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Unapologetic Bitches
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RebelMe last won the day on January 10

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About RebelMe

  • Birthday December 21

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Bye Bye Baby

Bye Bye Baby (39/89)



  1. I totally agree. She managed to make the song even better.
  2. I want, at least, the nonstop version of COAD, with Dolby Atmos. And if she's kind, release Super Pop and Triggering (Your Senses) too.
  3. I have that feeling the problem was Interscope in some sort of level. I don't know the level of freedom she had over her material with them, but her previous catalogue feels more cohesive and professional, despite not enjoying HC that much.
  4. I only care about how the music she's releasing impacts me and if it's good enough for me to keep listening to it. I don't need another B-Day Song, Autotune Baby, Sex, Body Shop. I want Hung Up level of content.
  5. Agree! The music video is really nice as well, you can see she enjoyed recording it.
  6. I would say Medellin. I really enjoy that song. One, two, cha cha cha
  7. I was not aware of that, I like how satisfying the beat of Moments in Love is. ---- Edit: Someone made a mashup with both songs on SoundCloud and is really great!
  8. She's so iconic and visionary by doing that. Gen Z (and the world) would be shaking if she released that today. Her face, her eye expression. It's just too amazing. Pure art.
  9. I think the IC edit just feels right. Like the song meant to be like that since the beginning. And the original feels like a demo to me. Not that is bad, far from that. But not as good, for my taste.
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