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    NRMX got a reaction from Shoful in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    Thanks Shoful, I do share the love you have for Madame X too! ❤️
  2. Like
    NRMX reacted to Shoful in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    WELCOME!!! This forum is definitely one of the more pleasant ones (tho there are some lil twats here )
    So happy you're able to make it to all those shows! It'll be amazing! 
  3. Like
    NRMX got a reaction from Shoful in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    Hi everyone first post here, I was once a very active poster in other forums, got tired of the Debbie Downers, decided to not post anything during MX, but here I am. This tour seems to big and exciting not to be part of. I’ve been reading this forum for a very long time. 
    I’m going to 
    Miami 1 in the floor next to the catwalk 
    Miami 2 in the second floor 
    Las Vegas Pit B
    And obviously when the time comes: 
    Viva Mexico City 1 and 2 and 3 and…
  4. Like
    NRMX got a reaction from Ziploc in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    Hi everyone first post here, I was once a very active poster in other forums, got tired of the Debbie Downers, decided to not post anything during MX, but here I am. This tour seems to big and exciting not to be part of. I’ve been reading this forum for a very long time. 
    I’m going to 
    Miami 1 in the floor next to the catwalk 
    Miami 2 in the second floor 
    Las Vegas Pit B
    And obviously when the time comes: 
    Viva Mexico City 1 and 2 and 3 and…
  5. Like
    NRMX got a reaction from Sultrysully in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    Hi everyone first post here, I was once a very active poster in other forums, got tired of the Debbie Downers, decided to not post anything during MX, but here I am. This tour seems to big and exciting not to be part of. I’ve been reading this forum for a very long time. 
    I’m going to 
    Miami 1 in the floor next to the catwalk 
    Miami 2 in the second floor 
    Las Vegas Pit B
    And obviously when the time comes: 
    Viva Mexico City 1 and 2 and 3 and…
  6. Like
    NRMX reacted to Scottyx in New Vanity Fair Portfolio by Luigi & Iango   
    She still thinks she is God ..silly woman lol
    Purchase link

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    NRMX reacted to Curtains in D/L: I Found Love: #1's Remixed   
    Still not enough love for your taste? Here’s “I Found Love: #1’s Remixed”.

    I Found Love: #1’s Remixed has the same concept as Finally Enough Love, but features a different remix for each track. You could say it’s Finally Enough Love if released in a parallel universe. You will find some of her best remixes, along with some rare and unreleased versions of Madonna’s greatest hits. Some of the versions here were never released commercially, but are all official. Everything was remastered by me (this was done when I remastered Madonna’s entire discography) so the way it’s done will probably be different from Mike Dean’s remasters, but still up to 2022’s standards.

    -For the You Can Dance representation, Everybody and Physical Attraction were both removed and Where’s the Party was included instead. This also allows True Blue to be represented by two tracks instead of just one.
    -Causing a Commotion was added as it was sadly excluded on the original compilation. Being between Open Your Heart and Where’s the Party, it might remind you of the setlist order of the Blond Ambition Tour. Coincidence? I think not.
    -Impressive Instant was sadly removed as no other remix of a manageable length existed.
    -Levitating was added as a “new” track. Even though the US Billboard Dance Club Songs chart didn’t exist anymore at the time of the song’s release, Levitating topped the Billboard year-end chart and felt like a worthy addition to the tracklist. The version used here is the original Blessed Madonna remix, which didn’t feature Missy Elliott and instead has a new recording of Lucky Star as the bridge. This also allows Lucky Star, which was a double A-Side single with Holiday, to be represented in some way in the compilation.
    Original cover by @Brendonshayart. Additional editing by @Curtains.

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Available in MP3 and Lossless. Enjoy!
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    NRMX reacted to nodoman in Madonna to Perform at Pride 2022   
    here it is:

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    NRMX reacted to smooth28la in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    Here  is the web capture 1080p

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    NRMX reacted to New_Boy in Madonna Back In The Studio!   
    Hun, thanks for notifying me, cause it's about to get BLOODY.
    Just kidding, I'm too depleted after two years of arguing with antivaxxers and bigots, this seems too minor to really be bothered by. It's just ignorance saying all PSB songs sound the same - a malicious straight local dude would say the same about Madonna. PSB revisionism always stinks of homophobia too.
    Just from the top of my head, "Being boring" is very different to "West End girls", which is very different to "Domino dancing", which is very different to "Monkey business", which is very different to "Go West", which is very different to "I get along", "Minimal", "Vocal" and so on. And these are just the singles. Unless all songs are the same when they share a vocalist, which is just sad. Makes me sad that some people will never experience the joy of their vast catalogue. Imagine dying without hearing "Miracles"? Miserable life...
    On top of that, writing 99.9% of their music and lyrics and actually consistently interacting with the fans and giving us what we want. Fan books, Christmas cards, reissues, side projects, signed items? I don't know a better band to stan, honestly.
  11. Like
    NRMX reacted to steady75 in Madonna Back In The Studio!   
    Not on the Sabbath. Lord a mercy. The Pet Shop Boys are out of this world incredible. The smarts of their lyrics, their humour and skills of observation. The irony in their work. Their incredible work for other artists. Their love of dance music. Thier way around a melody. The references, cadence and efficiency in astute lyrics. One word, a pause, an infection can set a mood or a feeling. The camp, the nostalgia, the wistfulness, the reads, the mindfulness, the wry politics of life, the working class, the media, the rich and the aristocracy. They are second to none in that sense. The narrators of the story of life. I don't trust anyone who doesn't love the Pet Shop Boys. It's a literal hate crime that we got Hard Candy ( for me her absolute worst placid autopilot record) instead of something with these two. I think it would have topped Confessions coming off the back of it. It's one of the worst things that never happened to her career. Get ha @New_Boyand let me know when the body is buried sis. 
  12. Like
    NRMX reacted to scamper in Your Opinion on True Blue   
    I think that the only way to understand what an album really means and why it's considered good or not is living at the time the album was released. Is like saying after watching a science-fiction movie from 1950 "That's an overrated movie. The one premiered two months ago has much better special effects".
    "True blue" (and her other albums) are big not just for the songs. You can like them or not but you have to understand the album as an album made in 1986. You have to see what other artists were releasing albums and what kind of videos were made. You have to see which other women were in music at the time and what were they doing and most of all you have to understand how was life at that time. The way people thought, how they lived, what kind of access did they have to the information and the way of listening music, news and things like that.
    A lot of people say "Jimmy, Jimmy" and "Love makes the world go round" are just fillers, or bad songs or... But in 1986 they were funny songs and nice to listen and much better than lots of the songs that were playing on the radios.
    Madonna was big in 1986 and what made her big is that in 2022 some see "True blue" as an overrated album but in 1986 was one of the best albums ever made. I can understand that today people can see it as dated but that's because music evolved and now artist don't make music that way... But with all the 80's revivals we see today I only can say... "All of them are nice, but they are far away of having a glorious production like songs like "Papa don't preach", "Open your heart", "White heat"... or even "Love makes the world god round".
    Is overrated "True blue" as an album? For me the answer is a big No. The problem is that it misunderstood for judge it just like an album instead of judge it as a whole.
  13. Thanks
    NRMX reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Go to a Janet Jackson forum then. What the hell are you doing here ?  
    You are the problem here. Who the hell are you to tell her what she should do, make, post etc  ?
    It exposes you as a very controlling person who lives by the opinion of others in life wether it's about yourself or someone else. Who cares about negative comments ? If you have the time to post negative comments on someone's picture on social media you are the one with a problem. What does it changes in your life if Madonna shows her nipples, has a fake ass etc.... ? Why does it trigger such anger in you ? You should ask yourself that and work on it because it looks bad.
    And i quoted you because you were the first one i read but that goes for others too here. I guess you're just not Madonna fans but fans of female singers who hops form forums to forums. NEWSFLASH : Madonna is not Adele. Madonna has not changed. What she does here is what she did in 84, 90, 91, 92, 93, what she did with Letterman in 94 etc...a lot of people found it stupid and embarrassing back then too. Fans included.  But that's Madonna. Sorry you thought she was Evishita Madonna only. As long as showing a nipple will cause this discussion she'll keep doing it on her plateforms. These reactions have been giving her life since the 1984 VMA's.
    And that Madonna on IG is just an avatar. How can someone be that bothered by these pics (a swiss journal called them pornographic) when they are so fake ?  
    Seriously, they should all ask themself why her actions bother them so much and why they want her to act differently. Again, these reactions are what has always been fueling Madonna. Questionning the line between what is acceptable and what is not and why these limitations, where do they come from. Welcome to Madonna. 
  14. Like
    NRMX reacted to Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Honestly...loved the chaotic edition during the first section. And yes, it completely calms down once Batuka starts. I don't get the comparison with the past 2 tours? Once the last section hits with Frozen it might just the the less edited thing she's ever done including The Confessions Tour, Drowned World etc She had some really lengthy takes during that last section and it looked amazing! Sometimes less is more and she knew it. She was extremely proud of the new footage shot this year and you could tell. 
    But that chaotic first section totally makes sense in context.
    Speaking of that section...I had no idea i was going to love it so much? I really don't remember liking it that much live. It's intense as hell! wow
    Loved one very specific part: When she screams "A new democracy!", throws the hat and the way the song stops for like 2 seconds. It's nice touches like this that to me made this film so great.
    Also...I Rise is a...great song now? wtf...i was shaking by the time Like a Prayer ends and I Rise starts. What a great ending to this show! Even the simple hands choreo was so fitting.
    Everything about this live release was on point. And dare i say it...her best release / promo campaign to the masses ever. This is all over MTV worldwide, Paramount+ did an exceptional job promoting this, Madonna herself even showed up at Jimmy Fallon to promote it. Hell the album is #2 on itunes worldwide and #1 in 14 countries. A live album that we didn't even knew existed a week ago.
    One last thing...Madonna didn't spend a year doing this to release a live show. It's clear as hell. She even calls this a movie or film for a reason. It IS cinematic as hell. You can also tell the biopic inspired her during that intro, the Italy speech, etc. Watching her embracing her career this way is honestly great to witness. Before this we got the occasional music video montage only, lmao.
    Cons of the show: Oddly the 3 best songs to me live...were the ones that were boring on film. I never imagined Vogue could be boring...but it was here. Add  IDSIF and Extreme Occident to the list for the other 2. They are still worth the watch...but they could've been done better because they were all great live.
    Anyway, exciting to be a fan of a woman this creative 40 years after her debut. She is nostalgic about her career but she is also doing 90% of new songs only. I thought that was an interesting contradiction and you can tell her mood shifted between planning this tour and actually editing this show. She's full on biopic mode right now, you love to see it!
  15. Like
    NRMX reacted to Fighter in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Holy shit dudes....
    I just finally watched the show, not in 4k cos my stupid TV doesn't carry Paramount but I will eventually. Anyway, forget about the editing and quality which were great, but the show itself.... I kinda had an idea from pictures and stuff but I was blown away. IDK if it's because I just watched it but everything felt perfect, the setlist, the costumes, the stage elements. I love the concept of the typewriter and Madame X telling the story throughout the show. I love that we could see little details, and the slow motion shots in a few parts were truly breathtaking. I love how she edited bits of World of Madame X into the Come Alive performance. I liked the Rescue Me interlude.
    I can't point to a specific favorite moment but I love when she's singing Frozen and you can see Lola's face overlayed on top of her in the same pose, it's really beautiful. 
    Honestly didn't notice any problems with the audio or video editing, I wasn't distracted by it or bothered by fast paced cuts or little bits of "bootleg" audio. It just felt organic and Artsy. I haven't listened to the live album yet though.
    Anyways it was definitely worth the wait  Finally enough Love. 
  16. Thanks
    NRMX reacted to Glindathegood in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    I don’t see anything wrong with her hiring Ricardo to photograph or film her for her Instagram. It’s hard to take selfies and make them look good.  Everyone complained about the unflattering selfies she used to do on Instagram. It is 100% better and more professional now. Thank  God for Ricardo. 
    You are reading a lot into one appearance where she stumbled over a few words on a Teleprompter. I don’t get the idea she is not happy and not at peace. 
    I also find it ironic that the people who constantly complain about her lacking confidence are the same people who are criticizing her 24/7.  Who doesn’t lose confidence if you are always being judged and criticized? 
    Some people are reading way too much into  it.  It’s a fun outrageous appearance at a show like the MTV Video Awards. It’s not a serious event. 
    I saw an article about it in the NY Post and they were fairly positive.  Sad state of affairs that fans are harsher than tabloids. 
    Madonna has always been a mixture of confidence and awkwardness which is one of the things that makes her fascinating 
  17. Like
    NRMX reacted to DoneGone in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    Bitch is still on fire and living her best life, on her own terms, at 63. She's always been this way (except for the Ritchie years, all we all know how that ended up). I mean:

    Classic M reveal.

    All the negative comments about her looks, attitude, etc. are getting tiring now. She's not gonna stop. And she's not gonna stop aging. You're not gonna see BAT Madonna, Dita, ROL Madonna, Confessions Madonna or any perfect image of her you have in your mind. That's the past. This is her now, living.

    If you hate so much what you see, why don't you start looking anywhere else?
    Let's see where all the haters are at her age. Definitely not opening the VMAs, I guess?
  18. Thanks
    NRMX reacted to RUADJAI in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    Agree… but let’s keep it real. People in this thread started shitting on the whole night when, at the stroke of 10 pm, didn’t have a 4K performance with accompanying new music uploaded to their personal phones. 
  19. Thanks
    NRMX reacted to Markdonna in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    Dude. Uh... It WASN’T ironic. Talk about retconning.  
  20. Like
    NRMX reacted to danMfan in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    It's a blessing to have M healthy and always delivering us new different things in her 60s. I'm happy to be a witness
  21. Thanks
    NRMX reacted to Fabiolous in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    People who don't like anything she does are the first people to disrespect others. They always act like they are so wise and so above it all, and everyone who likes what she does is a "blind sheep". It's a cult, it's a fandom. It's kinda how this forum works. We like Madonna. 
    If you don't like anything she does anymore (and I'm not talking to you specifically here but to the people that seems to believe that she is "gone forever", "looks horrible" etc), then honestly just move on to some other artist. It's okay. We are tired of reading the same negative comments over and over and over again coming from the same people. Why waste all that energy? You know where the door is. You don't get to spread hate over PRIDE. The biggest celebration of love in the world 
  22. Like
    NRMX reacted to c3s4r_ in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    todos son unos hijos de puta negativos en vez de disfrutarla la destruyen, pudranse todos mal nacidos.
  23. Thanks
    NRMX reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    So get out of here and take your sorry friends with you. You  don't like her anymore ok. WE GOT IT. Now understand that we still enjoy what she does today and you are just pissing on our parade.  Go to a Celine Dion forum if you need to feel safe. How many times do we have to endure your bitterness ? Same with your friends and your "oh, her sheep fans will never say anything bad about her. We're better than them" guess what ? Her annoying "fans" LIKE YOU can't say anything positive either but at least we're not turning this place and other forums into a funeral (because it is not only here and it is not only Madonna). You think you're too cool for Madonna ? Well leave. Go watch the fucking wtg tour on youtube where she has never been so ugly and when people actually were already over her  (i was there so i remember perfectly) in case you worry about that not because you want her to be successful but because you need other people's approval to enjoy something. Guess what ? Others don't and especially not yours. you'll enjoy her when she's dead because she won't be able to "ruin her legacy" by simply enjoying her life. You'll be happier and safer then because, god forbid, that's the truth. Your memories won't be bothered anymore and you'll be able to treat her like an object, because this is what you are saying in the end.
    Since Madame X came out you have been posting negative stuff after negative stuff here. Find a forum about Madonna in the 80's, an archive forum where people don't enjoy her after 1991 and stay there. What is that the need in you to ruin everything for others ? You are like a stalking ex boyfriend. You just don't like her anymore but you can't let go because you spent your whole life following her. You need rehab because at this point it's like a drug you hate. In french we call it fascination malsaine. 
    Seriously ask yourself if you like this woman and do not fear the real answer because it is not healthy to lie to yourself, that makes you come over here a hundred times a day to say "it was better before". Well before does not exist anymore and memories are tricky. Some will remember last night as being wonderful. Some remember the bad press for the movie Who's that girl and how she was ripped to shreds during the WTG tour. As an example, that Liberation daily newspaper with her face plastered al over it for her parc de Sceaux concert was super negative. The title was a play on words because Sceaux (where the concert was held) sounds like bucketso the title means "a bucket of shit" (her name posing as shit). Do you know how many times people said she was ruining her legacy ?
    Finally the problem with forums and with internet in general is people overhype things by themselves. People here kept telling everybody to not make a lot of this. I thought some were just joking about stuff they thought it was gonna be announced, that it was made as jokes in good spirit to animate the forum but in the end they believed their own bullshit so blame yourself. This is exactly how it works on the internet and how people end up at the Capitol. We ALL need to really not take all of this seriously.
    Madonna just went to a disco , lipsynced a few tracks, raised money for LGBT associations. She did not eviscerate a dog live on Instagram but in these days and age doing that probably won't "ruin her legacy" as much as being a 62 Y/O woman enjoying her life apparently and not doing what is expected of her by total strangers to her. 
    The Madonna(s) we all like are not the real Madonna, they are our own creations made of memories from our past, our culture, our tastes and life experiences. That's why we all love a different Madonna but none of them is real and maybe some don't like the real Madonna we get glimpses of, they just love their own interpretation of Madonna and that's fine as long as it does not make you sad and makes you bitter because your creation does not connect anymore with what you see.
    Let go of what you want things to be like, it's the road to constant dissatisfaction.
  24. Like
    NRMX reacted to Fabiolous in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    You don't have to keep following her 
  25. Like
    NRMX reacted to steady75 in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    Madonna in tits out on the regular since 1979 shocker.
    The Greatest Tits collection we always needed. 
    She really does have an Immaculate Collection. 
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