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  1. Like
    MDMWhat reacted to lap in Madame X Tour DVD   
    She looks young and beautiful but she doesn't look like Madonna anymore. I can't recognize her anymore. 
  2. Like
    MDMWhat reacted to dominbil in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I wish she kept her mouth off the surgery :( 
    I know its her body but Jesus !!
  3. Like
    MDMWhat reacted to scion in Madame X Tour DVD   
    This is the same woman who has released every tour in twenty years on DVD or CD, but hasn't actually released a raw live performance for purchase since 2001. She has the ability to be stellar but she prefers artificial.
  4. Haha
    MDMWhat reacted to o_g_c_x in Madame X Tour DVD   
    She can sing to herself "She's not me"
  5. Haha
    MDMWhat reacted to Andymad in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I mean... true.  Sure we want this.  Sure she should release this like NOW.  Have I gone past the excitement of seeing this show? 100%. But I mean at the end of the day, it's her product.  SO MUCH of the things she's done, we've gone without official releases.  Why should she start now?  Unfortunately she doesn't really care.  She is going to go at her own speed, on her own schedule, by her own leisure.  It is annoying af... but it is just something I've grown to expect from her.  Sadly, I don't expect anything from her anymore.  And whatever we get is a gift.  It will come when it comes.  Obviously its not some canned project.  I HOPE its not, she's worked too damn hard editing this shit to can it.  But it'll come.  Maybe not #soon, but probably when there are no more filters available for her to explore.  Maybe she'll create new filters.  Some we haven't seen before!  I wish I were kidding.  I just fear this will come out and nobody will pay any attention to it because well... we're over it.  But I'll buy it/stream it/gag over it.  And I cant wait.  For now I'll watch bootlegs of BAT  
  6. Like
    MDMWhat reacted to Andymad in Madame X Tour DVD   
  7. Like
    MDMWhat reacted to madgefan in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I don't think it was a good era... otherwise, it was a really wasted era: wasted singles, wasted photo shoots, wasted opportunities to promote the album well. God, I know we got the amazing Super Bowl and world tour... but wouldn't we have been happier with more live performances? Let's say small gigs like she did for Confessions and Hard Candy? She did have many projects in mind at the time, and her movie always seemed to be her main focus. However, she had to fullfil a contract... she rushed everything causing serious damage to her recording career.
    I still wish MDNA had been managed in a better way.
  8. Haha
    MDMWhat reacted to o_g_c_x in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Ey another twin video!!!
    Dont miss it!!!
  9. Like
    MDMWhat reacted to Andymad in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Bahahaha! I think the difference is, Truth or Dare was being edited by a professional LOL. 
  10. Haha
    MDMWhat reacted to danMfan in Madame X Tour DVD   
  11. Like
    MDMWhat reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour | London   
    Before we leave the London thread, I would like to share with you my stagedoor memories with pictures taken with cast.
    On the first picture you can see the tshirt I invented for the tour, with my own Manifesto
    (Ends in the back saying... but also a Madame X fan)
  12. Like
    MDMWhat reacted to Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues in Madame X Tour | London   
    2 years ago all we got were those selfies. Those damn selfies.
    This is a step in the right direction.
  13. Like
    MDMWhat reacted to Neil in Madame X Tour | London   
    I’m glad you’ve worked out what’s important to you. No two people are the same. Understanding what you value is important as we only have one shot at life.  Xx
  14. Like
    MDMWhat reacted to Neil in Madame X Tour | London   
    Thank you x
    i get so much shit and bullying from another forum (not here or Tribe) that you can see why some people just have enough with the online shit they get from strangers. It’s nice to be here & on Tribe with people who live & let live. Xx
  15. Like
    MDMWhat reacted to Neil in Madame X Tour | London   
    Yep. Making memories rather than buying stuff is what I’m about. I’d rather die with a heartfull of shared Madonna memories with friends than be surrounded by 421 coloured vinyls of the same album. Lol. But that’s just me. 
    one day I’ll write it all down.
  16. Like
    MDMWhat reacted to madgefan in Madame X Tour | London   
    I am back home now.
    I cannot believe she made it through 12 London shows off 15 originally planned! She's a survivor and a warrior. No matter how many times we complain about her, she's the best and the sole reason the word icon can still be used today. Yes, she was frail when I saw her but radiant most of the time. Her golden hair hasn't changed a bit since S&S, the first time I could see her in person. She's petite and thin, her make up couldn't be better (thanks Aaron!). Her dancers are out of this world, too. Madonna's sense of humour can be misinterpreted at times but it's unbelievable fans don't get it, especially online 
    For me, the Madame X experience has come to an end. I am looking forward to seeing what she does next. I hope you guys who are going to Paris enjoy it as much as I did!
    She's so worth it.
    Ps. Don't ever let those frigid twats ask you to sit down during the show! Well, maybe during the interludes, Extreme Occident, and Frozen
  17. Haha
    MDMWhat reacted to madenis in Madame X Tour | London   
    Can I be your friend too ? 

  18. Haha
    MDMWhat reacted to Rebel Hugo in Madame X Tour | London   
    Start time: 12am
    End time: 3am 

  19. Haha
    MDMWhat reacted to Blue Jean in Madame X Tour | London   
    Now let’s see what time she gets on stage in Paris. I predict some shows starting past 12am ?
  20. Haha
    MDMWhat reacted to RUADJAI in Madame X Tour | London   
    YOU BOUGHT THE POLOROID!#$%#!@#$%^&*(.
  21. Like
    MDMWhat reacted to Neil in Madame X Tour | London   
    Lol im not fussy  I just enjoy this forum as I can be a fan rather than a miserable old moderator like I have to be on Tribe lol xxxx
  22. Like
    MDMWhat reacted to Hydrangeas Up Your Ass in Madame X Tour | London   
    My thoughts on the show last night! It's what everyone (read: no one) has been waiting for, the new kid on the forums with 3.5 posts under his belt is here to share his story! 
    We arrived at The London Palladium around 18.30 and there was already a long queue formed outside the theater. After only a minute or two they came to check our tickets while still in line and gave us our paper tickets. A minute after that a lady comes up to us and asks us if we were carrying any bags, we told her we weren't and she sent us right to the first security check, cutting a line of what felt like a 50-80 people. It felt correct. 
    Me skipping the line: 
    Everyone with a bag: 
    The whole Yondr experience went surprisingly smooth. HUGE kudos to the people working at the Palladium and the Yondr ladies, they all worked very hard to make entering and leaving the theater as smooth as possible. As soon as we entered the Palladium we went straight to the bar which was practically empty, grabbed a glass of Champagne rosé (ding!) and watched as the place filled up for the next hour, it was a wonderfully relaxing and fun start to the evening.
    When showtime was nearing we headed to our seats and on our way we crossed paths with Tony and Aaron. It was nice seeing Tony up close, as he's a huge part of Madonna touring history. 
    Taking a seat 
    We were sat at the Royal balcony and we had a fantastic view of the stage, i couldn't believe how close it felt. When Madonnas pre-recorded message came on it all suddenly became so real: the show i've been waiting on for so many months was finally happening. This is my fifth time at a Madonna concert and before the show started one thing hit me: this is the first time i'm attending her show without having seen the whole thing on bootleg recordings beforehand. What a treat! It felt like a privilege to get to devour the experience without having to see it through the sea of a thousand phone screens. We were about to experience a place in time with Madonna that was exclusive to us as an audience. It felt intimate, it felt cozy, it felt special, it felt...like no other show i know of in 2020. 
    Shortly after her message, Ahlamalik took position and as i suspected: we were getting the whole show.
    The typewriter intro is an amazing art piece in itself, it sets the tone and atmosphere for the rest of the show. The message of the James Baldwin quote is loud, clear and in need of being said out loud and repeated.
    When Madonna comes on stage i completely fucking lose my entire collection of marbles as the endorphins rush through my brain. As does the lovely woman sat next to me who screamed out Madonna's name as if she were a teenage girl at a Beatles concert. What a treat it was to be seated next to another superfan like her. I wonder if she's on here (blond British woman on row F in Royal, if you read this - holler!)
    The minimalist and scaled down staging made me feel closer to Madonna than i ever have before. It felt like i was attending a show in her living room. One reviewer described the show as "madonna bringing her huge arena show to the theater stage" and i honestly couldn't disagree more. Given how this is the closest she's ever been to her audience she could have easily chickened out and decided to hide behind a huge production. The fact that she did not made me realize how incredibly bold and brave of a move this show is for her. To top it all of she looks like she feels incredibly comfortable doing it.
    In one way the show is very unlike anything Madonna has ever done, but in another it's more of Madonna than we've ever seen before.
    The repeated message of artists being here to disturb the peace, to shake things up, to be radical and sometimes even make people uncomfortable makes me think of how unique of a performer Madonna really is. I can't think of any other current mainstream pop star who is as outspoken and uncensored as she has been throughout her entire career.
    It was in the moments of her loosely choreographed almost drunken steps of  "Killers Who Are Partying" ,  the wild dancing and hugging her co-performers during "Batuka" and anthem like ending of "Come Alive" that i could see the passion she has for her record, her show, her art. 
    As tattooed on her back during the MDNA tour the woman has NO FEAR. Sometimes it is easier to show your ass than your feeling. During yesterday's show her ass wasn't on display but her feelings sure were. 
    Today I'm walking around town a proud life long fan with my new MX t-shirt on. 

  23. Like
    MDMWhat reacted to RUADJAI in Madame X Tour | London   
    All of this is true. It’s so weird how much she is beating this manifesto into our heads and yet I don’t feel like Madame X is anywhere close to fleshed out or a character you can understand in the show or in videos. 
  24. Haha
    MDMWhat reacted to Semtex1 in Madame X Tour | London   
    I,m gonna get that curtain then 
  25. Like
    MDMWhat reacted to robder in Madame X Tour | London   
    Oh no! That's actually really sad. No ones fault really, but autism is a really misunderstood condition.
    Small changes in routine (especially removal of essential items like watches) without pre-established rules can be agonising. What looks like aggression is a genuine inability to understand the situation.
    Hope he was ok and someone came forward to reset the boundaries and settle his mind. 
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