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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Like
    Debord got a reaction from Andreo in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    And again she's not there. Please - show where she's watching closely and explain how many seconds corrupts her. Or just post another video, cos you do seem to want to keep watching the shocking footage.
  2. Like
    Debord got a reaction from 50ft Queenie in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    And can you show me where Madonna's daughter is being forced to watch this at close quarters? Madonna's daughter whom you know literally nothing about, know nothing about her understanding of sex or art or dancing or performance? Madonna's daughter who doesn't know you exist?
  3. Like
    Debord got a reaction from 50ft Queenie in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    Your absolute determination to totally misrepresent what actually happens is almost impressive.
  4. Like
    Debord got a reaction from 50ft Queenie in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    Yes, that would be exactly the same as some dancers dancing during a show. Christ, you're doing that thing of committing to your bit and working backwards from there, leaving all logic and reason behind. I'm sure this time, the 'Madonna is corrupting the kids!' discourse will prove worthwhile!
  5. Like
    Debord got a reaction from 50ft Queenie in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    It's got nothing to do with 'fandom' cos the arguments you're wheeling out are the EXACT SAME ONES used by bigots to attack drag queens and Pride parades. Do you actually know any 11 year olds? They're a lot savvier than you think. They don't need to be protected from the human body or the notion that sex exists, indeed they are already understanding these things. What matters is that they understand consent, self-respect and the difference between expression and oppression, and between artifice and reality. If you want to worry about children perhaps spend your time supporting orgs which support children who are being abused by their families or family friends, by their trusted adults, by their religious leaders, rather than wringing your hands over an enormously privileged girl who's having the time of her life on stage with her mum.
  6. Like
    Debord got a reaction from Kae-Leah Williamson in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    Someone saying there's no such thing as transphobia, drag queens are using kids for validation and gay people need to go back in the closet is not 'not being politically correct', it's being far-right and responding to that with a gloopy 'everyone is entitled to their opinion' is very silly.
  7. Thanks
    Debord got a reaction from EgoRod in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    I don't care about attempts to steer it towards civility discourse. You're suggesting that a mother is at best being reckless and irresponsible to her daughter, at worse guilty of a form of abuse. Either have the courage of your convictions and report it to the authorities, or shut up and stop using other people's children to puff yourself up.
  8. Like
    Debord got a reaction from Blue Skies in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    Indeed when she was asked about her children seeing her Sex book she said she would be perfectly happy for them to see it and she would explain what her intentions were. Treating your kids with respect and educating them is always the best path, rather than trying to insulate them from the world.
  9. Like
    Debord got a reaction from RUADJAI in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    Indeed when she was asked about her children seeing her Sex book she said she would be perfectly happy for them to see it and she would explain what her intentions were. Treating your kids with respect and educating them is always the best path, rather than trying to insulate them from the world.
  10. Like
    Debord got a reaction from Honey Little in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    Indeed when she was asked about her children seeing her Sex book she said she would be perfectly happy for them to see it and she would explain what her intentions were. Treating your kids with respect and educating them is always the best path, rather than trying to insulate them from the world.
  11. Like
    Debord got a reaction from Redha DBL in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    Haha but that's what I mean - folk having an argument or a debate isn't cancellation, even folk saying that particular views have no place in a particular platform isn't cancelling. None of us have any power to 'cancel' anyone cos the outlets for expression are so many, and none of us have any particular right to access all and every platform cos most of them are privately owned - it's the companies and the governments who can actually 'cancel' people.
  12. Like
    Debord got a reaction from mikenmark in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    I don't care about attempts to steer it towards civility discourse. You're suggesting that a mother is at best being reckless and irresponsible to her daughter, at worse guilty of a form of abuse. Either have the courage of your convictions and report it to the authorities, or shut up and stop using other people's children to puff yourself up.
  13. Like
    Debord got a reaction from mikenmark in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    Well I've asked you several times to tell me about your activism for children and you've ignored it. But you've also been asked several times why you're not reporting this to the authorities, given your deep concern. By not reporting it you're complicit, so why do you keep endlessly replying instead of alerting the authorities? Is it cos deep down you actually know that you'd be treated like a lunatic and actually treating it as child abuse wouldn't go down in the real world, as opposed to feeling good about yourself on an internet forum?
  14. Like
    Debord got a reaction from mikenmark in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    Yeah because we have functioning minds and aren't reactionary dullards who pretend that a Madonna concert is remotely an issue when it comes to child welfare. Actual child welfare issues have been pointed out to you and you've just breezed past them. The reason even our media isn't running with this isn't because they 'haven't noticed', it's because they know it's a total non-issue and would make them look utterly ridiculous.
  15. Haha
    Debord got a reaction from Andreo in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    Alas, they cannot be protected from stupid assholes.
  16. Haha
    Debord got a reaction from 50ft Queenie in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    Alas, they cannot be protected from stupid assholes.
  17. Like
    Debord got a reaction from 50ft Queenie in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    And again she's not there. Please - show where she's watching closely and explain how many seconds corrupts her. Or just post another video, cos you do seem to want to keep watching the shocking footage.
  18. Haha
    Debord got a reaction from EgoRod in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    You're back quickly! Had the Drag Queen protest already broken up?
    Your video shows that the folk at the other end of the stage keep walking around and often have their backs turned fo Madonna for the duration. You'll need to be more specific about the exact moments M's daughter is watching directly, and how many seconds it takes for her to be morally damaged. We can wait!
  19. Thanks
    Debord got a reaction from mikenmark in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    You're back quickly! Had the Drag Queen protest already broken up?
    Your video shows that the folk at the other end of the stage keep walking around and often have their backs turned fo Madonna for the duration. You'll need to be more specific about the exact moments M's daughter is watching directly, and how many seconds it takes for her to be morally damaged. We can wait!
  20. Thanks
    Debord got a reaction from NothingReallyMatters in What story is the show telling?   
    The Maluma thing was a brief appearance at someone else's show. Whereas Lucky Star at Confessions was referencing Abba and disco and her start as a dance artist connecting to her recent mammoth dance hit. Which isn't Frida Kahlo but it's also not just knocking a song out for the hell of it.
  21. Like
    Debord got a reaction from EgoRod in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    Please keep us posted on your moral crusade for kids, I look forward to hearing about your activism!
  22. Like
    Debord got a reaction from fmportela in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    As opposed to the rights concern for children, which extends as far as bleating about the harm caused by them knowing that LGBTQ people or sex exist, but not as far as ensuring they have the material means to live a healthy and secure life, that they don't face barriers in life just because of their sexual identity or gender or race, that they don't have to earn enough to live on or that they don't have to fave crippling bills just to have healthcare.
  23. Like
    Debord got a reaction from EgoRod in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    And can you show me where Madonna's daughter is being forced to watch this at close quarters? Madonna's daughter whom you know literally nothing about, know nothing about her understanding of sex or art or dancing or performance? Madonna's daughter who doesn't know you exist?
  24. Like
    Debord got a reaction from Kae-Leah Williamson in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    Oh fuck off.
  25. Like
    Debord got a reaction from EgoRod in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    You wrote that it was a case of speaking up or not "period". So I'm asking you to show me this strident and uncompromising commitment to the welfare of children. It's not a difficult request.
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