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into the erotico

Unapologetic Bitches
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Bedtime Story

Bedtime Story (43/89)



  1. ..'Not continue to be managed by Freddy and then also Caress are more significant issues. Not having a publicist like Liz Rosenberg in todays social media insanity also constitutes a problem in my opinion. '
  2. ..'And yes, the horrible Eurovision fiasco. ESC is about glitter, party, GAY, boring ballads sung by cute girls in nice gowns... Not murdering a pop classic with off key singing and a boring new remix, or inviting a rapper who looked stoned. Vogue and God Control would have worked much better.'
  3. Girlie Show (1941) by Edward Hopper * Girlie Show inspiration
  4. In 0 30 we see a montage? can I have a screen cap?
  5. https://see-saw.fun/smithereens-selfies-sex-and-the-city-on-susan-seidelmans-new-memoir/
  6. ..or beacause in the 30's-60's was something sexy pin ups did; https://www.wikihow.com/Bite-Your-Lip-Seductively
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