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    jstevens40 got a reaction from MDNA22 in Does anybody know the story behind the 'Secret' video?   
    I'm personally happy they changed the hair . the Marlene Dietrich look in my opinion does not suite her. I love how it turned out in the end.
  2. Like
    jstevens40 reacted to Yung Rapunxel in Jay Z's new streaming service and Queen of Pop Madonna?   

    "i think i may have spoken too soon, and that there is a lot to celebrate where TIDAL is concerned, i won't delete my posts becaus, my concerns are genuine, i am quite happy to admit i am wrong when i am. its late and I'm going to sleep, more tomorrow. BRB. also, unless TIDAL start sending everyone good quality headphones, the resolution thing is kinda redundant, we should all start making music with shit studio monitors #bridgingthegap. WE COULD JUST STRIKE TILL THE LABELS GIVE US OUR FAIR SHARE OF STREAMING REVENUE,NOT TAKE ADVANCES, NOT DELIVER MUSIC, FOR THE FUTURE ARTIST"
    :clap: :clap: :clap: At least someone with a brain, the intelligent chanteuse
  3. Like
    jstevens40 reacted to Yung Rapunxel in Jay Z's new streaming service and Queen of Pop Madonna?   
    Deadmau5 slaming Madonna in 2012 and now hugs her in the conference I see you sis
  4. Like
    jstevens40 reacted to Halex in Jay Z's new streaming service and Queen of Pop Madonna?   
    Yeah. That's the point of the high defintion music, so you can clearly hear the hidden satanic messages... 

  5. Like
    jstevens40 reacted to Yung Rapunxel in Jay Z's new streaming service and Queen of Pop Madonna?   
    It's funny how they're making it seem like some sort of social activism when this movement is aimed to provide a big corporation with even more money. That trailer was over-dramatic... like a call to arms or something or to discuss the world peace
    The sound, the dead-ass serious-faces as if they're deciding to bomb ISIS or not. 

    :laughing: :laughing: it's just embarassing
  6. Like
    jstevens40 reacted to Angelo in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    why are you so mad????
    this is a thread about rebel heart (sales, performances, singles, ecc..)
    rebel heart has very poor sales = fact = must be in this topic
    I can't understand you........or do you want to read only: MADONNA THE QUEEN????
    she has good and bad moments......we cannot report only the good ones
  7. Like
    jstevens40 got a reaction from groovyguy in Madonna Will Be Present On The iHeartRadio Music Awards 2015.   
    Loved her she was Everything .....
  8. Like
    jstevens40 got a reaction from stefo in Madonna Will Be Present On The iHeartRadio Music Awards 2015.   
    Loved her she was Everything .....
  9. Like
    jstevens40 got a reaction from NowRadiate in Your thoughts on the Promo this era!   
    I'm over the moon about all the promo this time around. It might be the last time we see it so im excited I feel like everyday comes a new gift its like Christmas. However I have noticed something I have not seen from her in a long time. I have noticed how fragile she is and I feel as if she is somewhat nervous with every performance. For me Its cringe worthy almost as if she doesn't even want to move or she's over worked.  I'm talking specifically about her dancing. Something off, She's not hitting every point like its half assed or lazy. I feel like when im watching her its almost like she's in slow motion. I hate to say this but maybe its with age. In the end im just happy frankly to see her out and having fun. I do worry about it. I mean it was not that long ago she was on tour MDNA and they where throwing her around and she was amazing with ever song dancing and killing it. I just don't know what going on recently. But even so im still so happy my queen is still doing it. 
  10. Like
    jstevens40 got a reaction from NowRadiate in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    You can like Madonna and not love everything she does. You can have your own mind. It does not make you any less of a fan.
  11. Like
    jstevens40 got a reaction from NowRadiate in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    Thanks Fighter, If it came out harsh I was not meant that way. I can remember some years ago listening to some celebrity talking about the vanity fair Oscar party and how everyone was just standing around talking. All of the sudden M showed up. They where saying how when M got there celebrity's where star struck they where so in complete amazement they where in her present's everyone became quiet and just stared at her. Something tells me this does not happen that much anymore. I mean could you imagine the impact the Britney kiss would have had if she had instgram back then. Back then we didn't even have a clue what was coming that's what made it so scandalous. I'm well aware M is human and times have changed. I just think it would have been so much more exciting to not know what dress she was gonna wear or song she was gonna sing on the Ellen show. I just feel like instgram has killed a lot of the mystery the allure the exciting buzz she always had.
  12. Like
    jstevens40 reacted to Fighter in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    I think random people very much know about what goes on, but they forget about the specifics, but what still lingers is a sense that she's at a low point. That's why PR is important. It is an overall image issue. Her instagram is not a secret place or anything, she has 20 million FB likes I mean...
    No one can convince me that her social media didn't play a part on how things are playing out for this album.
  13. Like
    jstevens40 reacted to Fighter in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    well, last year she read comments on her IG, responded to haters, blocked haters and even some fans, I think she's more sensitive than we've ever realised. What bothers me is that sometimes she really does herself no favours. She's only human ,, but yeah she needs to be told to sit down sometimes im sorry 
    tough love... i knew it from the start...
  14. Like
    jstevens40 reacted to LZE in Celebrating Vogue Video's 25th Anniversary with Jose & Slam   
    wouldn't be cool she hire them again. they are so down for it. but i guess M is ageist too  
  15. Like
    jstevens40 reacted to Angelo in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    really love these words......<3 <3 <3     
  16. Like
    jstevens40 got a reaction from Angelo in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    Although I think your entitled to your opinion. I don't share your view on the Rebel Heart album being a flop ..I think its doing great.
  17. Like
    jstevens40 got a reaction from stefo in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    You can like Madonna and not love everything she does. You can have your own mind. It does not make you any less of a fan.
  18. Like
    jstevens40 got a reaction from Angelo in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    You can like Madonna and not love everything she does. You can have your own mind. It does not make you any less of a fan.
  19. Like
    jstevens40 got a reaction from wizzywick in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    Over the years my prospective of M was that she was a goddess. Almost like an amazing enigma something holy and untouchable. Someone that most people put in there mind's up on a pedestal. A star above all star's. Like this magical creature that when you see it blows your mind and amazes you. How special you would feel in her presence. like it was an honor. social media ( instagram ) has destroyed this my Queen in now human, flesh and blood almost pathetic. Every other week taking selfies in the bathroom mirror. Talking about things that she need not comment on teasing us with song titles and stupid sock puppets. Instagram has destroyed the mystique that was so alluring about my queen.
  20. Like
    jstevens40 reacted to stefo in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Rebel Heart and Freedom Fighter... but she should really say something on Dolce and Gabbana's statement about "synthetic" sons of gay families. In Italy it's getting bigger and bigger, the lead editor of their luxury magazine Swide, Giuliano Federico, just resigned: "Their statements are incompatible with my conscience"
  21. Like
    jstevens40 reacted to Melrose95 in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    This album is hardly doneI can't believe what I'm reading from fans just because at the age of 56! she debuted at #2 in the UKMost artists would love that especially at that ageAs for the US, the second week drop won't be quite as big because of not only the bundling going into affect but her 4 apoearances on Ellen next weekExpect a drop, but not that severeShe also will probably due more promo before the tour kicks offThe I Heart radio award has already been confirmed
  22. Like
    jstevens40 reacted to unapologeticheart in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    I don't know how I feel about this
  23. Like
    jstevens40 got a reaction from Fighter in NY Daily News Interview   
    I'm gonna rant.....I expect I will get a whole lotta shit for this one. Anyway.......... I absolutely fucking hate, hate I mean hate and I want to say im not an hateful person but I do with every being of my body hate the Kardashians . I don't understand it. They are fucking everywhere you cant watch an entertainment show without seeing one. You cant watch a music award show without seeing one. You cant watch a fashion show without seeing one. You cant watch a talk show without seeing one. They are on every fucking magazine cover. You cant go to a blog without reading about one. I cant understand the obsession people have with this family. Its sad to me to think it all started from a sex tape. Out of the whole clan not one of them has any talent. Think about it, how many of them sing, act, design or do anything for that matter? They are only important because people think Kim is beautiful. Do you know how many talented beautiful people I know that are not famous and their all trying to make something with there lives. I feel as if this is a generational thing but I still don't understand why younger or everyone for that matter would supports this none talented trash family. Why would you want to. They offer nothing. What's the pull? I don't get it. What really makes me mad is my Queen has even fallen into it. Posing in pictures with Kim . It makes me sick to think of what Madonna had to do to get famous, how hard she had to work and there she is taking selfie pictures with this talent less porn star. I also don't understand the Kanye thing. I'm not particularly a fan of his and I cant for the life of me understand why he would ever get invited to an award show ever again. What I can say is at least he is contributing he's an artist he writes and performs. Some might say he has talent. It still boggles my mind why Madonna would want to associate with this man or family. I can understand she like's people that provoke but at least be provoking for a good reason or cause. M always had somthing to say. Kanye is just incredibly rude and to be fair wrong. Why does he think his opinion is the only one that matters? You can have an opinion and keep it to yourself its called class. Lets be honest its not like he is supporting Madonna he really only care's about Beyoncé. I mean Paul Mccartney playing with Kanye, really. He's a fucking Beatles. What alternate planet are we living in that this is ok. It's Blasphemy. Why do amazing artistic hard working older icons of this caliber supporting this shit. I find it sad that a man like Beck was about to get trashed and he like a little scared bitch made a plea to get Kanye to come back on stage. Beck did it clearly just because he knew it would make headlines, Kanye = headlines. How very sad, its fucking Beck. If you don't know who he is your an idiot and living under a rock. Anyone with a backbone would have said get the fuck of my stage. I cant even watch a Madonna performance lately without the camera always cutting to Kim or Kanye. Like as if to suggest that if they're not into it you shouldn't be ether. Fuck off..... Paul and Madonna are icons they don't need to ride anyone's coat tails.   Sorry about my spelling and potty mouth, im just bitchy today.
  24. Like
    jstevens40 reacted to Crawford in Madonna at "Che Tempo Che Fa"   
    Meanwhile, outside Rai3 studio...

  25. Like
    jstevens40 got a reaction from Angelo in Madonna at "Che Tempo Che Fa"   
    OMG. Get this girl drunk before every preformance.
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