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  1. Sad
    madaboutM reacted to Winn in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Fans hate grills, Madonna wears grills.
    Fans want Rescue Me, it gets demoted to interlude.
    Fans want Niki & Donna, Kelly Ripa gets the call.
    Thanks Madonna! lol
  2. Like
    madaboutM reacted to Fabiolous in Madonna Pins   
    @madaboutM are you still making these?!
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    madaboutM reacted to Kieran in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    So I got to meet Stuart and had a little chat before the show 🥰

  5. Thanks
    madaboutM reacted to eXtremeOccident in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I know I'm so late to the party here, but only finally having time to sit down and post my thoughts on seeing this last night.
    Firstly, videos don't do the show justice at all. I was mesmerized the first 1.5 hours straight and was shocked to see the lukewarm and sometimes downright disappointed reactions when I did a quick peak online during my bathroom break (Mother and Father lol). The production is absolutely top notch and a HUGE step up from Rebel Heart. I'd argue it's even better than MDNA, but I need to see the show again in Brooklyn to properly comment...it's easy for the euphoria of opening night to taint objectivity.
    Nothing Really Matters absolutely works as an opener, especially if you don't know what's coming. I didn't expect it to go instantly from Bob welcoming everyone to the screen coming up and her coming onstage. It was such a different take on her usual entrances that it really was a welcome change. It was minimalist yet iconic, especially with that outfit. Just seeing her alive and back in the flesh after everything she's been through this year was incredible in and of itself. It was also a fantastic mix live.
    The flow was pretty much flawless through the beginning of Hung Up. The narrative was very well done and I loved how the early songs were woven together with samples. Live to Tell had me in tears, literally. Erotica had the arena shaking and is definitely a Top 3 highlight. Justify My Love was so effing cool.
    The unexpected surprises of songs like Bad Girl and Bedtime Story had me more excited than any other moments in a Madonna show. Bedtime Story in particular had my jaw on the floor. And then THAT Ray of Light remix right after? Sublime.
    Now for the negative:
    I was on the floor right by the catwalk. If you're that close, be prepared for difficulty seeing things at times. The stage is higher than normal during this particular tour. I definitely lost her at times.
    The sound issues clearly threw her off. I was close enough to see the mental gears going through her head, and she never really seemed to let down her guard again after that. 
    The show falls apart concept wise once Hung Up starts. It was odd to have that begin out of nowhere, and the flow never really recovered. It felt like the energy was "off" in the crowd throughout the rest of the evening. I don't know why it was in that section, but that was the first time the semi-chronological take was interrupted.
    The song choices were weird at parts. Rain in the finale section? Mother and Father? I Will Survive instead of her own song? Don't Cry for Me Argentina....? The show definitely needed more true classics, based off of the energy in the audience, as well as reviews in the tube after.
    Bitch I'm Madonna was a terrible closer, full stop. People were visibly confused when the lights came up and I heard multiple "is that it's?" coming from people close by.
    I think it's fairly obvious *something* was cut last night. The sound issues lasted nearly 10-15 minutes, and she ended almost on the dot with curfew. There were a few strands of confetti that fell from the rafters before the show, so I believe there was more to the finale that didn't take place. We'll know more tonight.
    All in all, the show has the *potential* to be her best tour ever, but it needs some work. Having seen every tour Confessions-onwards minus S&S, I do think it might be her best post-Confessions show. I couldn't believe she still had this in her after the atrocity that was the Madame X Tour. But the show is rough in parts and deserves some more care. My dad ultimately said 7 out of 10 after the show, and while I thought it was fantastic, after processing properly, I'm going to say 7.5-8. 
    I think it's very likely the show was heavily impacted by her injury based on the interruption to the flow and narrative. I also fully believe we'll be seeing changes.
    No matter what, it's an absolute work of art and will ultimately go down as one of my favorite Madonna live experiences ever. Anyone here who's going to see it is in for a treat, especially after the Rebel Heart and Madame X Tours. 
    Feel free to ask me any questions
  6. Like
    madaboutM reacted to Debord in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I believe Hung Up is in that section cos it starts with the Tokischa remix and also it's one of her 'gayest' songs, so it fits right in with a section which is about her as a transgressive artist and an artist who's always stood with the queer community. Bad Girl is kinda a meta-commentary and then you get the backlash with Human Nature and finally acceptance with Crazy For You. She then starts the next section with Die Another Day and Don't Tell Me - ie, I wasn't going anywhere after the backlash (which then goes onto how becoming a mother changed her and gave her strength).
    I think it all makes sense conceptually, it's just the the first couple of sections are pretty straightforward in terms of telling the story.
  7. Like
    madaboutM reacted to SecretProject in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    My feelings exactly. Feeling very underwhelmed even with all the Erotica gems. Hopefully it evolves. Happy she’s still with us. Hope everyone that goes has a great time. 
  8. Like
    madaboutM reacted to FraP in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I just got back to my hotel after the show. I had a lot of fun and was really excited, but it was also a bit disappointing. Some moments were beautiful and thrilling. Songs like Erotica, Mother and Father, Die Another Day, Crazy For You, Ray Of Light, and Live To Tell were such great moments!
    But the overall performance felt somewhat unfinished, not quite the Madonna we know. It's not because she's no longer the super dancer with endless energy; I understand her physicality has changed. It's more about the show's concept feeling less inspired than usual. It doesn't seem like a tour that was meticulously prepared over months; it feels like it was put together hastily. At times, it seems like she lacks stage presence and a clear role in the performance.
    Musically, there doesn't seem to be a lot of creativity, and some songs were almost ruined, like Like A Prayer and Don't Cry For Me Argentina. Where's Stuart Price? It's like he just gave some casual advice. It felt like a mega medley rather than a fresh narrative. Sometimes I got annoyed because she was about to engage us with a song and then abruptly moved on.
    She did a full Live To Tell, which was beautiful, but she could have closed it like at the Confessions Tour without losing any of the song's atmosphere; in fact, it would have improved the song. It would have also made space for other songs that felt rushed.
    Then, the absence of a live band was noticeable.
    Going back to the stage presence, her choreography often seemed unoriginal and uninspired, despite its low difficulty (as there are equally simple yet more impactful choreographies)
    Still, I'm happy I got to see this concert because she gave us moments we've longed for. However, it doesn't feel like a Madonna show in its entirety.
    Each of her tours has been a unique story, even Madame X, which I liked less than the others, had a clear narrative. This time, I'm not so sure. I need some time to think about it. I'm happy to see her, glad she's alive and still performing, but my expectations were very high. I attended the show with a friend who knows an insider, and since April, I knew many details about the songs she was rehearsing. My friend explained that Madonna cut several songs she had rehearsed, more than in previous tours. This might be connected to the fact that the tour doesn't have a clear story or concept. The ending felt rushed, as if it lacked a proper conclusion. I agree, it felt lifeless.
    My friend mentioned that initially, Madonna planned to close with The Power Of Goodbye, which would have been a great finale, but later, in April/May, she decided to end with BIM + Celebration. He also told me that she performed Frozen until September. Other songs like Sorry and Oh Father had prepared performances, but my friend doesn't know why they were cut. The last information he received was in late August.
    Perhaps my comment is influenced by the fact that I had low expectations in January, but since my friend shared all the information, my expectations and excitement had been through the roof. Who knows, maybe the show will evolve in the upcoming stops.
  9. Like
    madaboutM reacted to drivebitch in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Does anyone else think that her costumes for this were terrible? Totally below her standards and forgettable. Who was responsible for them? Wasn’t Gaultier contributing?
  10. Like
    madaboutM reacted to BILLSTER in Madonna - Lucky Star album (scrapped debut)   
    When I visited the Warner office a few years ago, they had the proof, framed....hanging on a wall. 
    Took a quick snap.  If you zoom in, you can see some of the notes.

  11. Like
    madaboutM reacted to love hurts in List 10 Madonna Songs you consider her WORST?   
    nobody’s perfect
    im so stupid 
    i love new york 
    jimmy jimmy 
    80% of mdna
    75% of rebel heart 
    literally all of madame x except faz gostozo
    i feel like tracks from hard candy are over hated tbh 
  12. Like
    madaboutM reacted to stefo in List 10 Madonna Songs you consider her WORST?   
    Spanish lesson Incredible Superstar Give m all your luvin' Bday song Bitch I'm Madonna Holy water Medellin God control Bitch I'm loca
  13. Thanks
    madaboutM reacted to Blue Jean in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    What a way to ruin Express Yourself
  14. Haha
    madaboutM reacted to Andymad in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
  15. Like
    madaboutM reacted to Blue Jean in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    Her least creative tour 
  16. Like
    madaboutM reacted to Adonna in Celebrate "Madonna" The Debut Album's 40th Anniversary: Performances, Demos, Photos, Interviews, Remixes, and More!   
    This photo was used as the Irish-only 7″ pressing that is considered among her fans to be the Holy Grail of the iconic singer’s back catalogue. The release is almost identical to the 12″ version in every way, right down to having the same B-side track, I Know It.

  17. Like
    madaboutM reacted to NRMX in The Celebration North American Leg Postponed ~ Begins October   
    Rescheduled dates will be announced as soon as possible. Fans are encouraged to hold onto their tickets as they will be valid for the new dates once announced.
    The tour is currently scheduled to kick off in Europe in October.

    Refund Policy:
    Standard TM policy in effect.
    Once a new date is announced, or if new dates aren't announced within 60 days, fans will be able to request a refund

    Might be my case too 
  18. Like
    madaboutM reacted to cosmic_system in The Celebration North American Leg Postponed ~ Begins October   
    We really don’t need you negative energy in here. On ignore now. 
  19. Like
    madaboutM reacted to WokeUpInMedellin in The Celebration North American Leg Postponed ~ Begins October   
    Selfishly, I'm quite disappointed in the entire North American leg being postponed. I'm off from teaching during the summer and I had my first ever Madonna VIP package secured for night 1 at Madison Square Garden on August 23rd. I was so excited to end my summer fulfilling my biggest Madonna dream besides meeting her - getting to be in the Pit! Living my VIP pit fantasy seeing the queen of pop without any stress of having work that day or the day after sounded like a paradisiac night. And it was still early enough on the tour where I felt pretty safe from any injurious mishaps occurring involving a knee or hip. 
    Even when it gets rescheduled, it simply won't be the same having to worry about taking off from work. Not to mention my lingering fear that she could get injured again by that point, so late in the tour, and I could end up with a cancelled or subpar performance like I heard about the tail end of the Madame X Tour. I hope my fears turn out to be for naught.
    P.S. I don't need anyone yelling at me for posting a selfish thought. I'm allowed to care about my experience. Just let me get away with this and keep scrolling if you feel like replying something negative, please.
  20. Wow
    madaboutM reacted to societysboy in M was online and active on Instagram a few hours ago !   
    Is it just me, or is the BBL gone?
  21. Like
    madaboutM reacted to DoneGone in VULGAR   
    Looks like Sam and Team Sam were never into "Vulgar" anyway, only a Madonna collaboration to add to the CV. Now onto the next one.
    Terrible release and it's sad cause the song is actually good. But what a waste of everybody's time. Next.
  22. Like
    madaboutM reacted to rga98 in Bacterial Infection Thread   
    Fans who defend this mess that her management is (thinking that they'll be somehow rewarded by Madonna herself) really creep me out. I love her to death and always will but this is madness. The opening night is a week away and this silence is defeaning. There are fans losing thousands of dollars because we still know nothing and neither does Ticketmaster. After the Madame X fiasco I thought it couldn't get any worse, yet here we are. If their way to proceed will be to have Madonna performing ill until she collapses or keeps cancelling 1 out of 3 shows as people enter the venue I'd rather they cancel the whole tour right now and plan a tour once she's FULLY recovered. I'm no longer excited, I'm just worried about her health and my money that's at stake. Today was already too late to give us an update and yet again, they didn't. Just for the record, they DO owe us updates cause we're fans of Madonna and we worry about her and THEY KNOW THAT, and don't even get me started on the tour. We're customers who paid for flights, hotels, babysitters, dogsitters and whatnot. We have every fucking right to ask Guy Oseary, Live Nation and Ticketmaster repeatedly until they give us an explanation. They’re playing with our time and money. No wonder some fans even go as far as resorting to lawsuits. This is not against Madonna, the person. This against Madonna, the enterprise behind her. For me, this will sadly be (in case I’m lucky to attend any of the 6 shows I’ve booked) my Madonna farewell tour. I can’t put myself through this again. 
  23. Thanks
    madaboutM reacted to Enrico in Bacterial Infection Thread   
    True but two days later they delivered the tickets to ticketholders, who are not supposed to know who Guy O is or read his instagram. I am not blaming him but I see a communication problem.
    Edit - Sorry @Jackie I didn't see the topic was locked. I'll shut up, too
  24. Haha
    madaboutM reacted to Ayham in Bacterial Infection Thread   
    Just sent a DM to MDNASKIN asking about M’s recovery. 😌 waiting for a reply. 💕
  25. Like
    madaboutM reacted to Michael_Py in Bacterial Infection Thread   
    I’m genuinely concerned about her health,  just like most of us, but I kinda wish her team was a little bit more concerned and compassionate about our situation as fans too. Specially for the fans that made arrangements for the July shows.
    We were so close to see her videos, costumes, setlists; etc during opening night 😔 
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