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    Enrico reacted to Raio_05 in A friend went to the Comporta stables where M used to go riding here in Portugal. The   
    Basically those stables are open to the public so my friend went there with a group because he wanted to ride the horse Madonna used to ride, a black stallion called Echo. He met the instructors that worked with her and apparently there were 2 instances: one where they were riding at the beach and David slowly starting riding his horse into sand and started getting stuck. The instructor warned him it's dangerous as they can get stuck and tired and David replied "if the horse dies my rich mother will just buy another one". M apparently just laughed. I mean, we know he was only 14, but...

    The other instance was when M was having a pic-nic in the sand dunes with the twins and a group of riders that was riding with the instructors was passing by, but from very afar, and 2 security guards in 4x4 motorcycles suddenly rushed to them and said they could not approach that area and to not get close (which is a public beach...) and to move along quickly. The group didn't even care she was there. She also demanded no other riders were at the stables when she popped by.

    This type of behaviour is very badly seen here as we don't really care about famous people (which is why she was able to live a very normal life here, going to coffee shops and such). But at the same time I can understand that after 40 years of fame and living in other countries where they have a paparazzi/fan culture, it's just her modus operandi...
  2. Like
    Enrico reacted to Raio_05 in A friend went to the Comporta stables where M used to go riding here in Portugal. The   
    Frank, these are not lies for sure... it's one of my best friends that went there, he even took pictures, I've known him for years. The stable-owners said many positive things as well and they only told him because he kept pushing conversation and realized he was a fan. It's seriously not that big of a stretch to imagine her wanting the places all to herself or even laughing at the comeback of her teenage son. Besides, M isn't exactly known as that much of an animal carer...
  3. Thanks
    Enrico got a reaction from Raio_05 in A friend went to the Comporta stables where M used to go riding here in Portugal. The   
    Sad, but sounds true and very likely. Not hard to believe they wanted the stable and the beach for them exclusively. And today teenagers think they can do whatever they want, imagine the son of a rich and famous person.
  4. Like
    Enrico got a reaction from artlover in Does anyone have a Scribd account? Could you download this file for me please? https:   
    Thank you sooooo much @artlover!!!!
  5. Thanks
    Enrico reacted to norisk_noglory in Does anyone have a SCRIBD account and can download a book for me? This one: https://i   
    you can find the pdf here:

    Timothy David Barnes - Constantine and Eusebius
    PDF 26.91 MB
    Timothy David Barnes - Constantine and Eusebius
    PDF 103 MB
  6. Like
    Enrico got a reaction from norisk_noglory in Does anyone have a SCRIBD account and can download a book for me? This one: https://i   
    Wow, that's awsome @norisk_noglory!
    You deserve an award for the role that you played  
  7. Like
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    Enrico got a reaction from Madgesty in If you had the chance to take a pill and have a dream , which tour of M's would you w   
    Torn between BAT and WTG, but maybe WTG because I love her nice attitude here, and she was adored by everyone back then, and the live arrangements were great.
  9. Like
    Enrico reacted to emanon in I'm dieing to know if there are Madame X unreleased tracks. Please whoever knows anyt   
    @EnricoForget about Dino Santiago, he wont even take a picture with you. Stardom went over his head after being friends with Madonna. I wonder if she is still being his friend or will be in a few years. Actually he is no longer needed by her. About stardom, people from Madonna's team were  very cool and down do earth in Lisbon...because I went to my hotel to pick up something to eat I missed a photo with Monte Pitman...But Dino was "pretensious cool" by denying to take a pic. I'm portuguese, he seemed to be a good influence on her work, and a very important part. But this Madonna thing just went over his head. Music reality show made up "star", is what he is.
    his attitude was so...that he kinda ruined the duet with her at the show for me. We really didnt know if he was gonna sing that night,  I really wanted it, after watching his pretensious attitude...I like people that are down to earth, he isnt...ate least he stoped being it after Madonna...
  10. Like
    Enrico got a reaction from stefo in I'm dieing to know if there are Madame X unreleased tracks. Please whoever knows anyt   
    We should try to contact João Ventura (pianist) to find out what happened to the song that he wrote for the album, and maybe Dino D'Santiago...
  11. Like
    Enrico got a reaction from madgefan in I've never understood the hate for American Pie! It's so damn good and her vocals are   
    I love it too! The verses she chose fit her perfectly!
  12. Like
    Enrico got a reaction from Sprk in Nothing but fan made stuff now - wake me up when someone posts something not doctored   
    Let's ask @Fighter
  13. Like
    Enrico got a reaction from club78boy in Does anybody know if we'll ever have the chance to watch a full Girlie Show proshot u   
    Oh... so basically 1/4 of the show. Thanks for the info @club78boy
    Do you know if any other full proshot exists?
  14. Like
    Enrico got a reaction from stefo in Does anybody know if we'll ever have the chance to watch a full Girlie Show proshot u   
    And Barcelona 2001!
    At least for GS we have two good ones... do we know of other proshots? Wasn't Turkey broadcasted too?
  15. Like
    Enrico got a reaction from madgefan in I wouldn't mind if someone leaks the full MDNA Tour soundboard at Stade de France in   
    I wouldn't mind the full video too! 
  16. Thanks
    Enrico got a reaction from stefo in NEW (OR OLD UNRELEASED) MUSIC NEEDEEEEED!! please   
    Have you seen this @stefo? I don't think so!
  17. Like
    Enrico got a reaction from Scottyx in Happy Birthday to me! lol   
    Happy BDay!!
  18. Haha
    Enrico got a reaction from MattyMads in Madonna Just posted a video of Like a prayer from BAT New Jersey on her Insta   
    They downloaded the remastered version from here! 
  19. Like
    Enrico got a reaction from MattyMads in Madonna Just posted a video of Like a prayer from BAT New Jersey on her Insta   
    Unbelievable ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️
    She deserves this: 
  20. Like
    Enrico got a reaction from Voguerista in Music, movies, books to revisit during quarantine (Madonna Edition) https://thelookof   
    Thank you! I don't have FB, I just sent them an email. I see the FB page hasn't been updated since 2019, so maybe it's too late... I wonder if someone purchased it. It was excellent!
  21. Like
    Enrico got a reaction from Voguerista in Music, movies, books to revisit during quarantine (Madonna Edition) https://thelookof   
    No, but I managed to find a reference: Madonna Unveiled.
    You were the first to post the news here!
    I can't open the link in Italy!!
  22. Like
    Enrico got a reaction from Voguerista in Music, movies, books to revisit during quarantine (Madonna Edition) https://thelookof   
    Hey @groovyguydo you remember that book that was announced more than a year ago, containing a deep analysis of Madnna's videos and all the cultural references? It was really great, although only a small preview was made available. But it was not available to buy or read outside the US. Do you have it by chance?? TY!
  23. Like
    Enrico got a reaction from stefo in for the italian fans @Enrico @Rupert76 and the others I don't remember, a serious and   
    Ahaha me I can really imagine Murgia dressed today like at Met Gala or as in the Bitch I'm Madonna video!! Didn't know she was a huge fan.
  24. Like
    Enrico got a reaction from MarXus in Sharing my stuff on this forum was a huge mistake. I was accused of being a racist, b   
    I hope you won't regret joining the forum and sharing your stuff in a place where almist every member respect each other. Some accidents happen but I think we can rise up above it all...
  25. Thanks
    Enrico got a reaction from MarXus in Please guys stick to English! Why do you want to give the Infinity staff such a hard   
    We need to be united and not divided. English, whether you like it or not, is the only language that can help us understand each other. It's called neutral ground, not dictatorship.
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