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Unapologetic Bitches
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    gafuller got a reaction from Enrico in The ending of the big tours?   
    I hope it's not full residency. I am only now able to even try going to one of her tours. And honestly, looking at her words, which could've been more off the top of her head, she says it's time to reinvent touring. A residence, like Britney or Vegas in general, would not be reinventing touring. So maybe she will cook up something more complex than the standard residency. Maybe touring globally but at a slower pace. Playing for a week or two in some of the most populated cites in the world. She could stay put longer that way. It would be different.
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    gafuller got a reaction from NowRadiate in The ending of the big tours?   
    I hope it's not full residency. I am only now able to even try going to one of her tours. And honestly, looking at her words, which could've been more off the top of her head, she says it's time to reinvent touring. A residence, like Britney or Vegas in general, would not be reinventing touring. So maybe she will cook up something more complex than the standard residency. Maybe touring globally but at a slower pace. Playing for a week or two in some of the most populated cites in the world. She could stay put longer that way. It would be different.
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    gafuller got a reaction from Frank in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    One her instagrams videos is of her singing Like A Virgin and she sounds amazing! Heavenly!
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    gafuller got a reaction from Scottyx in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    What on earth does this mean?!?!? Lol
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    gafuller got a reaction from heartcore in Act Of Contrition - The Analysis (by me)   
    Brilliant! In this light, Like A Prayer has more substance.
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    gafuller reacted to DontTemptMe26 in Can we make our own Celebration?   
    Just release a set with every single release ever. 4 or 5 discs. I know I'd be in heaven. No matter how successful the single release was. Now that is a definitive collection
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