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Unapologetic Bitches
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PedroNNA last won the day on September 30

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  1. Yes to all, except there’s no life outside Madonna!!! 😉🤩
  2. I never expect anything except for NEW MUSIC 🎵 I couldn’t care less for reissues or anniversaries THE FUTURE PEOPLE THE FUTURE IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT
  3. Dude, why are you so negative lately? A pillow would be better 😉 Love u don’t get angry at me ♥️
  4. I’m commenting on the anniversary deception post, if you read it again I see there are very high expectations that hasn’t been fulfilled at all. Didn’t mention anyone’s devastation or the video uploaded 😉😇 at all
  5. Don’t you think it’s time to stop expecting her to give the anniversary wishful thinking fans something that she’s not going to provide ever??? It’s like having a cheating or a violent boyfriend, I ask: who needs to change in this scenario??? The case here is that Madonna has never promised something and the boyfriend isn’t supposed to behave in such way at all
  6. I’ve entertained that thought, not that she already licensed it but it’s a possibility, but that she doesn’t want to share the final work yet
  7. He’s a fan who won a contest to forever appear in her concert videos. He’ll be in the next and the next and the next until the WTG who’s that grandma tour in 2055
  8. Silvio looks amazing!!! With his age, and the deads in the family and all, he looks strong and healthy ♥️♥️♥️♥️
  9. For me the only thing I would say is Remaster MDNA, and I’m completely fine with everything else she has done, everything ♥️
  10. No, Ive never said anything like that, but as mentioned before, I dont think its a huge deal as many have declared, its a nice gesture thats intended to be viewed by a very limmited audience, most of the content people consume these days has the same kind of quality, just think about how people construct tiktoks or memes... or videos as well... If we saw that she followed the Maluma Colombian performance in the Celebration Tour, or that she kept the high technological elements of Madame X Tour (the white stairs) I would be terribly worried, but its not the case...
  11. I completely fail to see the correlation babe, yes I wouldn’t like that but yes and? One is a thought of the moment to raise awareness to world aids day and the other is a celebration (pun intended) of her 40 years in the business and one of her best tours…
  12. Absolutely As mentioned before by @Adonnathese are such subjective lists of dislikes supported by low numbers in a Madonna scope of success Many things that have been mentioned here I truly love, and I haven’t said anything about any missteps, I truly don’t think that any of us has any insight into how decisions where made and why, if any of these “missteps” where successful or popular independently of our taste for them no one would would dare call them such as. Not every enterprise or artistic expression has to be a success to be valid and worthy life is a series of ups and downs and trials of errors and successes Im glad she has been able to have a extremely successful career and some of the statements from her fans expressed here are truly naive and presumptuous Life is easy to judge in hindsight but not when you are living in real time
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