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Unapologetic Bitches
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    Chris reacted to Aiwa08 in Each Madonna music videos date releases.   
    Wrong: the video was premiered May 17, 1989
  2. Like
    Chris reacted to Spanky1995 in Each Madonna music videos date releases.   
    Faz Gostoso never had a video 
  3. Like
    Chris reacted to DoneGone in Each Madonna music videos date releases.   
    Glad to see AI can't even get this simple task right. There are mistakes there, I wouldn't go by this one, at least not by checking it one by one first.
    Just a quick look into Wikipedia tells me "Turn Up The Radio" was premiered July 16, 2012, not August 5. I searched for that one cause I didn't remember it premiering so late in the Summer.
    Also, ChatGPT has a "Faz Gostoso" video we don't even have, cute. Must be an AI one.
  4. Like
    Chris reacted to androiduser in Each Madonna music videos date releases.   
    Try to check the wikipedia page in the "video" section for each song, and also try to check IMDB (although I already see some inaccuare info htere, probably because they take into account later DVD releases).
  5. Like
    Chris reacted to Salveliz in Each Madonna music videos date releases.   
    Hi everyone,
    I'm in a project where I need the date release of each Madonna video, through out all her career, if it not possible aware about precisely the days, the month and year, will be helpfull enough.
    Thanks in advance for those who want help.
  6. Like
    Chris reacted to Would You Like To Try in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    WE WON!
  7. Haha
    Chris reacted to Alpha in Madonna’s bloody arm in Madame X shoot   
    Nobody's gonna talk how in the booklet they literally photoshopped the same head onto two different poses? So bad. I still cant believe fans hold this awful shoot in such high regard. Klein's worst until that awful Monroe V mag shoot.
  8. Haha
    Chris reacted to Andreo in Madonna’s bloody arm in Madame X shoot   
    Not even a rotten corpse in the middle could have made this photoshoot look interesting...
  9. Haha
    Chris reacted to Medoner in Madonna’s bloody arm in Madame X shoot   
    Madame X is a secret agent, travelling around the world, changing identities, fighting enemies, bringing blood to basic pictures.
  10. Like
    Chris got a reaction from James19709 in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
    Madonna can never touch Eartha Kitt.
  11. Haha
    Chris reacted to missberic in New Theme   
    Just now finding out we can change the theme 
  12. Like
    Chris got a reaction from A. A. Aardvark in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
    i LOVE her interviews, i need to find more of them. shes one of the SMARTEST people in the business.
  13. Like
    Chris got a reaction from Aiwa08 in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
    i LOVE her interviews, i need to find more of them. shes one of the SMARTEST people in the business.
  14. Like
    Chris got a reaction from EgoRod in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
    i LOVE her interviews, i need to find more of them. shes one of the SMARTEST people in the business.
  15. Like
    Chris reacted to EgoRod in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
    If the question is shady:
    Your ignorance doesn't take away her relevance and history. It just make you ignorant.
    If the question is genuine:
    Also this interview is great :
  16. Like
    Chris reacted to Winn in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
    Queen Eartha can say whatever she wants.
  17. Like
    Chris reacted to Aiwa08 in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
    In 1986, I couldn't stop playing 'This Is My Life.' I was obsessed with the song.
  18. Thanks
    Chris reacted to EgoRod in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
  19. Thanks
    Chris reacted to EgoRod in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
    Well the song was originally performed by her and Henri René and His Orchestra in 1953. Madonna did a cover of it.
    The comment is obviously a joke. Nothing too far from Madonna's general tone and sense of humour:
    Eartha Kitt was a great woman, activist, supporter of AIDS causes, supporter of LGBTQ+ rights, vocal in political stakes (that screw so much of her career) particularly her take anti Vietnam  war.
    And a great and fun performer. Also this:

  20. Like
    Chris reacted to Starchild in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
    Do you need a tissue?
  21. Wow
    Chris reacted to Blue Skies in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
    I don't know much about Eartha's singing.  But she was in the greatest Halloween movie ever made 
  22. Like
    Chris reacted to artlover in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
    Eartha Kitt is a legend. Try some respect.
  23. Like
    Chris reacted to A. A. Aardvark in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
    "I have had the eyes of all of the world
    Not too bad for a material girl "

    Joni Mitchell thinks she's a talentless whore who's "reveling in herself".
    Doesn't everybody ?

  24. Thanks
    Chris got a reaction from Winn in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
    Madonna can never touch Eartha Kitt.
  25. Haha
    Chris got a reaction from bitchimmadonna in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
    Madonna can never touch Eartha Kitt.
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