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Unapologetic Bitches
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About adirondak

  • Birthday 11/23/1981

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    Los Angeles
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  1. I remember thinking her run was almost done when Bedtime Stories came out!
  2. If she does that ridiculous BS again where she teases an album for a good year before it’s released with constant hashtags of “soon” I am swearing off Madonna!
  3. She definitely had a positive aura in the few moments that we’ve seen of her. Supportive to Madonna and Silvio.
  4. Haven’t seen it. After the first few shows I stopped tuning in for Ryan Murphy. I loved his first show Nip/Tuck, and that was great for a few seasons, but got incredibly messy and bad. Then it seemed the getting messy happened more and more quickly with each subsequent show. S2 of AHS was probably the last time I tuned in for him.
  5. Oh god please no. Ryan Murphy is the absolute worst. I have no idea what deal he made with the devil to have 73 shows on television but he’s awful. Every single one of his shows devolves into an absolute mess fairly quickly. The sad thing is a lot of them start out with promise.
  6. I didn’t know Christopher was married. When did that happen?
  7. Oh I judge that lol. I wonder what Madonna thinks of it. I wouldn’t judge it if it was, say, keeping him off the streets, but I don’t think he’s that hard up for cash.
  8. I remember the backstage footage of Madonna interacting with Joan and her father at MDNA tour. It was very sweet.
  9. While I feel bad for her getting video’d in an airport, there is something vaguely satisfying about seeing someone so famous have to do some of the more pedestrian things we all hate.
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