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  1. In order to have cultural impact, you need to be an innovator that initiates a certain kind of shift in the industry. For example: When Lady Gaga appeared on the scene, you could feel and see how much other artists changed in order to be able to compete with her. The entire music industry went "Gaga". THAT is the kind of cultural and LASTING impact that Hitlor Swift will never have. Taylor is a quantity over quality artist. She released 8 albums over the course of 4 years. That is the reason she is pulling these numbers. Does anything she do musically, fashion-wise or in other regard directly influence other artists, so that they start to adjust? No. Because she only has success, no true impact. She's a businesswoman, not much of an artist. She has a terrible voice, she can't dance or perform. She can write songs (many of them being extremely formulaic and following the same pattern). Her music is just extremely digestible, inoffensive, plain and perfectly adjusted to her target audience. This is precisely, why she will never be viewed in the same way as someone like Madonna, Michael Jackson or Lady Gaga. These three actually had a kind of impact that went way beyond the money making machine that is Taylor.
  2. That is very true. However, a lot of extremely obsessive fanbases (mainly Chinese, Japanese and Korean) use certain software (so called "streaming farms") to stream song or music in an endless loop but with quadrupled streams. Taylor has these obsessive fans, especially in the aforementioned countries. Her marketing is modeled and shaped after that of the KPop industry, which is highly manufactured and calculated in every regard, even the private lives of their artists.
  3. While I don't think that it should have been left off, I can somehow see why the song is somewhat forgotten.
  4. Remember when this clown also decided to remove and not upload any of her music on streaming platforms cause "they don't pay the artist enough". The reality is that back then she couldn't compete with many of her peers chart-wise and was on a commercial decline. She tried to FORCE her fanbase to go out and buy physical records to make her chart higher, cause streams didn't have as much value back then. Then, when it was time to destroy her former archenemy she randomly decided to upload all her music at once to streaming, so she could shit on that artist's release week. Her re-release campaign was also another scam. She claimed it was about "re-owning" her music after it was "stolen". Neither of these claims are true. She knew that overexposure and these new releases every few months would inflate her sales and status immensely. The guy she hates offered her several times to buy back her masters and never even tried to do her any harm, regardless she tried the absolute most to paint herself as the victim. She is literally the same as Trump but in the music industry. Fraudulent schemes to increase money and inflate sales in addition to feuds and spreading lies, rumors and conspiracies about ppl that don't praise her.
  5. That was the WW release date. The US got it on October 9, 1986. so it could be either of those.
  6. Here it says that the first chart entry was on December 7th which covers the week from December 1st - December 7th. If it was released the week before, wouldn’t it have appeared that week already? https://www.officialcharts.com/songs/madonna-dress-you-up/
  7. There's still quite a huge gap and her music will not have a lot of longevity. That's the issue. Her music isn't iconic enough to have as much of a legacy. Hopefully the world can get rid of her before she gets close.
  8. I actually think her "prettiness" is fairly overrated. She looks constipated all the time.
  9. Everything about Taylor's success is 100% artificial and inorganic. 1. She grew up in a very wealthy household and had absolutely everything handed to her. 2. She is and has always been extremely privileged. She was signed to a relatively small record label that was bought by her dad who had a major impact in shaping her career. She was essentially their only priority and pretty much all the promotion money went into her. She started out as a country singer with the intention of going into pop knowing that the best way to do it was to get the audience that rejected pop music and thought it was the music of the devil on her side (white midwest Christians). I knew a lot of girls and teens at that time who weren't allowed to listen to any pop music but were rather allowed to listen to Taylor because she was country and therefore obviously a Christian (and thought to be a Republican). 3. Once she went into pop she already had the bunch of snobbish, racist and sexist old white men that make up the majority of the voting panels in the music industry (Grammys, AMA, etc.) on her side. They would rather vote for someone with a country background over someone who is RnB or pop. It has been confirmed that she's considered the "lesser evil" for them. 4. This woman NEVER had to actually fight or battle the industry she tried to set foot in, she never had to experience the amount of sexism and scrutiny that Madonna had to suffer. In addition to that, she employed Kpop marketing to the marketing of her music. It's extremely exploitative and she encourages her fan's obsessive behavior and low-key manipulates them into working for her over-time. It's mind-control essentially. 5. She has been extremely local for the majority of her career. Her only other big global era was 1989 because of Shake It Off and Blank Space. Other than that, she's more known for the hype around her as a celebrity. If Americans say it's hip and cool to be a fan of her, girls abroad will follow them. It's the TikTok effect. For example: TikTok has also decided that Mariah Carey is cool and her shade is "funny", whereas Madonna is considered and ugly, bitter and talentless old hag. This app has got to GO. 6. She is incredibly narcissistic, egocentric and obsessive. Every time another artist was about to drop a new album or a single that could pose a threat to her chart position, she released another pointless collectible or variant of her album to block them. She deserves absolutely no praise or hype for the amount of mediocrity that she embodies. The recipe of her success is this: - Political neutrality for a long time throughout her career. Thus, garnering the support of most media outlets and not pissing off 50% of the American population. She avoids controversy as much as she can, her PR team is known to also bribe and sue certain media outlets, critics and reviewers if they write something negative about her. - Constantly painting herself as a victim to stir up her fans against her personal enemies and ex-boyfriends. Her music also contains a lot of songs with her playing the victim. Her fans seem to identify a lot with that. - Easily digestible and mostly inoffensive music that is supposed to be deep but is essentially just a blatant rip-off of Lana Del Rey's style of writing. - Targeting straight teen girls in particular who usually don't listen to a lot of gay-coded artists and sway more towards male artists. They make up the majority of her fanbase. The gays appear more divided on her overall. Women are her target audience. That is not the case for artists like Madonna or Lady Gaga. - Shady tactics to increase her sales and streaming numbers.
  10. Don't you think it’s quite audacious to come to a Madonna forum OF ALL PLACES to ask such a dumb question along with an essay that no one has the time or the energy to read? This is quite obviously an attempt to instigate drama and to trigger Madonna fans. I personally am beyond sick and tired of having to hear and read about Hitlor Swift. This forum is the only place on the internet that hasn’t been entirely infested with her inorganic omnipresence. I pray to witness the day where she fades into oblivion along with her rabid army of plain Jane fans.
  11. That shorter edit of Holiday is so strange! I think those first "messed up" release versions were done to have exclusive content for iTunes, so the digital version and the physical ones wouldn’t compete. Note: These were uploaded around 2005. The only one they fixed so far was Like A Virgin. Still, I really think that once the singles re-issues are over and done with, they are gonna start removing these outdated and flawed versions and start uploading those "ultimate editions". My dream would be if they released the original masters AND the new expanded editions. I don’t think that will happen though.
  12. Don‘t it taste like hairy water? (If you like it please react)
  13. Make sure to place it atop of a head while you’re at it! 😂
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