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star guardian

Unapologetic Bitches
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    star guardian got a reaction from Fighter in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    to me, i think she knows that most of the songs in TOAC in melbourne were like a one time only thing and thats why they're not in the release  its really sad tho
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    star guardian got a reaction from Drum Dub in Rebel Heart Tour - MadonnaInfinity Prize Draw - WINNERS   
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    star guardian got a reaction from meeshell in Rebel Heart Tour - MadonnaInfinity Prize Draw - WINNERS   
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    star guardian got a reaction from edwinmorrison in Rebel Heart Tour - MadonnaInfinity Prize Draw - WINNERS   
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    star guardian got a reaction from groovyguy in Rebel Heart Tour - MadonnaInfinity Prize Draw - WINNERS   
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    star guardian got a reaction from madgefan in Rebel Heart Tour - MadonnaInfinity Prize Draw - WINNERS   
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    star guardian got a reaction from Fighter in Rebel Heart Tour - MadonnaInfinity Prize Draw - WINNERS   
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    star guardian got a reaction from Fighter in Rebel Heart Tour - MadonnaInfinity Prize Draw - WINNERS   
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    star guardian got a reaction from Fighter in Rebel Heart Tour - MadonnaInfinity Prize Draw - WINNERS   
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    star guardian reacted to Fighter in Rebel Heart Tour - MadonnaInfinity Prize Draw - WINNERS   
    It's finally happening! After 9 months of torture waiting for this release, we're finally getting it.
    Now it's the time to pick the winners for our RHT Prize Draw that we announced last year.

    UPDATE: AUGUST 30, 2017 - WINNERS:

    1st Prize - Blu-ray or DVD + 2CD Live Album
    2nd Prize - Blu-ray or DVD
    3rd Prize - 2CD Live Album
    4th Prize - Tourbook
    Winners will be announced this Wednesday August 30, 2017. 
    Winners will be chosen at random from the list of people who responded to the thread last year. An online tool will pick the names at random. Those who win 1st and 2nd prize will be asked wether they prefer Blu-ray or DVD. The Blu-ray or DVD will be the international version, not the japanese version. So don't ask sis.  This is the list of names:

    If everything goes well we might do more contests in the future. 
    So that's it for now. Post any questions you might have on this thread.


    @@Militei @@edwinmorrison @@Nick @@TheRoad
  11. Like
    star guardian reacted to Fighter in Rebel Heart Tour - MadonnaInfinity Prize Draw - WINNERS   
    First post updated with the winners 
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    star guardian reacted to SimonVenekeo in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    In all fairness it's been shown on HBO in Europe.
    Adding more international networks to the list of those that will broadcast Madonna: The Rebel Heart Tour next month, HBO Europe has now listed the tv-special for September 10, 2017.
    The special is 119 minute long and will air first on 9/10 at 21.00 on HBO2 with repeats on 09/21 (14.20) and 09/24 (15.40).
    HBO Europe is a premium tv service operating in 14 European countries: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia.
  14. Like
    star guardian reacted to Dazedmadonna in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    Oh, give me a break with these 'Confessions Tour' comparisons
  15. Like
    star guardian got a reaction from G House in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    i just love how m set our world on fire with every small detail....
    i laughed so much at our reaction when we found out that TAB will be at japan release  ahhhh to be honest im gonna miss this thread so much 
  16. Like
    star guardian reacted to Fighter in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    after all this complaining now ya'll want Take A Bow for free

  17. Like
    star guardian got a reaction from devilpray in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    i just love how m set our world on fire with every small detail....
    i laughed so much at our reaction when we found out that TAB will be at japan release  ahhhh to be honest im gonna miss this thread so much 
  18. Like
    star guardian got a reaction from RUADJAI in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    i just love how m set our world on fire with every small detail....
    i laughed so much at our reaction when we found out that TAB will be at japan release  ahhhh to be honest im gonna miss this thread so much 
  19. Like
    star guardian got a reaction from Fighter in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    i just love how m set our world on fire with every small detail....
    i laughed so much at our reaction when we found out that TAB will be at japan release  ahhhh to be honest im gonna miss this thread so much 
  20. Like
    star guardian got a reaction from Ivan Z in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    omg i just love how professional and perfeccionist she is 
  21. Like
    star guardian got a reaction from Fighter in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    i cant believe this tour started like almost two years ago  it feels like yersteday! im just happy bc we're getting a dvd
  22. Like
    star guardian got a reaction from madenis in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    guys, do you remember when we we're freaking out about not having a dvd? now that we have... why so many critics? why some of you guys just can't enjoy? i just dont get it  its better having this release than nothing... chill, lol 
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    star guardian reacted to Fighter in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    After MDNA Tour's dvd I may be more easily pleased? but I'm not really bothered by a rather small change in quality with the shots from the screens which are still high definition even if not as lush and amazing as the professional shoot from Sydney.
    They could've combined those shots where they remove the runway better but honestly it's not that big of a deal to me. They did it so they could show more of the action on stage without having to zoom in or out. It could be a little more perfected but honestly I didn't notice till I paused it. I'm focused on her performing tbh. And if we have this instead of even more cuts back and forth from different angles to show all the action then even better.
    I don't think most people would notice or care about things like this and I'm willing to overlook them.
    Honestly the thing I have the most problems with is the audio, but it's much better than MDNA's and Sticky & Sweet's. The audience noise can be a bit much, they really weren't holding shit back, and the special sound effects they added sound too loud on the mix. But the vocals are lovely, and I love Heartbreak City and how raw they left it. I hope Love Don't Live Here Anymore will be included on the final release but if it's not oh well, at least it was edited out in a seamless manner.
    Honestly we don't get live releases often so if the content is mostly great i'm happy. We may get lucky and maybe screen footage from her tours may surface or leak one day which would be great too but the way she does her tour films is interesting and different and one of the reasons I became a fan.
  24. Like
    star guardian reacted to MisterMistere in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    I so love the broadcast version so far.... if the full show will appear on the physical edition I would certainly not refuse it, but I'm already happy with what I got to see. Perfect audio, perfect colours... some songs may be too frenetic, but the 80% of the rest isn't so... perfectly satisfied here!
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    star guardian reacted to tajybajyboo in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    It’s really interesting hearing everyone’s point of view. There doesn’t seem to be an overall consensus with opinions ranging far and wide, at both ends of the spectrum. Some love it; others hate it. I suppose that makes satisfying everyone very difficult.
    That said, having watched and re-watched, I’ve moved past my own initial frustrations and niggling criticisms. Now a few days later, I’m drawing a very different opinion. On the whole I love the recording, but for those who were disappointed, I wonder if it’s a failure of expectations, rather than intention? Allow me to elaborate…
    I have a motto in life – ‘excitement leads to expectation, disappointment, and then frustration’. That might seem pessimistic, but from past experience, I know I’ve been the victim of my own preconceived notions of what I wanted an album, a tour, or a video to be; only to find myself disappointed by the reality of what it ended up being. The excitement comes from the desire to repeat past pleasures. We all have our favourite live recordings – for me it’s Confessions, others say Girlie Show and so on, and so forth – there’s no right or wrong answer, just our own individual preference. But the desire to repeat a past experience and feel the same satisfaction can stifle our ability to enjoy something new and different. In recognising that, I read some fans have resigned themselves to the inevitable disappointment, but others were pleasantly surprised, when it wasn’t ‘as bad’ as they’d feared. For anyone feeling disappointed though (as I initially was), perhaps it’s worth looking again to understand what the recording is, rather than criticising it, for all the things it never intended to be? I’m not trying to deny or supress anyone’s opinion here. I believe fans in this forum have responded genuinely, even when I find their choice of words challenging. But for my own part, I’ve managed to move beyond my own gut reaction, and re-evaluate and appreciate this recording in a very different way. Which brings me to my next point – what is authenticity?
    Many have complained this recording (and others) doesn’t accurately represent a real ‘live’ show – the slow-motion effects, the frenetic editing, the sweetened vocals, overlaying backdrops, and most notably, the lack of visual-continuity, splicing multiple shows together, all detract from any true sense of authenticity, failing to accurately represent what it was like to be there, seeing the show in-person. Some would rather re-live a singular concert, faithfully re-created in ‘real’ time and space; but there’s a contradiction here – all of Madonna’s live recordings are a constructed reality, which dilutes the true experience. You don’t relive the hours you spent queuing and the frustration you felt desperately waiting for the show to start; or the annoying person who held up a flag or a sign, blocking your view so you spent the entire night watching the screens instead. You don’t hear the reverberations of the bass, muffling Madonna’s voice; or that annoying girl standing next to you singing – shouting – screaming the wrong lyrics. That’s reality; that’s truth; that’s authenticity. Anything less is a construct in the editing room. It’s reliant on the artistic choice of an editor, whose eyes and ears are predetermined by the recording technology and conventions of live performance editing at that particular time. None of that can truthfully recreate the ‘real’ experience of what it was like to be there in person, and how you felt in that moment.
    For me, and I’m sure others too, this show really began on youtube, months before I saw the lights go down over the arena floor. I have fragmented memories of the 3 shows I attended – feelings and emotions more than anything I can specifically remember. But in truth, I’ve experienced this show predominantly via my phone. I’ve seen all the different costumes, hair styles, speeches, and changes in the set-list through multiple videos. Accordingly, there’s not one single show that can accurately represent the totality of this tour for me. I no longer differentiate between my ‘real’ memories and the many, many videos I’ve watched since the tour began. Whatever I might have experienced at the time, has largely been lost and replaced with a new version of the ‘truth’ – all those video clips have overtaken ‘reality’, and that’s what I’ll remember most. Moreover, I see many fans spend the duration of the show watching the performance via their phones, so their experience was never really defined by their own eyes, but mediated and fragmented through the limitations of the video captured on their phones.
    I believe Madonna recognises this. For example, her decision to insert grainy fan footage during MDNA was not incidental. She’s aware it’s inconsistent with the professionally shot footage, but she recognises the way modern audiences experience her performance. It’s not the same now as it had been in the former years of her career, when you had a limited opportunity to see the show and then it was gone forever, with the only artefact being a single officially recorded performance. In the future, perhaps everyone will have 4k Ultra-HD video technology on their phones and access to social media, which may defy the requirement to bother creating an official version. In essence, anyone with that technology can be an editor, creating their own perfect version of the show. It’s already happening – you can see various full length concerts on youtube, comprising multiple angles from different concerts, all mixed together. These clips combine low and high-res footage, and there is often a lack of continuity in the visuals and audio, which I appreciate, comes from necessity rather than design; but nonetheless, these videos accurately represent the way many of us have experienced this tour. In doing the same, Madonna only reflects the ‘reality’ of our experience. She’s creating another version of the ‘truth’ relevant to our experiences with technology now. I don’t regard it as an attempt to deny, conceal or hide her shortcomings. She’s merely holding up the mirror and reflecting the world as she sees it, as any artist would do. Maybe it’s not the way we would like to re-live the show, but I can appreciate her reasons for doing it; which takes me to my third point – style!
    Since I’m Going To Tell You A Secret, Madonna has strived to create a unique style and a visual vocabulary for her live recordings, quite unlike any other performer. It defies convention, so it can seem quite challenging, easily misunderstood or dismissed as inappropriate for purpose. I’m not aware of any other performer who has taken so much interest and creative control over their live recordings, but who said a show can only be presented in one way anyway? Like Picasso and the Cubist movement before her, Madonna recognises the influence of technology, developing a new way of ‘seeing’ her art, reflected by the realities of the modern age. Her shows have defied the status quo, pushing the boundaries and expectations of live concert performance. 30 years deep into her career, the production values of her shows are a staple for many performers. It’s become the norm, we expect it, so who know, perhaps in another 10 years’ time, everyone will be editing their concerts in the same way, and that will become the ‘new normal’. I appreciate it’s not to everyone’s taste now, and this is only my opinion of course, but I suspect Madonna may be well ahead of the curve here, and for that I recognise and applaud her innovation, rebellion and revolution, even if her daring vision goes underappreciated in her own time. This is exactly why I love her.
    This is all food for thought of course. It’s just my opinion. I’m sure others will disagree, but please don’t pound on me if you feel differently. I come in peace! Epic post over and out.
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