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Skin Bruno

Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Skin Bruno

  1. 9 minutes ago, Rory said:

    Would also be interesting to have both Forbidden Love (Bedtime Stories/Confessions) be mashed-up together


    Years ago I made a bad remix of Forbidden love (confessions) where I included parts of Forbidden love (bed time). Lately I wanted to do a mashup and I started working on it. It's not easy because the songs have different keys so one of the two must be either raised or lowered in pitch or else Come up with another alternative.

  2. 11 minutes ago, PlayPause said:

    HAHAHAHAHA. Seriously? Haven't you read the news for the past 10 years?

    Because it's not ethical. Because you're not respecting the artist. Because you're using someone else's work without their consent. Because because because, there are tons of reasons.

    The tech might be amazing, the intentions are weird and the result is misleading.

    We often use an artist's work without their permission. We use official acapellas, we use stems (some times made with AI) and we download demos that are leked by someone. This is also unethical. I believe that if someone declares that the work is done with AI and there is no profit behind it it becomes like any other unheathery thing we've been doing for years already. Then you may like it or you may not like it but if we have to respect an artist we shouldn't do many other things.

  3. I opened a poll on Instagram and I must say that there were very conflicting opinions.

    I'd like to make an album or an EP with some recent Madonna songs, From Music to Madame x for example, with 80s style instrumentals and Madonna's 80s voice recreated with AI. What do you think about it? Why is AI so controversial?


    Here is an example of a Sorry demo voice from the 80s version with the poll.


  4. The ideas there are in this channel are nice but unfortunately using filtered stems often the result is poor and will be even with wav files, also I would not use in the vocals all that exaggerated delay. Also filtered acapellas are often "floaty" and even that is not solved with a wav file unfortunately.
    we have to be content with this audio.

  5. 8 minutes ago, rodrigochecchia said:


    I'n guessing these are the vocals from the Grammy performance. Are you planning on working on the full show? 

    I guess there are live vocals for almost every track... Except for I Will Survive (obviously)...

    No. I think it's a waste of time. I did this just for fun and to recreate the live hq effect to get an idea of how the dvd might sound if it comes out.

    I updated the fist post with a youtube video too.

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