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    MDNA22 reacted to Enrico in Madonna and the piano   
    How sad it is to think that you have a piano (and also a choir this time!) but you'd rather use a track. It was great to hear Rickey Pageot playing it during the backstage tour. But the sound during the concert sounded so fake. When the Batukadeiras passed next to me on the aisle they weren't singing. Bring back Patrick Leonard and Jai Winding live!
  2. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to bedtimestory in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Also after 2007 her music turned darker, more negative, more depressive...She used to be loved and respected more back in the day.
    Also I dont like her grill, and ass implants, theyre so disproportionate for her age and body,
  3. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to bedtimestory in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Madonna needs INTENSE VOCAL LESSONS, so she can learn how to use her new aged voice (which is normal and ok)
    This way, she doesnt have to relly on extreme / annoying autotune or high-pitched, fake studio vocals.
    Id love for her to make an album with minimal autotune....
  4. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to steady75 in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    I think even the most ardent defenders of Todays M would, if given the option,take a Madonna that made different choices from the Hard Candy period onwards, back tomorrow if given the chance. 

    but we are where we are. 
    it’s been a difficult decade as fans but I’m still grateful for whatever she gives us and I’m glad that she still wants to give to us, but only if it’s not damaging her in any way.
    I just don’t want the Highs and Lows of fame to consume her like it did all my other 80’s icons.
    Michael, Whitney, George and Prince better be looking down on our girl. 
  5. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to scion in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    The leaked audio of the rehearsal from Tel Aviv the day before suggests there were no technical problems... she sounded just as bad the day before. She simply wasn't in good voice. Poor, droning arrangement probably didn't help either.
    edit - why does my post need moderator approval?
  6. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to rlittler81 in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    I agree, I don't think it's that she's not behaving how someone her age is expected to, it's more a feeling of she thinks she can just behave badly because she's Madonna.
  7. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to Enrico in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    I think everyone in every field needs advice. Liz seemed to know how to deal with press and public.
    I don't like to see Madonna sabotaging herself. Surrounded by yes people who are not able to tell her that going live at midnight with people waiting for four hours is not a provocation, it's not war to patriarchy, it is just a bad behaviour.
  8. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to drivebitch in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Like I said, perhaps Liz would have been the one to check in with her and get through to her if there was an issue.  It's been reported again and again that her circle has become smaller and smaller and she's pretty isolated.  It's all Yes men surrounding her.  If there is a problem going on they'll probably never say anything to remain on the payroll.
  9. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to drivebitch in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    TBH I think this is the Madonna we would have gotten had she not moved to Britain and got married to Guy Ritchie.  I think she really tried to fit into that lifestyle but in the end it didn't work out.  Her behavior post-divorce is pretty much in line with her behavior in the early 90s.  It's messy, it's offensive, it's in your face, and she gets on people's nerves big time.  A lot of the fan base weren't around for the 80s or 90s Madonna. They came on board either around the time of Ray of Light or Music or Confessions on a Dace Floor. Not all of em, but a lot.  All this seems foreign to them but for the rest of us it's not shocking nor is it new.  Did I really think Madonna would be acting out this way in her 60s?  No. But I was more shocked in her turnaround in the late 90s, Guy Ritchie/lady of the manor reinvention.  That I wasn't expecting.  That being said, what is going on now is beyond pre-2020, post divorce.  Now it's verging on bizarre.  I hope she doesn't end up completely self-destructing like many of her peers.  Madonna is not superhuman.  She's probably in a lot of physical pain right now and lord knows what pills they probably have her on.  I hate even bringing it up - like who knows, but this is the type of stuff people can get addicted to easily and it destroyed many of the other artists of her era.  I hate even thinking it and it's not like she hasn't been doing a lot of questionable things before she injured herself, but I do wonder what state of mind she's in these days while she recovers no doubt on medication.  I know this can come across as controversial, but it is an epidemic and people end up not being able to live without it.  All it takes is one injury.  Madonna has always been hypocritical (fans expect it) but her recent statements are out of character even for her.  Again, it's bizarre.
    Perhaps I'm being melodramatic, but this is where my mind is at.  I know everyone has an opinion about her these days.
    What makes this all the more messy is that Liz Rosenberg is no longer in the picture.  She could clean up things and probably get through to her in two seconds.
  10. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to Blue Jean in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Yes she’s changed.
  11. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to scion in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    No I totally agree you're right and feel the same. She was a respected legend during the COADF era here in the UK... nowadays I don't think there is actually much respect for her. 
    It's just... for me she isn't likeable. She was likeable, but the permanently frosty bitchy attitude has killed that for me, and it seems because it's gotten worse and isn't funny anymore, the effect has rubbed off on the general public too. 
  12. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to Enrico in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    All the last interviews have been boring, same questions, she is very cold and unfriendly. The only good one was when she answered questions from her bathroom. Things definitely got worse since Liz Rosemberg left in 2015.
  13. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to scion in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    I think ten years ago she still seemed positive, witty and to an extent charming. Lately she seems overly serious in her demeanour and borderline offensive in how she speaks to people. 
    Parkinson in 05 she came across really warm, compare that to Norton in 2019.
  14. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to scion in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    'Isn't it queer? Losing my timing this late, in my career... but where are the clowns, don't bother, they're here!'
    sang Madonna four years ago... 
  15. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to steady75 in Is the Madame X tour her worst tour?   
    In truth it’s like comparing apples and oranges. Madame X wasn’t a spectacular in anyway shape or form. Seeing as it was a theatre style smaller production I actually expected a hell of a lot more in terms of stage stuff. Much more in line with cirque de soleil. 
    There were two or three cute stage effects but I felt the energy of the entire show was kind of subdued and slow. Even the uptempo numbers seemed to have a stilted energy about them. It was very Madonna in your living room. 
    A bit like Madame X there were moments of brilliance but the money shot was so often missing and things rarely climaxed. 
    but like I say you can’t really compare with the drama and production of something like MDNA. 
    I was hoping for more of a Girlie Show warmth but hey. 
    I still had a great time but I really think a Theatre tour would have been much much much more suited to a broader selection from her back catalogue. 
    Maybe the DVD will frame things differently but I don’t feel like the mood or energy or vibe changed much throughout the show.
    and I’m still pissed AF about Rescue Me being dropped. 
  16. Like
    MDNA22 got a reaction from Voguerista in Your Thoughts On "Drowned World"!   
    Its a masterpiece  - the first time I heard it was on the radio when they interviewed her for Radio 1 and was blown away and knew it would be a huge record for her as it's so credible from a songwriting and production point of view 
    I loved the performance on the Confessions tour the most 
    I think it was the perfect choice to be the opening track on the Ray of Light album
    Also the BT & Sasha remix was epic too - so good 
  17. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to steady75 in Saluting the 2010's: Madonna's 10 best songs.   
    There's no doubt that the quality of her writing, the production and vocals during the last decade fell off a cliff. Luckily she has enough star power, talent in other areas and creativity to keep fans round. Compare to the 80's 00's and 90's the teens have been an utter shit show a handfull of songs aside. 
  18. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to wtg1987 in Saluting the 2010's: Madonna's 10 best songs.   
    Artistically her weakest decade - to me she didnt work with any cutting edge producers/songwriters and bringing back the oldies like Orbit and Mirwais produced a mix-bag imo. Anyway the songs i listen to frequently in no order and ones that i just instinctively go too are:
    Falling Free, Rebel Heart, I Don't Search I Find, Queen(Random song but i love it), Some Girls, Dark Ballet, Ghosttown, Masterpiece, Future & Joan Of Arc.
  19. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to dylanlioncourt in Will Madonna Ever Have A Hit Single Again?   
    I mean she worked with Mirwais again and mostly everyone here applauded it though.
    I don't think those producers or songwriters are in the place along with Madonna to do another project unless it's to work on a boxset, anniversary edition or somehow beef up older releases and expand on them with the original collaborators. I know Patrick said he and Madonna couldn't do the same thing again and they were in different places in their lives. Not sure about Shep or the others. Orbit may get a lot of criticism but he rightfully called her out for the MDNA sessions where she didn't devote as much as she did prior. The fact she sounds best on a track she recorded with a cold says enough.
    Back to the radio talk,the best I can see happening is being tied to something huge like the Superbowl again with a deal to spin the song every hour, promotion on Spotify and other streaming services to make a considerable placing on the Hot 100 chart or some older track being in a popular show, movie or viral moment.
  20. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to Shoful in Should Tears Of A Clown Be Revived For The Next Tour?   
    Yes! I loved all the AL songs she sung. I wanna see them live
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    MDNA22 reacted to jeminifi in Should Tears Of A Clown Be Revived For The Next Tour?   
    i agree the non hits was a great concept but ... pls no
  22. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to RUADJAI in Should Tears Of A Clown Be Revived For The Next Tour?   
    yes, but only if it's rehearsed more.
    I could visibly see her thinking of her next dance move.
    and for gods sake... if you record it... don't just include Don't Tell Me and Holiday. 
    and make the jokes funnier. 
    and don't talk in that damn country accent. 
    and... never mind....just don't do it. 
  23. Like
    MDNA22 reacted to louis.exe in Should Tears Of A Clown Be Revived For The Next Tour?   
    Yes maybe not the same clown concept but I love the idea of her doing small intimate shows with non hits / album tracks
  24. Thanks
    MDNA22 got a reaction from wtg1987 in Your Thoughts On "Drowned World"!   
    Its a masterpiece  - the first time I heard it was on the radio when they interviewed her for Radio 1 and was blown away and knew it would be a huge record for her as it's so credible from a songwriting and production point of view 
    I loved the performance on the Confessions tour the most 
    I think it was the perfect choice to be the opening track on the Ray of Light album
    Also the BT & Sasha remix was epic too - so good 
  25. Like
    MDNA22 got a reaction from eXtremeOccident in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I don't care how long we wait if it's really well done . These films of her tours are such a massive part of her legacy as an artist I just hope the film does it justice 
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