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Into The Groove

Into The Groove (11/89)



  1. BTW @Spanky1995 thank you for getting the clips for us! You're amazing!
  2. The version of "Hot House Flower" from Lot 117, the one labeled "MADONNA AUDIO FILES 15-DG-4-Madonna-Hot-House-Flower-20sec" sounds the clearest. What is that one starting at?
  3. This honestly comes down to who can register and watch the auction, then bid. We would have to pick one (or a few) we all want, then Venmo/Zelle the person who is the most trustworthy and able to transfer the files digitally. Personally, I cannot watch the auction because of my type of job. Anyone willing to take that on? Then, who get to keep the original source? Wouldn't it be nice if Dan just put out the work on cd or files and we paid him, fuck, he could even keep all the original material, lol
  4. I would be willing to chip in a hefty amount if others are.
  5. I would totally chip in on this! I wouldn't care about owning anything original as long as the files were shared.
  6. This is awesome. Apparently you can listen to clips, but I couldn't figure out how. Perhaps we should all contact the winner of these tapes and reels and chip in so we can all hear them! (Once the auctions have ended of course).
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