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Unapologetic Bitches
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Andymad last won the day on January 8

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About Andymad

  • Birthday 06/03/1985

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    Sissying my walk now and then.
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  1. Hey Christmas fans… has anybody watched the new ‘The Santa Clauses’ series on Disney? I’m all down for nostalgia but… I just don’t understand why they couldn’t just combine ideas and make an entirely new movie. Instead of a 6 (?) part series? The premise is cute. A lot of filler low points but for the most part… it should have been a full feature movie. Makes no sense. But I do love it.

    1. carlo1030


      Will most likely watch this with my family during the holidays. Thanks for the heads-up.

    2. Adonna


      It seems there is a trend to make films in limited series.  It's possible that it was intended to be a full feature, but being three hours long, they thought maybe it was too long for a family film.  I'm sure there are more logistic behind it, especially regarding it allows Disney Plus be streamed more times, etc. I'm sure there is more ad placement this way. 

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