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Unapologetic Bitches
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    Alm47 reacted to Shoful in MUSIC; Early Confessions Tour Studio Demo   
    Wow she used to sound so articulate and sophisticated 
  2. Like
    Alm47 reacted to RUADJAI in MUSIC; Early Confessions Tour Studio Demo   
    So I stumbled across Confessions Interviews and was surprised to hear an early Tour Studio Demo for  MUSIC/Disco Inferno playing while she was getting ready to go to The Roxy. Seems like Staurt didn't have the full accapella yet perhaps. 
  3. Wow
    Alm47 reacted to Loki in Discussion: eXperimental music   
    Kabbalah, here we go again. The linguistic history of the letter X is very nice: both the symbol and the pronunciation come from Greek, in particular the pronunciation descends from the letter χ, but the symbol comes from the letter ξ. This last symbol originates from the Phoenician letter samech. The letter samech is still present in the Hebrew alphabet as the 15th one, ס. According to Kabbalah, the circular shape represents the infinite power of Ein Sof, the infinite light of God. Ein Sof is also the emanator of the ten Sefirot, the energy emanations that form the famous Tree of Life. Back to the topic, the relationship between American Life and Kabbalah is very evident: the original title should have been Ein Sof, the Tree of Life is quoted in 'Nothing Fails' and, as you noticed, the letter X is present in one of the titles. Madame X is a damned challenge: in my opinion in this case the letter X is still related to the Tree of Life, but we have to consider the biblical interpretation of it as the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the tree of duality. If we consider it, it's easy to explain the sense of songs like 'Killer who are partying', especially the line 'do you know who you are? ', but in general the sense of the album: Madame is everyone and at the same time she is none. This is duality, isn't it?
  4. Like
    Alm47 reacted to Shoful in Discussion: eXperimental music   
    Okay so I just realized this all of my favorite albums of Madonna, the experimental ones, all have some huge relationship to the letter X!
    Erotica ~ SEX (Which we know she originally wanted to call X and has a huge X symbol on the book)
    American Life ~ X- Static Process (Exhibit, Book, and song were pretty prominent during that era)
    Madame X ~ Need I say more lol
    Does she relate the letter X to her more experimental work? I wonder why that letter. Any thoughts? Am i reaching or being delusional?

  5. Like
    Alm47 reacted to madfan13_86 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    The TOAC story probably had to do with one of her recent posts where she showed her crotch area too. I mean, I assume...
    Regarding the editing of the show... Mmmm.... it’s definitely taking too long. It probably stopped altogether last spring and it resumed recently as she probably wanted to work with a specific group of people and then the pandemic has made it difficult for them to meet. My guess, though. 
    Sadly, besides this and the biopic, I really don’t think anything else is going on. 
  6. Like
    Alm47 got a reaction from Shoful in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    She just made a couple of weird posts... but not in a bad way!
    She talks about “incredible music around me”, mimizes a song that we can't hear and then showed on IG Stories what seems to be a pro shot of TOAC. [!!!]
    Her face looks amazing, btw. What is she up to? ? Somedays I give up my expectations in new projects apart from MXT release and the Biopic, but then she does things that leave me wondering.

  7. Like
    Alm47 got a reaction from NowRadiate in Possible Biopic Titles   
    Blond Ambition is my favorite option.
  8. Like
    Alm47 got a reaction from nito84bcn in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Lola must be so sad seeing boomers and douches criticizing her. She must be wiping her tears with her Adidas paycheck. ?
  9. Like
    Alm47 reacted to steady75 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Good points and I'm not trying to purposely be obtuse but that's a slightly meta framing all the same.
    There's duality in everything. Cause and affect. Madonna had been leaning into all thing British by the mid 90's. Nelle Hooper, Massive Attack, Alan Parker, Lloyd Webber. Her relationship with Andy Bird had a profound affect on her. To say that the UK wasn't a draw and a creative an influence is a bit evasive. 
    Austin Powers - Beautiful Stranger about Andy Bird presumably.
    William Orbit - Ray Of Light
    James Bond.
    Music Video - Ali G
    The English Roses.
    Mini Coopers
    Rupert Everett
    Stuart Price - Confessions / AL and Musical director on tours. Confessions LIVE from London. 
    She even adopted the freakin accent and left her midwest New York hybrid drawl behind. 
    Confessions arguably had Euro disco influences as opposed to American and of course MIrwais is French. The UK was the natural place for her to land after her escape from the US. 
    Impressive Instant and I Deserve It (Guy), were about him weren't they? I think I read that. He directed the WIFAFAG video. 
    American Life the video centres around the US war. The song and the entire record is nothing to do with that at all in any way whatsoever it's a midlife crisis record. The fact that she had moved to the UK during the Bush years may have given her perspective on her former US home and she arguably became more aware of the ills of the American Dream. I clearly remember her saying something like the dumbest person in the UK is more intelligent than the average American. A horrendous statement but she clearly felt some kind of way and was trying to distance herself from all things US and house a more Euro feel. Bye Bye miss American Pie. 
    Her shift back to American music influences as Hard Candy came round and divorce was already on the cards seems very transparent wouldn't you say?
    One thing is for sure. The artistry was on point during their years together, The references fresh and the eras exciting...and downhill since I'm afraid. 
    ...but there's two sides to every argument. Music was heavily cowboy influenced...but chopped up and dissected. The Cow Girl..again questioning the dominance of the man. I Love New York..etc so no doubt she missed home too. 
    Was / is Guy a dick? Probably absolutely??? ... but in the late 90's early 00's he was the hot shit director, fresh incredibly talented and handsome. The homophobia thing is unacceptable but we only have Christophers word on that don't we and wasn't he was also in the grip of a terrible substance abuse issue? I'm sure we've all been witness to that toxic gay who's erratic behaviour forces you to give them a wide berth. They're often not afraid to pull out the old "homophobia" card.  
    I do find it odd. Guys films are laced with homo erotic activity and tension and I'll always be grateful to him for casting Tom Hardy as Handsome bob in Rock'n'Rolla.
    Relationships are a compromise and if you think Guy Ritchie was forcing Madonna to dress up in stately Manor clothes and feed chickens then I don't know what to tell you. We know enough about Madonna by now to know she took all these things and make them her own as part of another reinvention. I don't see anyone hounding Denis Rodman and Tupac against the wall for her Hip Hop bad girl make over circa 94. Magpie-ing form her current surroundings is part of her brand....also see Madame X.
    She addressed the duality of their relationship on MDNA  and in reality no one knows except the both of them. The real theme of grief she seemed to have at the end of the marriage was monetary. 
    As fans we often side with our idol and cast aspersions on anyone who falls out of her favour. I think the truth of the matter is Guy probably just fell out of love with Madonna and she found that unbearable and devastating...That's no ones fault. Love is complex....now if She's Not Me is a thing then we bout to have another conversation...but who really knows the timeline. 
    "It wasn't always perfect, but it wasn't always bad"
    " I tried to be a good girl I tried to be your wife"
    "I feel like I've lost my very best friend"
    " I fucked up, I made a mistake"
    Just like the album....Self reflection through fake smiles, heartache, regret, rage and trying on old versions of yourself for re-affirmation. 
    ....or not
  10. Haha
    Alm47 reacted to DiegoLCL in The Biopic; Untitled     
    I wonder if Paula is in reality Christopher. 
    I am very curious to see how M will portrait her life, given the many times she said things in a -mmm...- special way compared to known facts... 
    I like that it will not be linear and it will use flashbacks, and I'm preparing myself to hear Candy Shop oppening the Blond Ambition, given she's not the most reliable source when it comes to certain things that will for sure make the fans mad 
  11. Like
    Alm47 got a reaction from Levon in The Biopic; Untitled     
    This is very interesting. The scenes with Martin will be emotional af.
  12. Like
    Alm47 got a reaction from BringUrLUV in The Biopic; Untitled     
    This is very interesting. The scenes with Martin will be emotional af.
  13. Like
    Alm47 got a reaction from Voguerista in The Biopic; Untitled     
    This is very interesting. The scenes with Martin will be emotional af.
  14. Like
    Alm47 reacted to PaperFaces in Secret Project   
    This was, what....8 years ago?
    Watch it again. See what's happened everywhere since.
    To the people who thought this was lame or bullshit: tell me she didn't see it coming?
  15. Like
    Alm47 reacted to Brendanlovesu1 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Can we just please like Lola for Lola and not because she's Madonna's daughter? If you're gonna comment under her page even with the best intentions, compliment her or discuss what the post is about. You don't need to be bothering her about her mom. That's why she never usually uses social media.
  16. Haha
  17. Like
    Alm47 reacted to Raio_05 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Man, I just feel sorry for Lola... imagine growing up and being CONSTANTLY attached to your mother's name, almost like living in her shadow 24/7, always being compared... you are not "Lola", you are "Madonna's daughter"... must get old realllyyy quick. Especially in the age of social media. 
    Either way she doesn't need to interact so aggressively, lol. 

  18. Like
    Alm47 reacted to steady75 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    She’s clearly letting hardcore Madonna fans there will be no interaction or discussion about her mom so (un)politely fuck off etc. Fair play to her. It would drive me fucking mad. 
  19. Haha
    Alm47 got a reaction from Raio_05 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Lola must be so sad seeing boomers and douches criticizing her. She must be wiping her tears with her Adidas paycheck. ?
  20. Haha
    Alm47 got a reaction from NowRadiate in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Lola must be so sad seeing boomers and douches criticizing her. She must be wiping her tears with her Adidas paycheck. ?
  21. Haha
    Alm47 reacted to DiegoLCL in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    And she hates us too! Mamma is proud 
  22. Like
    Alm47 reacted to NowRadiate in Meaning behind "Queen"?   
    My vote goes to „about herself“
  23. Haha
    Alm47 reacted to RUADJAI in Possible Biopic Titles   
    knowing her history... it might be 
    Let Me Re Introduce Myself

  24. Like
    Alm47 reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I work in politics (journalism, so close to politics on and off record) and i agree 100% with everything you say. I hated Trump with a passion and it's a good riddance but if have zero expectations from Biden, it's just back to Obama era and since Trump's presidency was such a circus, anything in comparison looks good but that circus helped us from really looking into Obama's heritage and it's not very good. Not everyone who voted for Trump were white nationalists, they hated the Obama administration, not Obama per sey but the team behind the curtains, the same team the Clintons had, corporate whores who were in the game for themselves. The Obama/Clinton/Biden democrats are just soft republicans, just a tiny bit more liberal than republicans but it's just smoke and mirror to hide how they sacrifice any social benefit for the masses. They are fake. 
  25. Like
    Alm47 got a reaction from rlittler81 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    RIP Pinkdonna.
    Her most interesting style reinvention in decades. We deserved a MV and a performance with that hair color, but at least we've got some good photoshoots. ?
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