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Unapologetic Bitches
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Love Don't Live Here Anymore

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  1. Rupert-Madonna-Hanging-Around-His-Neck-As-Soon-As-He-Started-Getting-Attention-In-Hollywood-Everett
  2. he literally speaks about it in the interview The actor partially blamed himself for its subpar execution, as he and his writing partner rewrote the script. "I also hired John Schlesinger to be the director, which was, I think, in hindsight, where it was a mistake, because then he wanted me to stay with him and help him prepare the movie and I went off and did another job," Everett said regretfully. "That was an example of me not really following the ball exactly, because possibly I could have stayed with him during the preproduction and structured the film as I thought it should have been."
  3. If we got the ROL tour instead of the movie, we wouldn't get DWT, things turned out just fine, DWT is amazing.
  4. Saying that you never heard of Gimme Gimme Gimme until Hung Up is your personal experience and your anecdotal evidence, not a sign that it wasn't a big hit. Madonna mede the effort to secure the sample because the song was a major, instantly recognizable hit.
  5. I'm sure there's somebody out there who's never heard of Marilyn Monroe until they saw the Material Girl video... Madonna really opened the doors for her.
  6. It most probably did ruin his career. He only had one big major Hollywood film that made him (somewhat) famous and in demand in Hollywood, and this was supposed to be his next big movie. When it didn't happen, Hollywood just gave up on him. The entire thing was based on his one successful Hollywood role and the new film didn't justify the expectations. There was no reason to give him another chance is mainstream Hollywood after such a failure.
  7. Madonna thinks having a successful artist attached to the song will open new doors for her. It rarely ever works for her.
  8. Madonna's friendships with any successful star of the moment have an expiration date. And he's awful, absolutely disliked him and their hideous flop movie.
  9. yes, it is, there are regular checkups for men available, there's a nationwide campaign right now in my part of the world.
  10. of course, if you have info from a friend of the family, then it's most likely true
  11. do we have a believable source, or is this still just speculation?
  12. he didn't do anything illegal.... posting some photos without any explanation is not illegal, fans came to their own conclusions.... Sure, somebody from her team could ask him nicely, but this is not a basis for legal action.
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