1,003 -
Reputation Activity
Chris reacted to Certified Fuck Up in Have you guys ever noticed that there's a bug or a cockroach climbing on Madonna's le
Welcome to Down Under! At least it wasn't a spider!!
Chris reacted to Ulisaax640 in It's my Birthday today 21 baby!
Happy 21! I turned 21 a week ago. Have a great time! Wish i got drunk but never too late to celebrate!
Chris reacted to RUADJAI in It's my Birthday today 21 baby!
All these young boys in here, if I were Madonna I’d eat you all up.
Chris got a reaction from emanon in A dvd with 6 chanels, wich one would be the center chanel? I'm finally riping a dvd s
Chanel is the fashion brand. Channel is what you're looking for (as already mentioned). The other spellings don't exist
Chris reacted to madmadmadgefan in Is there a section of the forum similar to this https://fotpforums.com/forum/31-games
Oh my. I thought this site died years ago. I had a membership there at one time. Who knows, I might still have one. I have not attemtped to log in there in about 4 years or so.