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    nodoman reacted to dylanlioncourt in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    What's funny is your need to make duplicate accounts on this forum and other Madonna forums when you're repeatedly ban for constanly instigating and antagonizing fights with other people. Beautifulkiller, Neutrocks, Amelia, Liam, Marxus whoever you are. 
  2. Haha
    nodoman reacted to Enrico in Will Madonna headline next year's BST Hyde Park?   
    I totally see her performing Hung up with Springsteen and Frozen with Billy Joel  
  3. Like
    nodoman reacted to 50ft Queenie in Will Madonna headline next year's BST Hyde Park?   
    Hyde Park and Pride are very different things. Sounds dumb to perform remixes at that type of venue and I seriously doubt we are going to see her headline this event in the near future. 
  4. Like
    nodoman reacted to dylanlioncourt in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    Is beautifulkiller back? 
  5. Haha
    nodoman reacted to TheGoth in Will Madonna headline next year's BST Hyde Park?   
    By the time Madonna would arrive on stage, the show would be over.
  6. Like
    nodoman reacted to EgoRod in Will Madonna headline next year's BST Hyde Park?   
    The type of audience that would come to this would expect her to sing  Like a Prayer, Holiday and Ray of light, she did that already few years ago for Live 8.
  7. Like
    nodoman reacted to Blue Jean in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    The argument that Kylie is “not political” is just a thing Madonna fans say to try and one up Madonna. The large majority of Madonna’s biggest hits have been fun dance songs. So it’s a bit rich for any Madonna fan to write Kylie off on the basis of that.
    Yes they have their differences but many similarities also.
  8. Like
    nodoman reacted to drivebitch in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    If Madonna really wanted to be a rebel and fight ageism, she wouldn’t be covering up and messing with her face every five seconds. She’s no victim. She’s simply a control freak with an ego the size of an entire continent. She’s rich and privileged. 
  9. Like
    nodoman reacted to steady75 in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    Kylie has taken risks several times in her career musically at least. She’s done very personal stuff too. I think there was a time when she was willing to go down that route. She opened up on Impossible Princess and it was a commercial failure. Even if her lyrics and moods and song writing craft were absolutely brilliant.  Like seriously good. It nearly robbed her of her career. So she chose joy.
    I have a bunch of friends who have worked with Kylie musically over the years. There are times where she wants to push herself out of her comfort zone musically. After the huge commercially success of the Fever album she took a hard swerve and delivered Slow and Body Language which again… didn’t do well commercially. There were inside chatters of “she hasn’t learned her lesson” while that album was being made. 
    So there’s no doubt she pushes against what the expectation of the record company wants at times but there are  others where she absolutely craves that full out pop sound, she’s sent stuff back and asked it to be made poppier and more melodic and more joyful.
    You know music isn’t always about the statement,  sometimes it’s about the absence of statement and is designed to give you space from thought and concept and allows you just to be in the moment. The Hollywood kiss, the dance in the kitchen, the glitter bomb. Which I very much suppose is a statement in itself. There is great, great value in this. It’s often the thing that attracts us pop music in the first instance, especially gay men. As gay kids I think we need that level of escapism to survive. Kylie deserves a life long service to gay men award for her tireless work for the cig community. 
    Madonna very much chose to move away from that over the years and has kind of said herself she finds those songs of hers dumb. I think knowing that some of her more modern carefree songs come across as a bit unconvincing. Turn Up The Radio is a  great example. I’m thrilled Madonna is so political and wants to say something. But life is tough. Sometimes I need to put social media down, turn off the news, close my journal, dial out of politics and dial into myself .. or out of myself. That’s therapy and self care and and you might say was more important than anything else. Kylie is the perfect safe space for that. She’s a human balloon drop and I’m eternally grateful for her In ways that may seem frivolous to others. To write that off as pop fluff for the gays is missing the point entirely and it could be said it dips it’s toes into prejudice / self loathing but that’s another TLDR.  Poor those people. Kylie knows her brand and knows the absolute worth of it and delivers it with a style and sensibility that is second to none. No one does Kylie like Kylie.  For that I am eternally grateful. 
  10. Thanks
    nodoman reacted to RUADJAI in New STADIUM Tour in 2023   
    No. I would suggest try and focus on what you do like and ignore the comments you don't like. 
    For everyone's sake. You don't need to respond to everyone you don't like. 
    And please don't message me on other social media sites. That's where I look at porn. 
  11. Like
    nodoman reacted to RUADJAI in Erotica 30th Anniversary October 20th, 2022   
    While we wait for physical objects to buy I think it could be cool to also focus on what the album means to you, any stories you have related to the album, or any info about the album that might not be widely known. 
  12. Thanks
    nodoman reacted to 50ft Queenie in New STADIUM Tour in 2023   
    Welcome back, I wonder how long it will be before the mods remove you this time.
  13. Like
    nodoman reacted to proxy in Babyface on his favorite collaborations with women   
    "I don't believe anyone who's worked with Madonna would've made a great Madonna song if she hadn't been involved as a writer and producer. We wrote it together. We each brought lyrics and melodies, singing them back and forth. She also brought in the arranger for the strings, which sound amazing."
  14. Haha
    nodoman got a reaction from Pretty Madonna in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    i hope ingrid is okay.
  15. Like
    nodoman reacted to Drownedboy in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    Another post pretending that this video is modern and progresist and that she is still the groundbreaking queen of all time. 
    Ok, she was expected to do amazing job, that´s we expected, knowing her stellar and unique in history carreer. And so far, it´s lazy, underehearsed, ugly, and speedly done, and messy..things Madonna was never linked to. I don´t know if she is having fun. I don´t know if a person who needs to hide her age and do strange things in order to change her face constantly is actually having any fun. i would say she is more terrified than any other thing.
    On the one hand, If you need to tell me I´m conservative,  i really don´t give a damn, call me what you will. I think you are in a stage of denial, on the other hand.
  16. Like
    nodoman reacted to Blue Jean in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    People were calling her old and desperate in 2005. I don’t think it’s really a comparable situation though.
  17. Like
    nodoman reacted to Sultrysully in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    I remember critics hating on the Hung Up leotard because they had to admit that it looked fantastic on her.  Lol.  I actually read critiques that said exactly that, even after the Gorillaz live version.  
  18. Like
    nodoman reacted to steady75 in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    You think I’m angry? Loool.
    Madonna doesn’t make me angry.
    I’m not an angry person. I think from the nature of most of my posts I’m pretty objective and I’m largely here for the  cackles and the kiki and  to have a laugh and try and bring some levity. 
    What I will kick back on in relation to me is when people sneer and act hollier than thou.. as if I’m the great old unwashed. A Madonna denier. 

    The idea that I’m somehow less of a fan for voicing that she’s missing the mark. 
    There’s posts of me actively saying “the old Madonna stuff is there if you want it”
    but this video… come on it’s trash. And if she’s going for trash then fine she really achieved it. 
    What drew me to Madonna as an artist was the thought process laced with creativity, excellent music and message. 
    I already said this whole schtick is a nod to her Erotica era likely promotional antics of a persona past. 
    Does that stop it from being creatively bankrupt and shit? Nah mate. 
    When she wanted Evita she made Take a Bow. Now she wants to make a biopic and she puts this out for investors to see where her level of creativity and taste level is at? 

    that’s all love.. i don’t click with the vid. Madonna is Madonna. 
    I just find the brain worms of labelling some one “a relic who is stuck in the past”, (who is 20 years younger than the artist in question), because they think drug taking, tonguing and simulating tired old lesbian cosplay and aggressive sexual behaviour seems a little done and redundant in 2022 for such a groundbreaking visionary Artist in the year of our Lord 2022. 
    like…make it make sense. 
    This superior sense of “you don’t get it peasant relic” is horse shit. And we all know it. 
    Enslaver or enabler? 
    you decide. 
  19. Like
    nodoman reacted to 50ft Queenie in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    So people like you are allowed to voice how much they love something and defend it to high heaven and back but anyone who thinks differently should be either silenced or stop following an artist they have supported for fucking forever? Not only are double standards revolting but Madonna is pushing nobody's buttons, its called fans being mostly unimpressed with the results and voicing their opinions in a thread dedicated to the subject. I was a diehard Madonna fan way back when SEX was released and saw her perform Like A Virgin on MTV, you expect this video to push my buttons as if she is making some kind of statement, stop attaching merit to things that don't deserve it because its insulting to the intelligence of anyone with an IQ above a bug.
  20. Thanks
    nodoman reacted to eXtremeOccident in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    All the endless comments about us  who don't like it being "too old" are hilarious 
    Sorry, but I'm 29 and think this is absolute trash, as do most of my friends who used to like her. If that's considered "too old" to appreciate this Madonna....sorry, but WHO is she trying to appeal to? 18 year olds? You fans who are lauding her for this SERIOUSLY think that teenagers are going to see her wearing grillz and smoking weed and want to check out her catalog? 
    This has *nothing* to do with her age, so good God, please stop with the "you're an ageist!" attacks towards fans who loathe what she has become. "Trashy", "Cheap", "Messy", "Boring", "Embarrasing" are never words I would have ever associated with Madonna, and yet here we are. She's become antithetical to absolutely everything she used to stand for, and it's so depressing to witness as a fan of 20+ years. 
    She's really acting Michael Jackson-levels of weird nowadays, and it's painful to watch her bookend her career like this. The signs were there of things getting weird during the Madame X era, but something cracked during COVID and I'm still convinced something is seriously off behind the scenes. 
    Anyone who thinks Madonna is still capable of bringing in mass audiences for a future stadium greatest hits tour is delusional. She's become an absolute laughing stock, as would anyone of any age who was putting out music and looks that were this tacky and bad. 
  21. Thanks
    nodoman reacted to eXtremeOccident in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    THIS. For all the attempts at looking "cool and edgy"...she actually is making herself look quite old. That's the irony of it all.
  22. Like
    nodoman reacted to MattyMads in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    They certainly don’t embrace her antics, they laugh at her. You only need to read the comment online in forums, newspapers. 
  23. Like
    nodoman reacted to 50ft Queenie in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    I just wanna say that I love this community, never laughed so hard in my life as when going through this thread. At the end of the day we are all Madonna fans, those of us who don't like something she puts out do not aggressively name call those who do and I am personally disgusted by those who think its ok to name call other users offensive stuff like sexist or ageist just because we don't like something she does. What gives anyone the right to think that they can talk to me like that just because they are hiding behind a screen?
  24. Haha
    nodoman reacted to MattyMads in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    I think the only button she is pushing with this video is skip or channel change 
  25. Haha
    nodoman got a reaction from musicinferno in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    i hope ingrid is okay.
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