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Rodrigo Olivero

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  1. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Andymad in Material Girl video available in HD!   
    This guy DEFINITELY made me gay. I bet he was wearing a crop top. And possibly a jock strap. And possibly socks rolled up to his knees with sneakers. Lord please possibly help me.

  2. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Kieran in The Sex book   
    Found it! Geez, that host IS cheesy lol... he says that M "tried to stop this broadcast, even though she herself has a problem with censorship" 

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    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Brendanlovesu1 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Can we just please like Lola for Lola and not because she's Madonna's daughter? If you're gonna comment under her page even with the best intentions, compliment her or discuss what the post is about. You don't need to be bothering her about her mom. That's why she never usually uses social media.
  4. Haha
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour DVD   
    She had to stay up until 3am because even on dvd the show started late  
  5. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Glindathegood in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I don’t want Madonna associating too closely with any Presidential Administration. I voted for Biden purely to get Trump out,  but Biden is quite conservative  to moderate and mainstream. He opposes Medicare for All. I don’t see him making any major revolutionary or radical changes. 
    I like it that she is a bit separate and does her own thing. I was drawn to her because I never fitted in anywhere. I would be disappointed if she became part of the establishment musical or political. 
    Why are some people so concerned about other people’s opinions? Why does Madonna have to be popular with the general public for us to justify being a fan?
    Why do you care if Biden or Kamala add her to their Spotify lists? Those lists are chosen by their staff and what they think will make them look good. It’s not as though they themselves actually listen to most of those artists..
    I used to work in politics. I know how phony it is and how they avoid anything controversial and appeal to the lowest common denominator. Madonna needs to stay away from the lot of them. 
  6. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Shoful in Madame X Tour DVD   
  7. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to madfan13_86 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    We all need to chill here and hope that Madonna and her team are sticking to the current rules in place for traveling. Suddenly we’ve become enraged online trolls trying to hold celebrities (including M) accountable for things most of us have no idea about.
    It’s easy to hate on the rich but, let’s ask ourselves, what do we get from doing that? Absolutely nothing. A moment of self-gratification, perhaps, nothing more. Believe me, NO ONE involved - nor Madonna, nor the respective migration authorities in Malawi or Kenya are reading your comments. She even met the President of Malawi ffs! 
    If you’re so concerned about people not following the rules, please make sure you do that yourself first and foremost. If Madonna has indeed broken any rules, believe me, we’ll hear about it. For now, don’t perpetuate the gossip and BS tabloids and Madonna haters on Twitter relish in. Stop thinking social media is everything, and maybe give her (super uber rich entitled Madonna) the benefit of the doubt. She’s doing plenty of good in Africa, I don’t believe she’s gone there to spread covid to vulnerable people.
    It’s so easy to be so judgmental behind the screen... I can’t speak for any of you but I’d rather put my energy (frustration, anger!) into something more productive than calling Madonna out on a Madonna FAN forum, or Twitter. Isn’t that one of Madonna’s main lessons for us to begin with? “Do something meaningful with your own life first, that’s how you can pay tribute to me”? (I recall she said something like that to an audience back in 2003 when promoting American Life in London, maybe it was at the HMV store mini concert she gave  — correct me if I’m wrong?)
    Anyway, hope everyone is good and safe. End of rant LOL
  8. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to star guardian in Madame X Tour DVD   
    yall for gods sake calm downnnn
    rht took forever to be released, madame x was being edited and why would she spend money on editing and shooting it for nothing?
    re-invention is another case, it happened almost 12 years ago, so much has changed since then.... lets just wait a little bit more, im sure shes planing to do something with it
  9. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to madfan13_86 in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Tbf Madonna representing the voice of “God”, or “God” even was quite the homage. I thought it was a very cool concept. 

    Overall, I also think, we, fans are probably forgetting that, at this point, Madonna really collaborates with people out of fun and/or camaraderie. There’s probably not much more to it than that. She also cannot control what those collaborators do with do with the final product —Whether they release them as singles or not, etc. 
  10. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Alm47 in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Even Madonna asked Ariana if she wanted her on the video, and she responded that having her voice would be enough for the concept.
  11. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to deathproof in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    To be fair, she seems to personally love Champagne Rose, as she’s been using the audio on various social videos since the songs release.
    And she wasn’t even featured on the album version of God is a Woman, her feature was only used in the video. That’s not something that Madonna is at fault for. 
  12. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to luckystar908 in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    You've seen the show and complained about it already a couple of weeks ago, so if you choose to go again, be happy about it or leave your seat to someone else. Enough with the self-inflicted unhappiness, just don't go if you're bored.
  13. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to aprilshack in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    It is what it is. If you choose the be completely negative about it, that’s your choice. I’m going on Sunday too with the short version. The way she was last night with her knee we may not get a show. Other people have had shows cancelled completely so we are luckier than they are if the show goes ahead.

    Am I 100% happy in getting the short show? No. But I’m not going to get angry about it. It is what it is. She could of gone fuck this shit completely from the start of this, but she has chosen to carry on. I admire her for that considering the pain she is in. Personally I think the tour should of been rescheduled months ago but that’s just my opinion. At the end of the day getting angry won’t get anyone anywhere. What has and will happen will happen. We can’t change anything about the way the shows go. Fingers crossed the rest of the shows go ahead. I promise you you will still enjoy what you see even though you feel short changed. Enjoy her while we can. She won’t be around forever. 
  14. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to RebelHeartbreak in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    Sorry, but it is definitely one of the highlights of this show. It sounds more current now than it did in 2003, and I think she loves playing it, and I loved seeing it. 
    to each their own. 
  15. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to eXtremeOccident in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    Oh, DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED. Remember the original version of the DVD sneak peek leaked on ABC? Look how much better the editing is:
    100% would have been an even better DVD edit than Confessions. I'm thoroughly convinced this was a complete Miami edit and that the original version was only Miami shots. It would have been jaw-dropping. It's hard to tell, but it sounds like a different audio edit, too.
    Why she had to piss off the crowd sufficiently that night so as to ruin the end-product, that will always remain one of the biggest Madonna mysteries... 
  16. Thanks
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Glindathegood in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    If you look on the US state department  website about travel to Malawi, it says US citizens are allowed to enter as long as they show a recent negative Covid test. They are not required to quarantine, but they must self monitor for 10 days to see if they have any symptoms. 
    People seem to want to bash Madonna without knowing any of the actual facts. 
  17. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to PaperFaces in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    But thats the thing: you DONT have proof she isnt following protocole. You saw a 45-second video of something SHE chooses to show. You think the hospital would let her in without proper procedure?
    And Yes, my friend got COVID from an asymptomatic doctor (he was in the hospital visiting his sister).
    I never called anyone illiterate. Again, you just defaulted to the worst assumption instead of really reading what I wrote.
    What you see online ISNT REAL. Life is real. Go live that instead of being outraged at a situation or people youve never met. I mean this as a general thing, not directing it specifically to you.
    No offense.
    Im not debating this anymore.
  18. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to PaperFaces in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Jesus Christ.
    Why is the default emotion "outrage". Does no one know how to think and just not automatically assume the worst.
    How do you know theyre not following guidelines? Why would they go to a children's hospital and put everyone at risk.
    Health measures are different everywhere.
    I find that some people automatically go to upset or outrage or disbelief and try to cause drama where there isnt any.
    When your default emotion is outrage (especially when you just stick to what you see ONLINE and dont have all the information), it is easy to turn to hate and distrust.
    And when we have to fall in line with YOUR level of sensitivity, we are all in deep trouble.
    Stop assuming that what you see is all there is to see.
    See, this is why it is important to read books.
    Nuance, accepting of other ideas, not jumping to conclusions, critical thinking...you all get that from reading books,
    Something people dont do much anymore.
  19. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to stevemic in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Such an interesting and lively diversity of opinions but it feels like because we're fans we should all have a stake in how she lives her life and which direction her music goes. Before you jump on me - I'm guilty of this too. She does frequently acknowledge her fans but we shouldn't feel we own her.
    It's like we're all grabbing at her pulling her in different directions. "Do this do that. Not that..."  I don't think I'd want anyone telling me I should do this or I should do that. I'd resist and do the opposite. I expect she behaves like that too. People forget she has insecurities and feelings. I often feel sorry for her despite all the wealth and privilege, I see a vulnerable person occasionally peeking through.
    I want her to be happy, healthy and hopefully release new music for decades to come. Only if she wants to though. I'll always be mesmerised by her and I'll be there following her no matter what.
    By the way - Happy New Year!
  20. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Glindathegood in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    I wouldn’t want her to sing about anal Sex which I think that is a totally made up rumor, but the Weekend would be a great match. I like their use of 80s synth pop but in a modern way. That is exactly the direction I want from her. I understand Kylie is successful in the UK but her music bores me. I don’t want Madonna to sound like her.
    I always want new music. Those kind of nostalgia acts bore me. 
  21. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Roland Barthes in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Before talking about Madonna maybe you should check her background. I know in these times of social media people are lazy to do the homework and speak before they think or know. What you want to be and know becomes the truth. Nothing wrong with that until you share something not as YOUR thought but as some truth. 
    We all love Madonna for very different things and eras. I can't understand fans who glorify the shit Evita years or MDNA when i hate them so much but i would neversayitis her worst because this is just my fucking opinion, you know. What we all have here are opinions. Based on personal taste and knowledge. My opinion is not better or worth more than yours. It is just my opinion.
    HOWEVER, You show that you know absolutely nothing about Madonna's background. At the time Madonna was a florishing artist in New York, not yet signed she was already hanging out at hip hop venues. The Roxy was just that, a hip hop club, the first one, with a rollerskating ring. She was hanging out with Bambaataa, Fab Five Freddy (accidentaly it's at one of his gigs Maripol noticed her) but she was also a regular at Negril, a small bar in the Bronx where hiphop was truly born. This is something every old school rapper have told. She was dancing with Crazy Legs and hanging out with Futura 2000, she even had a graffiti phase, Boy Toy was her tagname. She was discovered at Danceteria and music there was mostly british and new wave but her gang was hanging out there because that's where record companies scouts and art gallerists were hanging out. But their favourite club was Roxy because of HipHop and The funhouse because of the latino sound (Jellybean was the dj there) mixed with...hip hop. Sadly, AllAboutMadonna is no longer online otherwise i would have linked very early interviews from 1982/1983 where she talks about it and herfriendship with Grandmasterflash. Madonna has been listening to Hip Hop from the get go. Andshe never stopped. She favoured Public Enemy in the late 80's, you can see her train for A League Of Their Own listening to hardcore rap. Her first band signed to Maverick was Proper Ground a Los Angeles hip hop punk band. It is not something new. It is not because you hate hip hop and black people (because believe that's the subtext of everything you wrote, that's what gets out of every line you produced) that she's not allowed to like it. This is not because you don't understand hip hop that she does not, it isnot because you don't know hip hop that she does not, and it is not because you don't know Madonna that she does not know herself. 
    Feel free to listen to someone else if you like disco, every pop tart released a disco album this year. You can listen to someone that fits more with your taste. You don't share Madonna's tastes anymore, you don't have a contract with her and she does not have a contract with us. We're free to go somewhere else anytime. Hanging on like this and going on over and ovrabout what you want from her is unhealthy. And that goes for all of us. It's like a bad relationship, when you are no longer satisfied by it, it's time to move on and let go. Asking someone to be what you want them to be and how you want them to act, to please you says much more about you than about the person. You don't like that person but the idea you made your mind up about that person. 
    threads after threads here, it's toxic comments after toxic comments that say way much more about the posters who write them than about Madonna. Move on. find your pleasure and happiness somewhere else. Make your own record. Do your own thing. Let people who still enjoy what Madonna does enjoying it without raining on our parade with your bitterness.  Saying this or that is shit is incredibly agressive. Just say "i don't like it". Saying it's shit because you don't like it just shows that you have too much regards for yourself. Not only that but it saying "it's shit" ends the conversation, saying "i don't like it" can open a conversation. That's the big difference. Saying "it is shit" only brings negativity and some people will just hate you for that, it creates an hostile environment. And someone will lose their shit and it will end badly. Somebody leaving, somebody being banned and everybody will get a dose of negativity in the end. 
  22. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to realityisalways in 2021 - The Queen   
    maybe its just a personalized 2021 agenda someone gifted to her
  23. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to madfan13_86 in Stunning   
    The thing is that we all change as we age. Let's first accept that. Secondly, yes, she has decided to have a bit more control over that process, and it's totally fine. At this point, we should also learn that just as we complain about her "current" face, she surprises us, and looks stunning again... it kind of comes and goes... but since, these days, we have mostly seen her without a lot of make-up and in lounging clothes, it's probably fair to say that she will look just fine next time she comes up with a proper project (and photoshoot). Just as some have pointed out, she looked fab for the Madame X videos (particularly "Crave"), so don't worry, LOL! I attended the MTV Special where she debuted the "Medellin" video lat year and I couldn't believe how gorgeous she looked (the makeup, the legs, the hair, the BOOBS!)... We all have bad days, and she probably even takes photos right after she undergoes her filler treatments... I actually admire her "don't give an F" attitude towards what she posts on IG and instead of giving us highly curated/sanitised posts (which I know some, if not most, fans would prefer!), she opts to share a little bit of everything... Madonna lounging in her PJs, Madonna and her post-op scars, Madonna being silly around her house in an ugly grandpa sweater... I mean... that's also kind of cute. To me, it's quite clear she doesn't use IG to sell anything; unlike most celebs, wanna be celebs, influencers, etc., she just uses the platform to have fun, share random stuff, troll us, and even be stupid at times. Even when she tries to actually sell a product (MDNA Skin crap or the awful MX perfume), it really doesn't go too well... So, If all that (even seeing her without makeup and in really unflattering ways) annoys you, just don't follow her.
    Do I miss some of her previous faces/looks? Sure (1995-96/2004/2012 M in particular). But I'm actually more interested in witnessing Madonna's on-going and neverending evolution(s) as a person and artist. Even the way she alters her looks and body in the process is super enjoyable to analyse/think about. The social commentary that has developed over the last decade around her in regards to ageing, respectability, motherhood, cosmetic surgery, success, dating after 60, etc. are quite fascinating imo. The sociologist in me, I suppose! LOL
  24. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Dazedmadonna in Songs Sung Live/Songs Lip Synched (Or So I Think :O)   
    Some corrections:
    Sticky and Sweet Tour (2008/2009)
    Candy Shop (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Beat Goes On (Sung Live)
    Human Nature (Sung Live)
    Vogue (Sung Live)
    Into the Groove (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Heartbeat (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Borderline (Sung Live)
    She's Not Me (Sung Live)
    Music (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Devil Wouldn't Recognize You (Sung Live)
    Spanish Lesson (Sung Live)
    Miles Away (Sung Live)
    La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)
    You Must Love Me (Sung Live)
    4 Minutes (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Like a Payer (Sung Live)
    Ray of Light (Sung Live)
    Hung Up (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Give It 2 Me (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Candy Shop (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Beat Goes On (Sung Live)
    Human Nature (Sung Live)
    Vogue (Sung Live)
    Into the Groove (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Holiday (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)
    Dress You Up (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    She's Not Me (Sung Live)
    Music (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Devil Wouldn't Recognize You (Sung Live)
    Spanish Lesson (Sung Live)
    Miles Away (Sung Live)
    La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)
    You Must Love Me (Sung Live)
    4 Minutes (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Like a Prayer (Sung Live)
    Frozen (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)
    ​Ray of Light (Sung Live)
    Give It 2 Me (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    The MDNA Tour (2012)
    Girl Gone Wild (Lip Synched)
    Revolver (Lip Synched)
    Gang Bang (Intro Live; Rest Lip Synched; Over and Over Ending Sung Live)
    Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)
    Hung Up (Lip Synched)
    Express Yourself (Sung Live – Sometimes Lip Synched)
    Give Me All Your Luvin' (Lip Synched)
    Turn Up the Radio (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Open Your Heart (Sung Live)
    Masterpiece (Sung Live)
    Vogue (Lip Synched)
    Erotic Candy Shop (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Human Nature (Sung Live)
    Like a Virgin Waltz (Sung Live)
    Love Spent (Sung Live)
    I'm Addicted (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance; Sometimes Lip Synched)
    I'm A Sinner (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Like a Prayer (Sung Live)
    Celebration (Intro Live with Backing Track Assistance; Rest Lip Synched)

    Rebel Heart Tour (2015/2016) 
    Iconic (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Bitch I'm Madonna (Lip Synched; Yells Live – Sometimes Sung Live)
    Burning Up (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Holy Water/Vogue (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)
    Devil Pray (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Body Shop (Sung Live with Heavy Auto-Tune)
    Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)
    HeartBreakCity/LDLHAM (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Like a Virgin (Sung Live)
    Living for Love (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)
    Gypsy Medley (Sung Live)
    ​Who's That Girl (Sung Live)
    ALL Special Songs (Sung Live)
    Rebel Heart (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Music (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Candy Shop (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    Material Girl (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
    La Vie En Rose (Sung Live)
    Unapologetic Bitch (Sung Live with Very Loud Backing Track Assistance)
    Holiday (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)
  25. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Certified Fuck Up in Warning Signs: Has anyone really ever heard it?   
    The fan who listened to tracks off the RT at the COL back in the days - mentioned WS and would sell it for $35K but that could've been just messing around when describing the track... This clip was posted in Chile  

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up but who knows? Real fake? We can't tell!!! ....and rumour has it that it was gonna leak but GMAYL did instead and it all went pear shape and nothing was heard about it...
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