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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Haha
    Debord got a reaction from Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I can't really speak unhinged so you'll have to be clearer.
  2. Thanks
    Debord got a reaction from Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I quite literally wrote that it was "donated for free", not that it was created for free. Does not understanding something and then leaping on it as some kind of gotcha typically work out well for you? And the vaccines didn't cause inflation ffs.
  3. Thanks
    Debord got a reaction from Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    If Biden told people getting the vaccine would ensure no covid, he was wrong. But in his Presidential address speaking about vaccines, he said "the vaccines provide strong protections for the vaccinated" and "the vaccines provide very strong protection from severe illness from COVID-19".
    My point remains that it was incredibly easy to find out for ourselves. No vaccine claimed it would prevent you from ever catching covid. Where did Pfizer claim that?
  4. Thanks
    Debord got a reaction from Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Any medication is going to have a tiny number of people who experience side effects and in an extremely small number of people those will be severe. That's how medicine works. It doesn't mean there's something dodgy going on.
    And anyone who thought being vaccinated meant definitely no covid is just an idiot, cos it was extremely easy to know the truth and indeed the literature I was given with my vaccine made it clear.
    Also it wasn't a windfall for all the vaccine creators- the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, for example, was given at cost and millions of doses were donated for free to low-income countries.
  5. Like
    Debord reacted to Adonna in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Who is exactly "They"... and what "stuff" are you exactly referring to that "they" will change their minds about?
    Says the person who is regurgitating anything FOX NEWS has been spewing out to their viewers.
    Again, who is exactly "they"??  Who here ever said the vaccine was 100% effective?  Every medical trusted source I've ever heard (FROM DAY ONE) always was specific and clear that the vaccine was NEVER a 100% effective.  This is just you twisting the facts which again has been spewed from many conservatives and the likes of FOX NEWS.
  6. Like
    Debord reacted to DJ N A in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Yep. I wish there was a way to see edit history on this forum because he's done it on multiple posts.
  7. Thanks
    Debord got a reaction from DJ N A in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    To illustrate how this ridiculous person abuses editing, everything after "source" in this was added well after I replied. The hilarious thing being that it confirms what I wrote: that he's using his refusal to Google for a second as some point of victory.
    Just quite incredibly pathetic.
  8. Like
    Debord reacted to Adonna in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    You're right, he never said the exact words "bleach", but he did say 'disinfectant'. When he said that, even his own team had to go back and clean up what he said.  The point is, Trump had no idea what he was talking about.  Most people know that disinfectants are liquid cleaners. Most people associate Bleach as a STRONG disinfectant. They aren't things you would "inject" in one's body.  He said "inject" and he said "disinfectant" all in the same broken up sentence.  No competent medical professional or scientist would suggest using those two words together like that nor would they suggest "injecting" a "disinfectant" in one's body.   Chlorine, calcium and sodium hypochlorite, iodophor, phenol, ethanol, and quaternary ammonium compounds are some of the most often used chemical disinfectants.  Now if you're willing to take his advice and "inject" such compounds, then have at it, but I guarantee you, you won't be breathing much longer. The only time a medical professional would be using a "disinfectant" would be when they are cleaning their equipment or surfaces. 
  9. Haha
    Debord got a reaction from Blue Jean in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    You could just not open the thread?
  10. Like
    Debord reacted to DJ N A in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Only to be clear (cause I’m done): you edited things you originally posted to make yourself seem less insane/hypocritical after people replying to you pointed your argumentative fallacies out. But go off. Live in that reality. 
  11. Thanks
    Debord got a reaction from Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I really hope you're just deliberately trolling at this point cos Jeeeeeeeesus
  12. Thanks
    Debord got a reaction from Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    You could just not open the thread?
  13. Like
    Debord got a reaction from lennyleonard in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Of course you can. We're not toddlers in debating club, we're adults discussing real life. A business mandating behaviour which protects its employees and the public from infectious diseases is very clearly not analogous to mandating behaviour which has zero impact on other employees or customers. It's not difficult.
  14. Thanks
    Debord got a reaction from DJ N A in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Again, what impact on workplace safety does an abortion have?
  15. Like
    Debord reacted to DJ N A in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Your comment about abortion is disgusting.
    You don't have to state you're a conservative when everything you've inarticulately spewed in this thread have been conservative talking points. 
  16. Like
    Debord got a reaction from EgoRod in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Any medication is going to have a tiny number of people who experience side effects and in an extremely small number of people those will be severe. That's how medicine works. It doesn't mean there's something dodgy going on.
    And anyone who thought being vaccinated meant definitely no covid is just an idiot, cos it was extremely easy to know the truth and indeed the literature I was given with my vaccine made it clear.
    Also it wasn't a windfall for all the vaccine creators- the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, for example, was given at cost and millions of doses were donated for free to low-income countries.
  17. Haha
    Debord got a reaction from RUADJAI in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I can't really speak unhinged so you'll have to be clearer.
  18. Thanks
    Debord got a reaction from Eder Borba in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I'm not sure what that even means. Yes, everyone on planet earth is different. That doesn't mean things like homophobia, racism, misogyny aren't real, and the fact that you can inevitably find e.g. a gay person who supports a homophobic party doesn't mean that they can't be held responsible for that choice. As I say, if they want to defend it then they can try and defend it, cos we're all adults.
  19. Thanks
    Debord got a reaction from Eder Borba in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Except it's not like saying you're heterosexual, because heterosexuality is illegal nowhere in the world, people don't get fired from jobs or abused on the street for being heterosexual, no-one has to tell people they're heterosexual and worry about the reaction and so on. No political party seeks to demonise heterosexuals *specifically* and attack their rights (there are parties which seek to attack e.g. reproductive rights, but only of women, not of heterosexuals generally).
  20. Like
    Debord got a reaction from Eder Borba in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Yes, I can judge people for their political choices, cos we're not talking about someone's favourite chocolate bar but rather choices made which reflect their outlook on life and which have consequences for other people. We're all adults, critical thinking is a thing and people can defend their choices if they wish without resorting to some high school nonsense that it's mean to hold someone responsible for what they choose to do.
  21. Like
    Debord got a reaction from Eder Borba in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Anyone who justifies voting for bigoted parties because "their sexuality isn't a big part of their lives" is either extremely privileged or extremely dumb (or both).
    With regards to Swae Lee, would Madonna even have been able to know? Was he outspoken in supporting Trump previously?
  22. Thanks
    Debord got a reaction from Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Ah right, so you're deeply offended by personal attacks unless you're doing them. Spoken like a true Trump supporter!
  23. Thanks
    When i was at school I really got into David Bowie and Joni Mitchell and none of my peers were interested - it's just a fact that the vast majority of 'music fans' aren't really interested in music beyond what's popular, whatever year it is. The folk who do actually love music are the ones who always go investigating to find what's influenced the current crop and folk like that will always listen to artists like Madonna.
  24. Like
    Debord got a reaction from Blue Jean in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I do think for myself. I always read a wide range of sources. Everything I say about Trump is based on facts, and when people speak of 'opening your mind' and being 'more curious' about Trump, 99.9% of the time they're talking about embracing batshit conspiracy theories and dismissing facts about him and his record by saying things like 'mainstream media' (which in and of itself means absolutely nothing).
  25. Thanks
    Debord got a reaction from Blue Jean in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    He had spent months spreading disinformation about the election being stolen, pressurised people in positions of power to falsify results and called the rally on January 6th knowing it was the congressional vote count. He was encouraging them to "fight" or they would have "no country left' in the hours before and refused calls to speak out when it was happening. Of course he incited it.
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