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Unapologetic Bitches
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Shoful last won the day on April 29 2023

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  1. There was no reason for the Everybody thread to be locked. Only one or two people were being disrespectful to an artist and that was 10 pages prior and everyone clocked them for it. The rest of the thread was disappointment in the release, which what is the point of an open forum if you aren't allowed to express disappointment in how this reissue process has been handled so far. No one was being disrespectful or rude, most of it was humorous content. @Jackie

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    2. deathproof


      I definitely think we can discuss and share our opinions, disagreements, and distaste over anything that Madonna puts out in a friendly manner. That’s the point of these messages boards at the end of the day; to have a conversation. We are bound to have different opinions. That’s the beauty of the world in that not one person is alike.

      I think the bigger issue is people constantly going after each person with a negative comment. Just ignore it and move on. It disrupts the flow of the thread. You can’t negate someones negative opinion by being negative towards that person.

    3. Shoful


      @deathproof I completely agree. Everyone needs to learn how to respect other people's opinions. It's one thing if someone is just being rude and obnoxious about something, but most of the dissatisfied opinions in the thread were just expressing that dissatisfaction and not being mean. But even then some people go after someone for just expressing their opinion because they don't like it and it becomes this battle. 

      What a forum should be is, people are allowed to express whatever opinion they have as long as it is not aggressive, rude, hateful, etc. Which most were not in that thread. The 1-2 individuals who were doing it should've been clocked and the thread should've continued. I can't stand people being censored for differing opinions. 

    4. deathproof


      When it comes to racism, homophobia, body shaming, etc…, that’s where the line should be drawn. Someone not liking the cover art or release strategy, that shouldn’t be an issue.

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