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Unapologetic Bitches
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    NRMX reacted to Frank in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
  2. Like
    NRMX reacted to Eyzonme in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    Not going to quote the post above, but damn that was some ageist shit. Shame on you.
    Performance wasn't my thing but those freckles were super cute. Glad she had fun - seeing her happy makes me happy .
    Also I would have gladly paid $10K for a selfie. Seems rather cheap. 
  3. Like
    NRMX reacted to Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    So here she is celebrating Pride with the gays...and her own gay fans are trashing her?
    This wasn't a tour performance. She's just letting herself go free. This kind of event looks like her early New York City performances she used to do or watch in small clubs and stuff. Everyone in there is having fun. She seems to be enjoying it.
    When did you guys become this boring?
    She didn't spend decades helping the LGBTQ+ community for you all to be throwing that at her face decades later just because she's not doing what you wanted her to. I'll leave it at that. 
  4. Thanks
    NRMX reacted to maddy1111 in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    Sorry, but I am really pissed. 
    Really that's something you decided to post? Stupidly making fan of someone just because of age. 
    Just because someone is 60+ years old doesn't really mean he or she should be automatically ashamed of his/her body and not show it anymore (if he/she decides to.. If you have a problem with that, well surprise information for you most probably, but just look somewhere else) or have fun and dance and enjoy the life, for that matter. 
    Madonna has paved the road for most of us. She has been constantly fighting for acceptance of people for who they are. At the times, when no one else did at entertainment business. It could easily destroy her career but luckily didn't. 
    And instead of supporting her (especially if you're a gay man) or at least show some respect or just let her be when she is enjoying herself, yeah let's rather diss her as old grandma who is dancing and singing. What an abomination, right?! 
    Jeez.. Some users here
  5. Thanks
    NRMX reacted to cosmicarlo818 in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    NO! SHAME THE FUCK ON YOU! You shouldn't be here!
    People like yourself are why Madonna has been fighting the bitter but worthy fight the last two decades!
    We only have Respect and relative Love and Appreciation for Madonna here! Take your heinous negativity elsewhere, fuck out of here with your tasteless "humor" dude
  6. Like
    NRMX reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    Seriously, most of you on this forum need to really really check the amount of time spent here and the amount of negativity you spread on this forum. Nothing's ever good, nothing's ever fine. Maybe the problem is you. Maybe you can't enjoy anything anymore or at least anything Madonna does so the question is : Why do you feel the need to be party poopers for others ?
    It's ok to not like something and to say it but saying it over and over and still hang out here to check if someone dare say something positive to make sure only your bitterness with life prevails around here is pure toxic behaviour.
    Use your time to work on yourself and find new passions instead of poisoning others. Thank You.
    You havn't enjoyed anything Madonna did for the last two years and you keep saying it. We got it but apprently you don't. You're over her. Move on. No she's not Madonna of 1987 and thank god for that. She looked awful during WTG tour with that New Jersey granny hair and awful make up. Try Prozac.
  7. Like
    NRMX reacted to RayofPrayers in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    i’m guessing they’re just disappointed because they want to be ??‍♂️
  8. Like
    NRMX reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    You can always count on this place to kill any enjoyment.
    Is there another Madonna forum where most of you guys are not ? 
  9. Like
    NRMX reacted to Alibaba in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    This place is getting beyond toxic. She performed for the first time since having serious injuries. There was a global pandemic that shut down society She did it in a club at 62. Her tits are out. Maybe her magic just isn’t as potent in this ugly Gen Z world, but she deserves better. 
  10. Like
    NRMX reacted to madonnaultimate in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    most of other artists throw a post , a flag and a song somewhere to support Pride.
    Madonna carried the flag last year. Madonna is inspired by gays and has stated shes a gay man in a woman's body LONG before the current talk about gender identity. Madonna NEVER insulted her gay audience. Madonna refused to be chained down by patriarchy her whole life.
    Madonna made a special movie for us gays this year.
    I dont like saying this but if you have problems with her for whatever reasons , deal with it. No one needs your negativity.
    Cry all you want about the early years, they're past and they''re over. She lives her life however she wants to and leaves it up to you to either choose to follow or abandon. 
    Also you are not here by force or a fan by force. I feel sorry if you cannot appreciate the things she does. again and most of all i despise negativity. 
    Not living up to your expectations whatever you think those are? well life does not in general. At least there's something called future that we can choose to go with.
    Love and peace and good luck Madonna for 2night!
  11. Like
    NRMX reacted to milingo83 in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    HQ polaroid from interviewmagazine.com

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  12. Like
    NRMX reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    You don't care about the rest, the rest here being homeless young LGBTS and yet she's the one who is disconnected...You are fucking crying because you don't get a new single and instead she's giving her time and probably money to help those in need and yet she's the one who is self centered and act priviledged...OK. 
  13. Like
    NRMX reacted to Piksel8 in Cocaine, Madonna and Mick Jagger top A-lister party reminiscences   
    Not at the mishaps but same night footage at roxy

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    NRMX reacted to Roland Barthes in madonna very sexy again in 2021.... What do you think about it? you love ?.... yes for me.   
    says the guy posing shirtless on a forum...
  15. Like
    NRMX reacted to Fighter in The Biopic; Untitled     
    Some movies have lots of writers that come and go and are re-written over and over. Writers are hired for the moment sometimes and then put aside. IDK why some people are acting like she's a fuck up in everything she does and impossible to work with, over what exactly? 
  16. Like
    NRMX reacted to Frank in Inside the Groove : Deep Dive Secret - drum intro version   
    This one?:

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    NRMX reacted to Alibaba in Madonna shares Covid-19 conspiracy theory on IG, backlash ensues, then deletes   
    There are a couple of points I'd like to reiterate. Firstly, I was shocked that Madonna posted this, but later realized my shock was formed by my submission to the propagandist news feed that corporate media overlords have been feeding the masses. Who is right, and who is wrong are questions that none of us can answer at present. It is the massive danger of this time. Misinformation has been coming from everywhere, and the media is absolutely toxic. Anyone who feels that outlets from Fox to CNN and the NY Times are not seriously compromised by corporate lobbyists and special interest groups needs their head checked. Something to consider before claiming that Madonna is a lunatic. 
    Secondly, I'd like to point out that Madonna has actually had covid-19, and she is a powerful and wealthy person who has access to the type of privileged treatment and information that only the elites are able to access. I've looked up to her for thirty-something years, and I find it hard to believe that she would choose to disseminate information that she had any doubt about. 
    Thirdly, the doctor who gave this impassioned plea is not a quack. She is a practicing medical professional at a respectable institution. What her culture has taught her regarding sexuality is not a reflection of her ability to practice medicine. Do you know what your doctors and nurses believe about everything in life? If they had a fundamental difference of opinion about something, or perhaps a belief in a different God, but they were the top brain surgeon and the only one who could operate on your life-threatening tumor, would you refuse their services? 
    The fundamental problem with this situation is that people have come to expect simple, digestible answers to everything in order to make room for convenience. "Shut up Madonna because this might hinder your chances of getting a single you are featured on to the mainstream in order for me to feel like my devotion to you is validated" is more offensive and stupid in my opinion than someone believing in demon sperm or that homosexuality is wrong in their personal belief system. You know why? Because this doctor stood passionately imploring the information to be scrutinized, putting her livelihood and life on the line, and doing so in order to save American lives. Whether or not you think the information is true or false should come from a place of broadly informed personal investigative work, and not based on Donald Trump's endorsement of the treatment, the doctor's personal belief system, or Madonna's choice to go public with her own personal views. 
    IF...and I'll capitalize that twice...IF it is indeed true that big pharma and corporate greed lobbyists in government have been circumventing the obvious inexpensive treatment of this illness for the sake of pushing a giant money grab of opportunities to exploit unnecessary vaccination policies that allow a technocratic agenda to further take hold of the reigns of global power, we should be thankful that anyone is willing to speak up. There is a great danger to dismissing anything due to coexisting conflicts of belief that override the commonalities. I hope this helps to drive that point home for those of you who can think no further than getting a pop confection to add to your collection. 
    P.S. From everything I have read, Madonna did not erase the post. Instagram first flagged it with the fact-checking procedure (a form of censorship that is becoming uncomfortably normalized without a doubt), and then hours later they deleted it. 
  18. Like
    NRMX reacted to GodControl in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    So yesterday was Madonna’s final show in NYC, and I gotta say... WOW, just that, I mean overall she puts in a show which is totally different to the ones I’ve seen before. I can recall right now how amazing is the transition from “Rescue Me” as interlude to “Frozen”, the goosebumps when she sang the first verse of the track and Lola in the projections and their faces and looks intertwined, by far is the best performance of the song since DWT. Speaking of the DWT, it reminds me sometimes about it, since that tour was the one in which she performed few “hits” or songs from the 80’s, and this time an important part of the album is performed on the show. She dances way much more than in the RHT! It’s also incredible that even though she had a knee injury she managed to pull out an entire show, without making changes on the setlist or finishing it earlier. 
    In The first segment, “IDSIF” is very theatrical and groovy. The beginning of the Fado segment is very energetic and it’s just Madame X songs, so if you like the album, this segment would be your favorite one. When she performs “Crazy” it is noticeable the chemistry between her and this new “boyfriend”, however, I expected a better performance of this song. “Medellin” and “Extreme Occident” are by far the greatest ones in this section. “Come Alive” also is one of the highlights, at least for me, the choreography and projections were beyond my expectations! “LAP” was sung by everyone yesterday, the crowd really sang along! The last number, “I Rise” it’s totally appropriate regarding the message that the concert as a whole intends to give, Madonna being so close to us is magical! I was mesmerized by that moment! New York will miss Madame X! Madonna is a legend for a reason. 
    10/10 BRAVOO
  19. Like
    NRMX reacted to BeepBeepBitchMove in Madame X Tour Merchandise   
    Anyone know or hear anything if this t-shirt is going to be coming back? It's sold out at the venue and online. I really want one.

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    NRMX got a reaction from Joseebus in Madame X Tour Merchandise   
    Hi @SimonVenekeoand @Joseebus I’m looking for the same shirt but it sold out in less than two days. If you have any way of getting it, it would be greatly appreciated! ??
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    NRMX reacted to Frank in Madame X Tour Workshops & Rehearsals   
    Henny, u know i can!!!:

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