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Unapologetic Bitches
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About Dita

  • Birthday 11/23/1981

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  • Location
    Los Angeles
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American Life

American Life (62/89)



  1. Nobody else likes Reinvention? I really liked that one, except that official one where she acts like a mum talking in the middle. “That was good, but this time it has to be better.” Rebel Heart is my second fav.
  2. I like Mert and Marcus because their shoots are edgy without always being dark, like Klein. He seems to just have one aesthetic and one thing to say. Loved him in their early collaborations, but I think he's been bled dry.
  3. Just because of Azealia’s uncanny quotes it’s a bad reason for them to work together. Azealia would be asked about her in every future interview, and depending on how she felt that day she’d either praise her or say something off the rails. I do agree Azealia’s a talented rapper, but she ruined her own career.
  4. Madonna with Baz Luhrman in NYC. Possible new biopic director?
  5. If she’d gone through with releasing it, I’d probably say Queen.
  6. lol at the “BLAM!” as a crotch makes itself known.
  7. Music was more innovative than Confessions for me, but Confessions is the better album, though I love them both.
  8. She still does it now. How do you think she met that new boyfriend?
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