burning Up [Madonna]
    67 -- Causing a Commotion [Who’s That Girl]
    68 -- Keep It Together [Like a Prayer]
    69 -- Future Lovers [COADF]
    70 -- Give It 2 Me [Hard Candy]
    71 – Lament [Evita]
    72 -- Lucky Star [Madonna]
    73 -- Love Spent [MDNA]
    74 -- Wash All Over Me [Rebel Heart]
    75 – Celebration [Celebration]
    Previous Results #30-#168
    #11-#29 http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/3949-madonnainfinity-best-madonna-song-countdown/?p=200093
    #30-#59 http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/3949-madonnainfinity-best-madonna-song-countdown/?p=195710
    #60-#109  http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/3949-madonnainfinity-best-madonna-song-countdown/?p=192611
    #110-#139  http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/3949-madonnainfinity-best-madonna-song-countdown/?p=185872
    #140-#199 http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/3949-madonnainfinity-best-madonna-song-countdown/?p=179895
    #200-#268 http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/3949-madonnainfinity-best-madonna-song-countdown/?p=164289
    M-Infinity Madonna Album Ranking
    1. Like a Prayer [March 21, 1989] WINNER
    2. Ray of Light [March 3, 1998]
    3. I'm Breathless [May 22, 1990]
    4. True Blue [June 30, 1986]
    5. Music [September 19, 2000]
    6. Like a Virgin [November 12, 1984]
    7. COADF [November 11, 2005]
    8. Erotica [October 20, 1992]
    9. American Life [April 22, 2003]
    10. Bedtime Stories [October 25, 1994]
    11. Rebel Heart [March 6, 2015]
    12. Something to Remember [November 7, 1995]
    13. Evita [October 25, 1996]
    14. MDNA [March 23, 2012]
    15. Hard Candy [April 19, 2008]
    16. Madonna [July 27, 1983]
    17. Who’s That Girl [July 21, 1987]
  12. Like
    Bextorian reacted to Stevo in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    Like A Prayer is number 1, and it feels like....... home....... :-)
  13. Like
    Bextorian reacted to MeantToBeIconic in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    It's been a few months, and we all went on a journey to discover the best Madonna song.
    But now the journey comes to an end.
    Like a Prayer
    The final showdown we all saw coming from the beginning.
    And now we find out the results in

    #2 -- Frozen
    Average: 9.55
    Highest: 11x1 (@MeantToBeIconic)
    Lowest: 7x1 (@@slave)
    In my opinion, this is Madonna's artistic peak. The cinematic strings combined with electronic blips and powerful percussion help this song build up to a monumental chorus that explodes with so much emotion. The lyrics are fantastically poetic at this point in her career, and are at their best in this song. I'm in disbelief that this song didn't go #1, because this will always be my all-time favorite Madonna song. I hoped hard, but not all the hope in the world wasn't enough to push this one all the way through.
    Say hello to the undoubted winner...

    #1 -- Like a Prayer
    Average: 9.7 (.15 points higher than Frozen!!!)
    Highest: 11x3 (@@groovyguy, @@unapologeticheart, @GHouse)
    Lowest: 7x1 (@@carlito76)
    The winner we saw coming since the beginning, though I wanted otherwise. Aside from the guitar/choir intro and gospel breakdown, this is actually an 80's pop song by the numbers. I agree with @@Dazedmadonna that this song is kind of overrated, but the legacy can't be denied. Nothing was more powerful that this song when it came out, and nothing has matched it's power since. The defining moment of Madonna's uprising, this is the song that cemented her as a superstar. Even though I'm conflicted about it's #1 spot, I can't imagine anything else here.
    And that's the countdown! Thank you all for this experience! Album countdown to come after the calculations are done!
  14. Like
    Bextorian reacted to groovyguy in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    With the elimination of Vogue @ #3, the I'm Breathless album is eliminated from the race for the TOP.
    The final battle is between Like a Prayer vs Frozen, of which the outcome would also determine whether the Like a Prayer album or Ray of Light album is the ultimate M-Infinity Top Album.
    Which do you think will win TOP SONG & TOP ALBUM?
    Maybe MeantToBeIconic gave us a hint of the ORDER when he wrote:
    FROZEN -#2
    OR is it the other way around???
    Stay tune for the FINAL results!!!
    [updated] Results recap so far:
    Many THANKS to MeantToBeIconic for taking the time in compiling the results!!!
    M-Infinity TOP 75 Madonna Songs:
    1 – Like a Prayer or Frozen ???
    2 -- Like a Prayer or Frozen ???
    3 – Vogue [i’m Breathless]
    4 -- Live to Tell [True Blue]
    5 – Music [Music]
    6 -- Into The Groove [Like a Virgin]
    7 -- Get Together [COADF]
    8 -- Drowned World/Substitute For Love [Ray of Light]
    9 -- Justify My Love [Greatest Hits]
    10 -- Papa Don't Preach [True Blue]
    11 – Rain [Erotica]
    12 -- Ray of Light [Ray of Light]
    13 -- Die Another Day [American Life]
    14 -- Hung Up [COADF]
    15 -- Open Your Heart [True Blue]
    16 – Erotica [Erotica]
    17 -- Bedtime Story [bedtime Stories]
    18 -- The Power of Good-Bye [Ray of Light]
    19 -- Oh Father [Like a Prayer]
    20 -- Take a Bow [bedtime Stories]
    21 -- La Isla Bonita [True Blue]
    22 – Secret [bedtime Stories]
    23 -- Don't Tell Me [Music]
    24 – Ghosttown [Rebel Heart]
    25 -- Time Stood Still [TNBT OST]
    26 -- Express Yourself [Like a Prayer]
    27 – Jump [COADF]
    28 --  Living For Love [Rebel Heart]
    29 -- Rescue Me [Greatest Hits]
    30 -- You'll See [something to Remember]
    31 -- Promise to Try [Like a Prayer]
    32 -- Bad Girl [Erotica]
    33 -- Nothing Fails [American Life]
    34 -- Let It Will Be [COADF]
    35 -- You Must Love Me
    36 -- Spanish Eyes [Like a Prayer]
    37 -- Deeper and Deeper [Erotica]
    38 -- Nothing Really Matters [Ray of Light]
    39 – Sorry [COADF]
    40 -- Devil Pray [Rebel Heart]
    41 – HeartBreakCity [Rebel Heart]
    42 -- Easy Ride [American Life]
    43 – Masterpiece [MDNA]
    44 – Addicted [Rebel Heart]
    45 -- Don't Cry For Me Argentina [Evita]
    46 -- I Want You (with Massive Attack) [something to Remember]
    47 -- Sky Fits Heaven [Ray of Light]
    48 -- Impressive Instant [Music]
    49 -- Devil Wouldn't Recognize You [Hard Candy]
    50 -- Across The Sky [Hard Candy Era]
    51 -- Dress You Up [Like a Virgin]
    52 -- Swim [Ray of Light]
    53 -- Paradise (Not For Me) [Music]
    54 -- Miles Away [Hard Candy]
    55 -- Falling Free [MDNA]
    56 -- Nobody Knows Me [American Life]
    57 -- Gang Bang [MDNA]
    58 -- Holiday [Madonna]
    59 -- Like A Virgin [Like a Virgin]
    60 – Skin [Ray of Light]
    61 -- Crazy for You [Greatest Hits Single]
    62 -- Forbidden Love [COADF]
    63 -- This Used To Be My Playground [something to Remember]
    64 -- Human Nature [bedtime Stories]
    65 -- Inside Out [Rebel Heart]
    66 -- Burning Up [Madonna]
    67 -- Causing a Commotion [Who’s That Girl]
    68 -- Keep It Together [Like a Prayer]
    69 -- Future Lovers [COADF]
    70 -- Give It 2 Me [Hard Candy]
    71 – Lament [Evita]
    72 -- Lucky Star [Madonna]
    73 -- Love Spent [MDNA]
    74 -- Wash All Over Me [Rebel Heart]
    75 – Celebration [Celebration]
    Previous Results #30-#168
    #11-#29 http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/3949-madonnainfinity-best-madonna-song-countdown/?p=200093
    #30-#59 http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/3949-madonnainfinity-best-madonna-song-countdown/?p=195710
    #60-#109  http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/3949-madonnainfinity-best-madonna-song-countdown/?p=192611
    #110-#139  http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/3949-madonnainfinity-best-madonna-song-countdown/?p=185872
    #140-#199 http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/3949-madonnainfinity-best-madonna-song-countdown/?p=179895
    #200-#268 http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/3949-madonnainfinity-best-madonna-song-countdown/?p=164289
    Album Tally
    In Red = Eliminated
    In Brown = 1 More track to Elimination
    Track in Green = Remaining Tracks
    Album Tally
    In Red = Eliminated
    In Brown = 1 More track to Elimination
    Track in Green = Remaining Tracks
    M-Infinity Madonna Album Current Ranking Before Top 10 Tracks
    1. Like a Prayer [March 21, 1989]
    2. Ray of Light [March 3, 1998]
    [Eliminated Albums in RED]
    3. I'm Breathless [May 22, 1990]
    4. True Blue [June 30, 1986]
    5. Music [September 19, 2000]
    6. Like a Virgin [November 12, 1984]
    7. COADF [November 11, 2005]
    8. Erotica [October 20, 1992]
    9. American Life [April 22, 2003]
    10. Bedtime Stories [October 25, 1994]
    11. Rebel Heart [March 6, 2015]
    12. Something to Remember [November 7, 1995]
    13. Evita [October 25, 1996]
    14. MDNA [March 23, 2012]
    15. Hard Candy [April 19, 2008]
    16. Madonna [July 27, 1983]
    17. Who’s That Girl [July 21, 1987]
  15. Like
    Bextorian reacted to devilpray in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    YAAAAAAAAAAAAS BYE BITCH BYEEEEEEEE (I love Vogue I just didnt want it to win)
  16. Like
    Bextorian reacted to Dazedmadonna in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    Although I'm not very happy of this result, I hope Frozen wins, Like A Prayer is so overrated.

  17. Like
    Bextorian reacted to MeantToBeIconic in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    i feel like @@sidney78a made a lot of enemies during this countdown 
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    Bextorian reacted to MeantToBeIconic in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    Let me just say that this one is going to make @@Fighter

    #3 -- Vogue
    Average: 9.5
    Highest: 11x1 (@@sidney78a)
    Lowest: 7x2 (@@carlito76 and @@slave)
    The one everyone's been nervously waiting for strikes a pose and says goodbye! One of M's most iconic singles for a good reason. Video? Check. Choreography? Check. Name checking dead celebs? Definitely a check? A smooth bass line and piano riff? Checks up and down. Really an excellently produced song put on a rather tragic album. It's made so many tour performances for a reason, yo. While it definitely isn't winner material, #3 feels earned and appropriate, what with all the love from critics, fans, and whatnot.
  19. Like
    Bextorian reacted to Enrico in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    However this countdown ends, it will have made us redefine our priorities... rediscover some songs, understand others.
    Three aspects of Madonna are equally represented in the final Top3:
    1) the dancing queen, and timeless icon;
    2) the electronic artist, who can make electronica sound so intimate and personal;
    3) the mature singer who can make perfect pop and challenges us all the time with questions about life and religion.
  20. Like
    Bextorian reacted to MeantToBeIconic in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    Ok, ok. I was going to post yesterday, but with it being down, I lost motivation.
    Here's one that will make literally everyone upset

    #4 -- Live to Tell
    Average: 9.35
    Highest: 11x1 (@@slave)
    Lowest: 7x3 (@@voguemadonna, @@musicinferno, and @carlito76a)
    Madonna's best ballad to date. This is a complete standout from True Blue and sounds more mature than anything on that album, including the production. I'm not sure what subject the song is addressing, but it addresses it very well. Her voice sounds so full, and she feels very comfortable in this element. Sorry for all your winner's picks, but those three above had to ruin it and kill this gorgeous song.
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  22. Like
    Bextorian reacted to groovyguy in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    With the elimination of Music @ #5, the Music album just got eliminated & ranks # 5.
    M-Infinity Madonna Album Current Ranking Before Top 10 Tracks
    1. True Blue [June 30, 1986]
    2. Like a Prayer [March 21, 1989]
    3. I'm Breathless [May 22, 1990]
    4. Ray of Light [March 3, 1998]
    [Eliminated Albums in RED]
    5. Music [September 19, 2000]
    6. Like a Virgin [November 12, 1984]
    7. COADF [November 11, 2005]
    8. Erotica [October 20, 1992]
    9. American Life [April 22, 2003]
    10. Bedtime Stories [October 25, 1994]
    11. Rebel Heart [March 6, 2015]
    12. Something to Remember [November 7, 1995]
    13. Evita [October 25, 1996]
    14. MDNA [March 23, 2012]
    15. Hard Candy [April 19, 2008]
    16. Madonna [July 27, 1983]
    17. Who’s That Girl [July 21, 1987]
  23. Like
    Bextorian reacted to MeantToBeIconic in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    First of Top 5 to go! Say goodbye to...

    #5 -- Music
    Average: 9.3
    Highest: 10x12 holyshitthatssomany (@MeantToBeIconic, @@NowRadiate, @@groovyguy, @@Re-InventionUK, @@rol1974, @, @@slave, @@Dazedmadonna, @@devilpray, @@stefo, @musicinferno, @rebelheart93)
    Lowest: 7 (@voguemadonna)
    Talk about a bumping beat. My favorite kind of music is electronic, and this fits the bill perfectly. Iconic in so many ways, this deserved it's place in the Top 5 for sounding so fresh after 15 years and still not sounding tired. The synths toward the end are what really drive the song to me, and it's a non-stop dose of MDMA from start to finish. A truly stellar single, track, and video to boot. 10/10 would agree.
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    Bextorian reacted to Stevo in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    It's interesting how some people can dislike songs/albums, while the same songs/albums can have such a deep meaning to someone else. For me, I highly rate all the singles off True Blue, yet I don't like any of the non-singles (I like the remix if where's the party though). I guess maybe as I only bought the album in 2001 when I was 18, and I I obviously knew the singles from my mum playing the immaculate collection tape in the car when it came out in 1990. Maybe I had a deeper connection to the singles as I'd heard them when I was a kid a lot in the car and it reminded me of my mum (like all songs on the immaculate collection do). Similarly, the Music album reminds me clearly of Christmas morning 2000, as I played it while racing my brother on Mario Kart 64 and while my mum (who's divorced from my dad) came around, so was a great day- so for me I kinda love Nobody's Perfect LOL, but I get the feeling I'm probably in the extreme minority :-D
  25. Like
    Bextorian reacted to groovyguy in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    What I Like:
    1 or 2. Like a Prayer [Like a Prayer] / Live to Tell [True Blue]
    3. Frozen [Ray of Light]
    4. Music [Music]
    5. Vogue [i'm Breathless]
    Both True Blue and Like a Prayer were magical soundtrack to my life at the time. TB holds very special & fond memories for me cos I met my first bf when TB came out. LAP was cathartic for me cos we broke up when LAP came out. Plus both albums have no fillers for me.
    There's no filler in the Ray of Light album for me as well. And it's another soundtrack to my life as it was a time when I was single, happy & at peace with myself. It's just that for me, there's more "history" with TB & LAP.
    I truly love the Music song and the Music album as a whole but it also has my least favorite M song in Nobody's Perfect. That said, Paradise (Not for Me) is one of my top favorite M songs ever.
    I'm Breathless is a great album but while I love the Vogue video and all the LIVE Vogue performances, Vogue has never been a huge favorite of mine. 
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