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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Haha
    Shoful got a reaction from TEO in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Only posting this to show how ironic it is that Madonna collabed with him on an Anti Trump album. She should really do her research before collabing with the next big idiot especially on a political album  
    Solo version when 
  2. Like
    Shoful reacted to RUADJAI in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Also, welcome back @Boombox90
  3. Haha
    Shoful reacted to Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    What about people who have committed multiple felonies and were found liable for sexual assault? Should they go to prison or is that more TV fodder?
  4. Thanks
    Shoful reacted to RUADJAI in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    First off. You edited your post. The video was not there in your first post, and I'm not refreshing the page in anticipation for anything you are saying. 
    Second... Kamala is not "all dems". 
    Third.... If you understand the English language she said she would take the vaccine if the doctors said so. NOT if Trump said so. Why???? Because Trump was a bumbling fool suggesting unproven methods including ones that could possibly kill someone like "bleach", or injecting light in the body, or some sort of disinfectant. He was a joke. He was an incompetent "leader" during a historic crisis in this country who, at first, denied covid was even real. So yes, the answer to a HYPOTHETICAL question would someone take ANYTHING that this uneducated person suggested to you, the answer would be no. It's really not that difficult to understand.  
  5. Thanks
    Shoful reacted to Adonna in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    You're being misleading.  Watch your video again. She simply said she wasn't going to take it if JUST Donald Trump insisted she must take it.  But she DID SAY if the public health professionals and trusted doctors say if we should take it, she would be first in line.  Notice, she mentioned Dr. Fauci.  He was part of the medical team advising Trump.  It's interesting as soon as Fauci said it was okay to take the vaccine, the very people who were loyal to Trump, suddenly stop trusting Fauci.  And why was that....
    Trump wanted to make this vaccine about HIM.  The problem is, the health professionals such as Dr. Fauci stole his thunder. He didn't like that, so that is why Trump started trash talking Fauci which leads people such as yourself to believe Trump's word is gold here.  But let's remember, he was the first one in line to get the vaccine. 
  6. Like
    Shoful got a reaction from fmportela in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Right!? People were begging for vaccines to end this madness. Trump was literally one of the first people to get it. All the right “idols” got it but lied to the faces of fools who believe everything they say. 
    And if you vote for Republicans for tax cuts. Chances are you aren’t rich enough to benefit people. It legit is only for the richest people and businesses like Elon Musk 
  7. Dead
    Shoful got a reaction from Robertthenurse in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Spill . Hit her again 
  8. Like
    Shoful reacted to Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    You make too much sense.
    If Biden had been the one that had almost been killed by his own party, the Right would’ve been laughing their asses off non-stop.
    Now and only now, is this something serious.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if these were all crisis actors the way the Right said that the Sandy Hook children that were murdered were crisis actors.
    It’s ok when they do it, but not us. 🙄❄️
    Bunch of hypocrites.
  9. Thanks
    Shoful reacted to RUADJAI in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    We don't wanna murder children that's why we banned abortion. 
    Children getting shot up in schools daily....
    Oh... we can't do anything about that. We can't tell someone they can't have a gun. 
    Please, make it make sense. 
    Your justifications are as solid as a limp dick. 
    Let's not forget Mr. "Covid Is a Hoax" himself recommending and admiting to taking the vaccine. I'd love to know how you justify it in your mind when your supreme leader was advocating for people to take it and taking credit for the lives saved by people taking it. Or maybe that wasn't Trump, but a crisis actor? How far down the rabbit hole do we go to explain that?
    Oh no, I HAD to get the vaccine or I would have lost my job. OK. If you didn't get vaccines when you were 5 you wouldn't have been allowed into school. This is how a country works to look out for your neighbor. This is how science works to overcome disease and save lives. Save lives like.... your abortion ban??? That's what the abortion ban is about right? Saving lives??  Or do we only save the unborn lives and everyone else can fuck off. Where exactly is the line of which lives we fight to save? 
  10. Thanks
    Shoful reacted to RUADJAI in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    First of all, that's just bullshit.
    So is the covid vaccine a death sentence or a life saver?? You can't have it both ways. 
    Moderna Vaccine distributed December 2020. Biden takes office January 2021. So the "dems" were holding out for them 30 days. Please. Tell another one. 
  11. Haha
    Shoful reacted to Robertthenurse in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    What was fascinating were the amount of people that flooded the emergency room (where I worked) that came in droves that weren’t vaccinated seeking medical care. You’d take propofol, neuroleptics (so we can place you on a ventilator) fentanyl, labatolol, dexamethasone, ceftriaxone, salbutamol. But won’t take 1ML of a vaccine lol oh and cry that you may die. All while the Cheetoh in Cheif and literally everyone who said they didn’t get the vaccine — Got it. 
  12. Thanks
    Shoful reacted to Adonna in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    This is TOTALLY inaccurate.  It was made VERY CLEAR that by getting the vaccine DECREASED your chances of getting seriously sick. I know many Democrats/liberals who knew that.  Does that mean there weren't people who claimed it was the cure?  No, but that doesn't just only fall on the "left" as you're trying to insist.  You seem to be driven by a lot of emotion here which is clouding your memory to think rationally about the facts here. 
  13. Like
    Shoful reacted to Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Nobody ever stated that you can’t get Covid if you got the shot. 🙄
    It’s just like the flu shot. You can still catch the flu, it just lowers your risk of getting a severe case.
    Im sure you are also anti-measles, mumps and polio vaccines as well, right?
    And the Right believes that no one should have the right to get an abortion. The Left believe it is up to the person who is pregnant to decide.

    Use your common sense. This is America. We get choices. If you don’t like choices, move to a 3rd world country.
  14. Haha
    Shoful reacted to Robertthenurse in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Goddamn it Swae Lee, look at what you did. 
  15. Thanks
    Shoful reacted to Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I can’t with self-loathing gays.
    I’m done with this topic and can’t wait for Madam President Kamala Harris. 🙏🏼🇺🇸
  16. Like
    Shoful got a reaction from Madnness in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Only posting this to show how ironic it is that Madonna collabed with him on an Anti Trump album. She should really do her research before collabing with the next big idiot especially on a political album  
    Solo version when 
  17. Thanks
    Shoful got a reaction from Eder Borba in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I wonder how all you Trump sympathizers feel when his Supreme Court turns over gay marriage 
    I agree with accepting others beliefs but this is nothing like McCain v Obama. Trump is dangerous and we’re already seeing the effects after one term. We have a criminal attempting to lead the world’s most powerful nation and overthrow it
  18. Like
    Shoful got a reaction from valinecode in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I wonder how all you Trump sympathizers feel when his Supreme Court turns over gay marriage 
    I agree with accepting others beliefs but this is nothing like McCain v Obama. Trump is dangerous and we’re already seeing the effects after one term. We have a criminal attempting to lead the world’s most powerful nation and overthrow it
  19. Thanks
    Shoful reacted to Adonna in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I have friends too that are voting for him who are great people too, but the thing that boggles my mind is if they are voting on policy, what are they?  Nothing coming out of Trump's mouth is policy related. Every time he holds a rally, he's simply ridiculing, making fun of people, using a lot of hyperbole, fear mongering, and just saying over the top nonsense that doesn't even make sense. 
  20. Haha
    Shoful got a reaction from TOpher in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Madonna can search his voting history. If she knew him in 2019 she can look up his 2016 & 2018 history. Idk why him being unknown in 2016 is relevant 
  21. Like
    Shoful got a reaction from fmportela in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I wonder how all you Trump sympathizers feel when his Supreme Court turns over gay marriage 
    I agree with accepting others beliefs but this is nothing like McCain v Obama. Trump is dangerous and we’re already seeing the effects after one term. We have a criminal attempting to lead the world’s most powerful nation and overthrow it
  22. Haha
    Shoful reacted to drivebitch in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Uh huh.
  23. Haha
    Shoful got a reaction from TOpher in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I wonder how all you Trump sympathizers feel when his Supreme Court turns over gay marriage 
    I agree with accepting others beliefs but this is nothing like McCain v Obama. Trump is dangerous and we’re already seeing the effects after one term. We have a criminal attempting to lead the world’s most powerful nation and overthrow it
  24. Thanks
    Shoful reacted to Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    There’s nothing honest about JD Vance.
    just a few years ago he called Trump, Americas Hitler and said he’d never vote for him. Thankfully he cares about power more and switched his stance which is only helping the Left because he is bat shit crazy.
    Liberals believe in not telling other people how they should and shouldn’t live. 
    One side believes in the Land of the Free, the other only believes that if you agree with their beliefs (false Christianity).
    I can’t talk about that convicted felon any longer. Now that Biden stepped down, I’m seeing more hope in this country then I have in years and I’m going to bask in it.
  25. Thanks
    Shoful got a reaction from Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I mean voting records are public I believe if she really wanted to😂. And I highly doubt someone who supports him now wasn’t supporting him in 2016, he’s much more radical now than in 2016
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