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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Like
    Ekans got a reaction from Voguerista in POLL: Future or Future Lovers - which do you like more?   
    Compared to Future Lovers, Future is a freaking bad taste joke.  (I absolutely love MX btw)
  2. Like
    Ekans reacted to RinoTheBouncer in Madame X Tour DVD   
    You know, pretending not to know when you know exactly know what people, only to find a reason to complain, isn’t a very intelligent way to carry out a conversation. Everyone knows quite well that the album version is called album version or Acoustic version and the dance demo is called Avicii demo.
  3. Like
    Ekans reacted to Rebel Hugo in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Porque quiero y porque puedo ? no seas racista porque simplemente quiero expresarme en mi lengua natal ? #ExpresateNoTeReprimas ???
    P. D.: Si no te gusta o entiendes lo que digo fácil mi amor está el traductor de Google ?
  4. Sad
    Ekans reacted to Fighter in Madame X Tour DVD   
    wheres the faz gostoso video 
  5. Wow
    Ekans reacted to Fabiolous in I Fucked Up and Best Friend   
    So I always thought these two songs were written for Guy and I find them among the best tracks on MDNA because they aren't just party bangers but they actually reflect how she felt at the time. 
    But recently I saw a guy claim these songs were written for Jesus Luz and while at first I thought this was stupid, I have actually started to wonder. Love Spent, Gang Bang and I don't give A don't show any regret or self blaming when addressing her divorce, however I fucked up and Best friend are very melancholic, with I fucked up pretty much saying it's all Madonna's fault. 
    So maybe they were written for different people? 
  6. Like
    Ekans reacted to wtg1987 in Madame X Tour | Paris   
  7. Like
    Ekans reacted to dylanlioncourt in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Well perhaps they shouldn't be so condescending to people and acting like their hard earned money is something so minuscule and didn't take effort to obtain, plan or save up? Cancellations and rescheduling can happen to any tour or artist. Madonna chose to go forward and not let us down but it's also quite concerning to go against licensed professionals advising her not to for her own benefit. Nobody wants to see her be crippled, further injured or having to undergo surgeries because of it. Her health and concern is always a priority to fans and we have never said otherwise. The poster was wrong to make a comment like that to disappointed fans who have the right to voice it but I quite frankly don't believe in the conspiracy theories others have thrown (low sales, etc)

    The only portion I agree with is losing her would be devastating and she should be appreciated. However, there does need to be some sort of communication and transparency to allow those the show will be cancelled ahead of time (the morning of) rather than entering the arena and finding out she's not coming on. It's a shame her idea of this tour was plagued by so many issues beyond her control and we can commend her for giving it to us to her utmost level but there are issues her team can alleviate that doesn't make it a fan gripe. We all want to see her and experience her vision but not at the risk of her health or worsening her injury. The money comment was completely dismissive and rude.
  8. Like
    Ekans reacted to aprilshack in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Maybe but you can’t go around telling people to get better jobs! Seriously?!
  9. Like
    Ekans reacted to G House in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    The audacity of saying this really makes me sick. It's not even my show and I'm mad because of this answer. 
  10. Like
    Ekans reacted to Krystof in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Forgot to mention from the 4th  - this made my partner and I giggle at the time and is becoming a catchphrase between us round the flat since returning home
    as Madonna was sitting down to the typewriter at the start of Medellin in deadly silence a really enthusiastic girl from one of the upper levels screams out 
    “Whoo! Whoo! Type it girl! Type it girl!” 
  11. Like
    Ekans reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Or you could just scroll the page and check our beautiful Infinity Calendar that @Fighterand I compiled with so much love and nobody used 
    Now it's going to be empty for months.... maybe years 
    But you can still read there all the members' birthdays  
  12. Like
    Ekans reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Yes something like this would make anyone sad:
  13. Sad
    Ekans reacted to Andymad in Madame X Tour | London   
    Eminem steels my wool. Come on daddy let’s get sickening 
  14. Sad
    Ekans reacted to scion in Madame X Tour | London   
    So there’s actually no drummer at all, doesn’t surprise me me of course but interesting.
  15. Like
    Ekans reacted to broujeorbit in Madame X Tour | London   
    Its unfair to say that only madonna has her private things going on. The people who work there have their private things too. So it aint only madonna. Nobody wants to work a minute longer because of somebody’s tardiness. Certainly not me. Not for Madonna, rihanna, beyonce or obama. They’re not paying my bills. We close at 11 so get the f out because i want to clock out and go home! So whoever did that, did the right thing. Ain’t nobody got time for diva problems.
    You don’t go to work, to your boss with this attitude. When you have a big presentation at work, you make sure to be on time. If you’re late, its your fault. You don’t holla censorship to your boss, do you? 
    No hate but some of y’all fans accepting things that are not ok just because it’s Madonna. But if it was your colleague, yall wouldve send a 10 letter page complaint to your boss, the mayor, lawyers, the insurance company...
    Just keep it 100. Her behavior was not ok and fans have the right to complain about it. 
  16. Sad
    Ekans reacted to Redha DBL in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    I heard she sang a cover of Kylie's "I was gonna cancel" on the last show
  17. Sad
    Ekans reacted to Vinny Fonseca in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    I was SO looking forward to this concert.
    I travelled all the way from Brazil to Portugal just to be here tonight, and guess what? Cancelled.
    I had a pretty good seat, row D, so close to her.
    I'm devastated. Not to say MAD. 
  18. Like
    Ekans reacted to Bobo in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    Still an awful mess of a song. 
  19. Like
    Ekans reacted to wtg1987 in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    Because it’s an awful song ??
  20. Like
    Ekans reacted to eXtremeOccident in If you could change the Madame X Tour?   
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- The elements are there for a great show, both with the current thematic elements and the existing setlist / choreography. It's the flow that's an absolute mess (I had similar sentiments about Rebel Heart).
    All this show needs is a better narrative (hence the interlude changes), tighter production, and a set list with songs that are complementary to one another, both via audio / mixing and lyrical content. 
    Additionally, I think way more time could have been put into the choreography and staging, but alas, I'm not trying to reach here...though I still think if she hired Celine's production team from Vegas for a theatre show, this would have been next level...but I digress...
    Imagine the following....note that there are only 5 song changes, and these were teased at various points (except for Bedtime Story / Secret). I would kill for a show like this.
    Act 1 - Madame X Is A Prisoner 
    1. Introducing: Madame X / Joan of Arc (Intro)
    2. Dark Ballet
    3. Killers Who Are Partying
    4. Human Nature
    5. What It Feels Like For A Girl
    6. Bedtime Story
    Act 2 - Madame X Is A Head of State
    7. The Coffin (Interlude)
    8. American Life
    9. Papa Don't Preach (Full) 
    10. Future (Piano Mix)
    11. Express Yourself (Full)
    Act 3 - Madame X Is Traveling Around The World
    11. Extreme Occident (Interlude)
    12. Batuka 
    13. Like a Virgin (Fado Style)
    14. La Isla Bonita (Welcome To My Fado Club Tempo / Instrumental) (Full)
    15. Medellin
    Act 4 - Madame X Is A Mother 
    16. Easy Ride Instrumental (Orchestral Interlude Extending Into...)
    17. Frozen
    18. Rescue Me Interlude / Rescue Me (Full)
    19. Come Alive
    20. Crave (Tracy Young Mix)
    Act 4 - Madame X Is A Spy In The House of Love
    21. Madame X Manifesto Extended (Interlude)
    22. Vogue
    23. Secret
    24. Justify My Love
    25. I Don't Search I Find
    Act 5 - Madame X Is Bringing Light To Dark Places
    26. James Baldwin Quote / Dancer Gunshots (Interlude)
    27. God Control
    28. Like a Prayer (With Elements of I Rise)
  21. Like
    Ekans reacted to Elazul in Is the Madame X tour her worst tour?   
    Whatever happened to the Madonna who disliked playing the versions released on CD. She barely had any reinventions in this decade bar a couple of acoustic renditions, it's so disappointing.
  22. Like
    Ekans reacted to Enrico in Is the Madame X tour her worst tour?   
    I think we need to see it to judge.
    Terrible organization in terms of number of dates and venues. Too many US dates where people don't come to see her.
    From the pictures, I don't like her costumes.
    She has incredible musicians this time but still we keep hearing the same sounds of the album versions, this for me is the most disappointing thing and a missed opportunity. 
    All the mistakes come from choosing the same creative team, while she needed people with theatre experience for new ideas. This too is a missed opportunity that won't make this tour memorable.
    The best part is of course to see her close.
  23. Haha
    Ekans got a reaction from jeminifi in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    We all know all of this wouldn't be happening if she had properly added Rescue Me to the setlist. 
  24. Haha
    Ekans got a reaction from scion in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    We all know all of this wouldn't be happening if she had properly added Rescue Me to the setlist. 
  25. Thanks
    Ekans got a reaction from Winn in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    We all know all of this wouldn't be happening if she had properly added Rescue Me to the setlist. 
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