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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Like
    kurushitovska reacted to null in Did Madonna get hacked or what?!   
    They're all from various sources. I don't think Madonna's hard drives were at all affected by the leaks.
  2. Like
    kurushitovska reacted to Angelo in Did Madonna get hacked or what?!   
  3. Like
    kurushitovska reacted to Jorick in Can we make our own Celebration?   
    I like that idea, but I don't think you would have enough room for her 80ties hits , especially in their 12 inch form.
  4. Like
    kurushitovska reacted to WeYo in Can we make our own Celebration?   
    Mmm yeah ... I'm with @@kurushitovska on this.
  5. Like
    kurushitovska reacted to G House in What happens to the stages when tours are over?   
    Lady Gaga didn't use the MDNA Tour stage nor part of it. She only used the roof in one or two concerts and it was because they crossed paths in some city that I don't remember and it was the because the promoter wanted to save money.
    Sometimes they get recycled for another tour (at least some elements) or they are sold by pieces for another artists.
  6. Like
    kurushitovska got a reaction from G House in What happens to the stages when tours are over?   
    Fuck you. and your manners.
  7. Like
    kurushitovska reacted to MLVCPR58 in Which Madonna songs are at the bottom of your favorite list?   
    For some reason, the 'Music' album has never been my favorite. I LOVE 'Music', 'Impressive Instant', and 'Don't Tell Me', of course, but the rest of the album seems stuck between 'Ray of Light' and 'American Life'. It's almost as if Orbit and Mirwais were pulling her in different directions. 
  8. Like
    kurushitovska reacted to Angelo in What happens to the stages when tours are over?   
    lady reductive......................................................
    how old are you to say lady reductive????
    omg grew up -.-
  9. Like
    kurushitovska got a reaction from madgefan in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    uh oh!
  10. Like
    kurushitovska reacted to MeantToBeIconic in 2015 M-Infinity Rebel Heart Awards   
    How do we submit votes?
  11. Like
    kurushitovska reacted to groovyguy in 2015 M-Infinity Rebel Heart Awards   
    Thanks to the M-Infinity community, The Rebel Heart era has become a fan favorite for many here.
    Thought it might be fun to have our own M-Infinity Rebel Heart awards for the album and the tour.
    Below are the categories for the Awards for the Rebel Heart Album & Rebel Heart Tour.
    Please feel free to suggest or add your categories.
    Submit only ONE award for each category.
    This AWARD poll officially ends on December 31st, 2015.
    All the votes will be tallied and the results will be posted on January 5th 2016.
    Categories for Rebel Heart Album Awards
    Best Rebel Heart Cover:
    Standard http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51ladhIt4dL._AA160_.jpg
    Deluxe http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/519ZK1ysQCL._AA160_.jpg
    Super Deluxe http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51aPIEHASsL._AA160_.jpg
    Best Live TV Performance:
    Best Single:
    Best Single Video:
    Best Non-Single Song:
    Best Dance Song:
    Best Ballad:
    Best Collaborator: Avicii / Diplo / Other
    Best Lyrics:

    Best Vocal:

    Best Melody:

    Best Chorus:
    MVP Track:

    Most Classic Madonna Sounding:
    Most Groundbreaking:
    Categories for 2015 Rebel Heart Tour Awards
    For reference:
    Rebel Heart Tour Set List @ http://madonnalicious.typepad.com/madonnalicious/2015/09/rebel-heart-tour-setlist.html
    List of Unapologetic Bitches @ http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/5039-dl-rht-special-performancesparisredemptionsonglapgtimagineubamsterdamsecretdtmublondonproshotdwlapub-graham-nstella-m/?p=214961
    List of Special Performances @ http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/5207-dl-audio-links-for-rht-special-performancesparisredemptionsonggtimaginelapamsterdamsecretdtmlondonlapdrowned-worldantwerpdtm/?p=227263
    List of Supporting Guests @ http://www.madonna.com/tour/
    Best Live Performance for a Rebel Heart song:
    [Any song on the RH album that is performed on tour]
    Best Live Performance for a non-Rebel Heart song:
    Best Choreography:
    Best Celebrity Unapologetic Bitch:
    Best Fan Unapologetic Bitch:
    Best Special Performance Song:
    Best Costume:
    Best Act / Section:
    Best Supporting Guest:
    Best North American Venue:
    Best European Venue:
    Best Overall Venue Show/Performance:
  12. Like
    kurushitovska reacted to Fighter in Celebrities talk about Madonna   
    I think, maybe, a lot of people think Madonna is rude simply because she's a very private person who is not going to befriend other celebrities just because they are celebrities, she probably doesn't treat them any differently. Maybe that threw Cher off,
  13. Like
    kurushitovska reacted to Fighter in I demand Blond Ambition in Blu Ray format!   
    ah no I dont really care about the Rebel Heart tour right now, I just dont want her to end this era yet.,,
  14. Like
    kurushitovska got a reaction from groovyguy in Quiz: Name the Madonna Video!   
    13/13 <3
  15. Like
    kurushitovska reacted to groovyguy in Quiz: Name the Madonna Video!   
    I got: "The perfect fan!" (13 out of 13! )       

  16. Like
    kurushitovska got a reaction from devilpray in Can we ask to TVE (Spain) to broadcast the BAT Tour again?   
    Hey I've been lately thinking about making a formal petition to RTVE (Spanish public TV and radio) for them to broadcast the Blond Ambition Tour from Barcelona again. They were the first and it was transmitted live so they must have a good recording of the show. Last night a concert by Alejandro Sanz was broadcasted but in a private channel. Why don't they broadcast the BAT Tour when the RHT arrives to Barcelona? M has come to Spain like 4 or 5 times before the current tour but they've never made an attempt to throw the show. RTVE has HD channels. At least they could just emit the audio on the radio and we could get a good digital recording... What do you think guys? Is it possible to make a petition? Would they be allowed to broadcast it? 
    EDIT: you can sign my Change.org petition here, let's try at least: https://www.change.org/p/corporaci%C3%B3n-de-radio-y-televisi%C3%B3n-espa%C3%B1ola-s-a-rtve-rtve-volved-a-emitir-el-concierto-de-madonna-en-barcelona-de-1990?recruiter=417406962&utm_source=share_for_starters&utm_medium=copyLink
  17. Like
    kurushitovska got a reaction from null in Can we ask to TVE (Spain) to broadcast the BAT Tour again?   
    I found on IMDB that production company is RAI Televisione Italy and the BBC UK is stated as a distributor, nothing about TVE...
  18. Like
    kurushitovska reacted to null in Can we ask to TVE (Spain) to broadcast the BAT Tour again?   
    I think Pioneer only owns the rights to the Japan recording they officially released. I don't think they own the rights to every BA concert.
  19. Like
    kurushitovska reacted to leo in Can we ask to TVE (Spain) to broadcast the BAT Tour again?   
    Bueno, firne la peticion... que sea lo que Dios quiera!
  20. Like
    kurushitovska got a reaction from MadonnaLove in Can we ask to TVE (Spain) to broadcast the BAT Tour again?   
    Hey I've been lately thinking about making a formal petition to RTVE (Spanish public TV and radio) for them to broadcast the Blond Ambition Tour from Barcelona again. They were the first and it was transmitted live so they must have a good recording of the show. Last night a concert by Alejandro Sanz was broadcasted but in a private channel. Why don't they broadcast the BAT Tour when the RHT arrives to Barcelona? M has come to Spain like 4 or 5 times before the current tour but they've never made an attempt to throw the show. RTVE has HD channels. At least they could just emit the audio on the radio and we could get a good digital recording... What do you think guys? Is it possible to make a petition? Would they be allowed to broadcast it? 
    EDIT: you can sign my Change.org petition here, let's try at least: https://www.change.org/p/corporaci%C3%B3n-de-radio-y-televisi%C3%B3n-espa%C3%B1ola-s-a-rtve-rtve-volved-a-emitir-el-concierto-de-madonna-en-barcelona-de-1990?recruiter=417406962&utm_source=share_for_starters&utm_medium=copyLink
  21. Like
    kurushitovska got a reaction from leo in Can we ask to TVE (Spain) to broadcast the BAT Tour again?   
    Hey I've been lately thinking about making a formal petition to RTVE (Spanish public TV and radio) for them to broadcast the Blond Ambition Tour from Barcelona again. They were the first and it was transmitted live so they must have a good recording of the show. Last night a concert by Alejandro Sanz was broadcasted but in a private channel. Why don't they broadcast the BAT Tour when the RHT arrives to Barcelona? M has come to Spain like 4 or 5 times before the current tour but they've never made an attempt to throw the show. RTVE has HD channels. At least they could just emit the audio on the radio and we could get a good digital recording... What do you think guys? Is it possible to make a petition? Would they be allowed to broadcast it? 
    EDIT: you can sign my Change.org petition here, let's try at least: https://www.change.org/p/corporaci%C3%B3n-de-radio-y-televisi%C3%B3n-espa%C3%B1ola-s-a-rtve-rtve-volved-a-emitir-el-concierto-de-madonna-en-barcelona-de-1990?recruiter=417406962&utm_source=share_for_starters&utm_medium=copyLink
  22. Like
    kurushitovska got a reaction from MeantToBeIconic in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    Send this to Warner, let's see if they want to release an special EP with those like "The Top 10 chosen by best M's fans EP" hahaha
  23. Like
    kurushitovska got a reaction from Primul5 in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    Send this to Warner, let's see if they want to release an special EP with those like "The Top 10 chosen by best M's fans EP" hahaha
  24. Like
    kurushitovska got a reaction from neko011 in MadonnaInfinity -- Best Madonna Song COUNTDOWN   
    Send this to Warner, let's see if they want to release an special EP with those like "The Top 10 chosen by best M's fans EP" hahaha
  25. Like
    kurushitovska reacted to Stevo in My Madonna Album Rankings   
    I agree. Hung Up is a fun, simple and catchy song but I actually think it's overshadowed by nearly every other song on the album. It's saying something when a strong song in its own right is not one of the strongest on the album, which is a testament to the rest of the album. The Get Together video is shitty, you're 100% right there, but I think the video for Jump may be even worse. It looks so cheap and as though it was a rush job to me- also for the record - I really hated that short blonde wig! LOL Those two songs deserved better videos IMO.
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