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Unapologetic Bitches
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About PlayPause

  • Birthday 05/21/1975

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  • M Fan Since
    Into The Groove

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What It Feels Like For A Girl (60/89)



  1. It's not information, it's a half-assed and baseless accusation of theft.
  2. HAHAHA guys @drivebitch you've just copy-pasted this Reddit thread : Make this forum great again please, not the other way round lol.
  3. WRONG. Why are you wasting your time (and ours) on bullshit-proofing with the help of ChatGPT instead of just searching an official database? According to ASCAP :
  4. They used the same synth playing a similar groove, but it's not a sample. Just like, whenever you're playing the piano, you're not sampling Schubert or Debussy. A sample has to come from a previously available recording. If you're replaying the bit, it's not a sample.
  5. We need a snoozing emoji for such random threads 😴
  6. Wow. Respect died today. I sincerely wish someone judges your work like you do and we'll see how you react.
  7. Madonna doesn't care about her legacy *posts an old hit Madonna doesn't care for her fans *shares a fan edit 😴
  8. How do people feel like about sharing their personal data to advertise a streaming platform for free ?
  9. who fucking cares She does that because her business is based on a tiny fanbase that has to be fed a lot of new releases to keep them going. Meanwhile M's business doesn't work that way AT ALL.
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