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Unapologetic Bitches
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About Chris

  • Birthday 07/26/2000

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  • M Fan Since
    Living for Love MV

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Cherish (25/89)



  1. for any artist, i always will try to opt for the original release/master if i can get it in (listenable) lossless.
  2. if i didnt have -$12 in my bank...
  3. im not gonna write up a whole essay on this but un some respects, more or less, yes she has. they both have a decline in the quality of their releases some time after their prime/peak. (madonna, post-2006, taylor, post-2016)
  4. i LOVE her interviews, i need to find more of them. shes one of the SMARTEST people in the business.
  5. someone actually should try to reach out to her or her team to let them know about this sort of stuff lol
  6. no? the only thing i got was that my Atlas VPN account would be moved to Nord VPN when they merged and my current subscription would be transferred over. i still got another year or more left of mine.
  7. im sorry, but it seems like you're genuinely upset about this. i dont think its that big of a deal. its okay to be frustrated to not get the discussion you were looking for, but its a bit excessive (in my opinion) to delete and hide the thread when its being used for active discussion. but anyway hope your day goes better than it seemingly has already
  8. because someone mentioned the 2012 superbowl which tangents off of the cancelled 2000 one. again, topics always go off topic into tangents. thats how conversations flow. edit - also its not that big of a deal, its okay to be frustrated to not get the discussion you were looking for, but its a bit much in my opinion to delete and hide the thread when its being used for active discussion
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