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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from Breathless in The Trinity of Pop   
    Great article - i'm really sick of the bashing she is getting for her tribute ? i think at the end of the day whatever she did she was gonna get criticized - for once just leave her alone and worry about more important things
  2. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from G House in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    Re-invention tour ? Im more excited about the bonus content but i know she will let us down and sadly this tour had the worst backdrops anyway (apart from iconic) so we wont get those anyway ? why cant she include backdrops in full 1080p from previous tours ?
  3. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from Headless.Headphones in Madonna: Erotica (Poll)   
    No love for Did You Do It then ? Lol - dunno why this song was on the album when we could have had shame, goodbye to innocence or dear father ??
  4. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from G House in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    Dont forget the all important photo galleries too ? thats a must have extra :(
    Madonna - Please please please include the damn Iconic backdrop video as an extra thats all i want !!!!!
  5. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from BringUrLUV in Seeing both ends of the stick....   
    For me the worst thing about M(And has been since 2005) is her whole image and the fact that she HAS to surround herself with people half her age to make herself seem/look young ? Not to mention the endless photoshopping on her pics too ? Just make great music and age gracefully ?
    I remember the Erotica period very well(I was 17) - i was in college and everywhere it was all about the sex book and everyone was bashing her - saying she had gone too far - it was a very dark period in her career(Maybe ahead of her time too) now fans(me included) love that album - look how nuts people went over those leaks of shame and you are the one ? it also spawned her 2 best music videos imo(Bad Girl and Rain) plus i love the Girlie Show now too(Was never that fond of it at the time)
    I havent seen the new show(Too expensive for me) but im looking forward to seeing on blu-ray but i know its not gonna be how the show was originally presented(Over edited to death im sure) as for the album i agree that BIM is one of her worst songs/videos ever but overall its a mediocre album for me and one i dont think is gonna go down as a classic like ROL, LAP or True Blue - she needs to work with Orbit or Leonard or maybe Pettibone for the next record- we need a new sound not this R&B crap :(( she used to be a trend setter in music now she seems to follow the others now which is a shame 
  6. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from Stevo in Seeing both ends of the stick....   
    For me the worst thing about M(And has been since 2005) is her whole image and the fact that she HAS to surround herself with people half her age to make herself seem/look young ? Not to mention the endless photoshopping on her pics too ? Just make great music and age gracefully ?
    I remember the Erotica period very well(I was 17) - i was in college and everywhere it was all about the sex book and everyone was bashing her - saying she had gone too far - it was a very dark period in her career(Maybe ahead of her time too) now fans(me included) love that album - look how nuts people went over those leaks of shame and you are the one ? it also spawned her 2 best music videos imo(Bad Girl and Rain) plus i love the Girlie Show now too(Was never that fond of it at the time)
    I havent seen the new show(Too expensive for me) but im looking forward to seeing on blu-ray but i know its not gonna be how the show was originally presented(Over edited to death im sure) as for the album i agree that BIM is one of her worst songs/videos ever but overall its a mediocre album for me and one i dont think is gonna go down as a classic like ROL, LAP or True Blue - she needs to work with Orbit or Leonard or maybe Pettibone for the next record- we need a new sound not this R&B crap :(( she used to be a trend setter in music now she seems to follow the others now which is a shame 
  7. Like
    wtg1987 reacted to BillyBongo in Seeing both ends of the stick....   
    This just kind of occurred to me recently. I first properly got into Madonna when I was around 15, Erotica came out, I was blown away by the album, the videos, the controversy, the times, the ideas, it was all pretty much perfect for a 15 year old gay male that wasn't sure of his identity (or whatever the hell you call it) but one thing happened a lot in that era and it bugged the shit out of me. "Madonna is crap now, she used to be so good but now she's just desperate." That kind of talk used to annoy me for 2 reasons. 1. No, it wasn't crap, i loved the music and 2. I often felt like i'd missed out on something special that had gone before. I don't mean necessarily the music but the general feel of what had gone down before i joined the party and had i indeed missed the best part?
    Now, cut to over 20 years later and i found myself writing a comment on you tube on the Bitch I'm Madonna video saying that this is crap. You people have no idea how good this party used to be.
    Before you get the pitchforks out, let me make my point. Back in 1992, i literally could not understand how anyone on the planet could call Madonna/Erotica/The Whole Damn Era crap but they did. And now I find myself at the opposite end, I cannot understand how anyone thinks this is good but people do. Rebel Herat is highly acclaimed but to be honest, I thinker's shit. But then I think back to 1992 and I put myself in their place and I think ok, yes i can kind of understand. 
    Not even sure if I'm getting my point across here. hopefully i am!
  8. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from groovyguy in Madonna's Album Sales in North America   
    some of her albums are much more appreciated now rather than when they were first released ? Erotica is a good example of that imo Look how crazy fans go over demos from that album ? Shame x
  9. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from G House in Girl Gone Wild MDNA Tour Paris PRO SHOT   
    Yes it is - i guess because it was only a test project they probably didnt bother to film in HD - after all M doesnt have a lot of money now does she ?
  10. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from Stop abusing nicknames in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    I think the only way this will ever be released will be when she dies ? Just like when MJ died they released the bad Tour - as sad as it sounds :((
  11. Like
    wtg1987 reacted to Andymad in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    Maybe she'll release the Blond Ambition Tour as an extra on the DVD
  12. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from MattyMads in Girl Gone Wild MDNA Tour Paris PRO SHOT   
    Yes it is - i guess because it was only a test project they probably didnt bother to film in HD - after all M doesnt have a lot of money now does she ?
  13. Like
    wtg1987 reacted to Ed W. in So what's up with "Can't Stop"?   
    @ Dazed:But amateur-like remixes isnt something weird for Madonna, have you listened to the official mixes that are done for Ghosttown? Those all sound really bad.Also the Mirwais demo for "if you go away". That one sounds like it remixed by Felix Meow so bad is it, but it's still an official one.Lol, another example are the amateur sounding edits at Celebration for example Erotica, Cherish. So just because it sounds like an amateur edit doesnt mean it really is so.
  14. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from Starchild in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    Lets hope its not over-edited like the previous dvds ? i got a headache watching those ? i much prefer the editing on the 90s tours ? some artists even include multi-angles on their concert dvds and some even include the backdrop videos too ? She never includes these and i would really love to know why ??
  15. Like
    wtg1987 reacted to Fighter in Madonna Teasing Rebel Heart Tour Setlist?   
    The video should've been that marilyn elephant commercial 
  16. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from ingridcasares in Madonna Teasing Rebel Heart Tour Setlist?   
    How definite is Rescue Me then ? its like one of my favourite M songs - i have never heard her mention the song- there was no video and it seems too obscure for an interlude ? Is it definitely in the setlist ? )
  17. Like
    wtg1987 reacted to Skin Bruno in Madonna Teasing Rebel Heart Tour Setlist?   
    First of all I'm a treder too and I know what treders are looking for. Traders don't have to prove anything. You know traders got rare staff so stopi it with this shit they have to prove.I put my face here and I don't care if the setlist I shared as a rumors will not be the final setlist. I just shared what she rehaersed for sure. Do you think she teased all setlist on instagram? Or that all the songs she teased will be the final choise? Ok what's the problem?Believe or not believe at rumors.If the opening will be iconic I don't have any problem. I didn't say for sure it will be living for love.I'm not doing a competition with illuminatix (new user with a few topic all about tour)So, repeat: What I shared is a rehaersal. I think someone love to know what she was rehaersing. If she had the time to changed it I don't know. Let's see. 
  18. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from groovyguy in Shep Pettibone: On Making a Madonna Classic & more   
    Unreleased stuff ?? Wow !! Plus he must have my most wanted instrumental - Rescue Me too ? ) Great article
  19. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from jross in Shep Pettibone: On Making a Madonna Classic & more   
    Unreleased stuff ?? Wow !! Plus he must have my most wanted instrumental - Rescue Me too ? ) Great article
  20. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from MattyMads in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    I live in the UK and im pretty devastated she only achieved number  2 :(( it was like when Beautiful Stranger and Ray Of Light only reached No.2 in the singles chart - i was pissed because they should have been No.1 guaranteed - i think the UK  have not been supportive of her at all the last  few years - im pretty sure that Ghosttown will be ignored too no matter how good the video is - i mean to open up behind Sam Smith is pretty embarrasing - his album has been out for ages now so who is still buying it ? Very depressed fan right now :((
    I'm not sure how she is doing in the US but im sure that will be another disappointment - i heard she was competing with a TV show soundtrack ????
  21. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from groovyguy in Madonna's UK Singles Stats   
    I live in the UK and im kind of shocked how her popularity has dropped in the last few years especially her chart positions since 2009 ? I guess living for love will drop out of the top 40 today after its disappointing number 26 entry last week :(((
  22. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from danMfan in Video Question   
    Still pisses me off to this day that she never did a video for Rescue Me -its one of my favourite tracks ever - i know it was used on japan commercial where she is riding an elephant - bizarre though -
  23. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from InfinityWithin in Video Question   
    Still pisses me off to this day that she never did a video for Rescue Me -its one of my favourite tracks ever - i know it was used on japan commercial where she is riding an elephant - bizarre though -
  24. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from Angelo in I see they've arrested the Hacker...   
    I wish for just one week she would allow fans access to all her audio and video archives and we could purchase files from it ? She would make an absolute fortune ? I would go straight for the unreleased tracks like Warning Signs,Love Attack, First Is A Kiss then move onto the instrumentals like Rescue Me, Like A Prayer, Spotlight - ths would surely stop all these collectors from selling files at high prices ?
  25. Like
    wtg1987 got a reaction from NowRadiate in 2015: “The Year of Madonnaâ€�   
    Great article - You missed off True Blue as a relevant album i think though ? It produced her highest charting singles of her entire career plus includes one of her most iconic videos Open Your Heart. To this day i still think that album has stood the test of time - songs like La Isla Bonita, Papa Dont Preach, Open Your Heart and Live To Tell(I still think Ghostown is very similar to Live To Tell especially that haunting intro) are still widely played on the radio. As for this being her year ?? That's debatable(1990 is still for me her most memorable year) - one thing that seems to let her down over the last 10 years and im not just talking about the music(The music IS still good) - IMAGE !! She needs to fire her stylist and start dressing more glamourous, she shouldnt be wearing leotards and skimpy outfits and trying to hang off young people as if they are gods or something. Also for the tour which im sure will be soon please bring back proper live music and no more backing tracks please ? We want the live drums, guitars just like we used to get on the vt, wtg, ba and girlie show tours. Too many concerts now have lost that "Live" sound imo. Looking forward to the Grammys and the Living For Love video too- hope shes going to put some better effort into the videos this time too - long may she reign too
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